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What I mean was that, it is reasonable for people to be alert on the Christian belief. | |
少數 ......... o yes , really , too 少 , hi high welcome , 很少 seeing u , My Dear Sir Paul , nice 2 c u again , cheers [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 04:47 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-21 12:25 發表 >>>> 你還是先公佈一下今天殺人股行程再說吧 sorry , My Dear Sir Nomad , couldest thou shed some light up on what's `````殺人股行程'''' ?? cheers ThANKye , pendragon | |
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-21 15:40 發表 sorry , i'm too fresh here , if u guys have some time , could any 1 please show me some examples here-about ?? cheers ThANKye | |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-2-21 16:34 發表 >>>> Oh, do you need to murder the kids, and the elderly? >>>> Good old Joshua murdered these fellow even AFTER their army is subdued. O yes , completly completely in 'the agree , + , do you also need to murder those 100.000.000% innocent cattle, sheep and donkeys. that must have been done by 'the non-devils-like devils ------>>>> Joshua + his men that must have been done by 'the devils-not-called-as-devils ------>>>> Joshua + his men that must have been done by 'the devils-hailed-as-goodmen-etc ------>>>> Joshua + his men 原帖由 dye 發表 | |
原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-21 16:36 發表 i endorse u here ;--^) | |
原帖由 Guest from 147.8.237.x 於 2008-2-21 17:08 發表 >>>>>>>>> By weakest (not dared to login as I am now in public area) hi welcome to 遊客 147.8.237.x , oNo , its My Dear Sir Weakest , long time n'o c ,;--^) >>>>>>>>> (not dared to login as I am now in public area) ThANKs 4 reminding me of this safety's approach | |
原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-21 00:36 發表 不過您見事都仲係差小小。根據 【終極真理】#2,世界共識一定唔會永遠冇意外。 而根據【終極真理】#1,在有須要及有能力及有時機嘅時候,我地都一樣係會繼續野蠻下去。 如果大家認為野蠻係唔啱,咁我地就唔好咁野蠻,來一個重新大執位,叫布殊宣佈取消美國,Caucasians全部遣返歐洲,African American遣返非洲,我地還返酒泉、敦煌俾匈奴........ 如果唔係咁,又可以調轉頭來做 -- 由聯合國議决從此取消「國家」呢樣嘢。但講明先喎,到時亦不准有「以色列」喎! | |
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-21 17:27 發表 >>>> 刀不出鞘才是劍術最高的境界 >>>> 難道連這一點也不明白嗎? my suggestion : :::::::::: your 刀 being 出鞘 , ecspecially @ here , 才是 [[your]]劍術 最高的境界 , cause : ::::: i have been blinded by the glaring brightness unleashed by your 刀 , which is being 出鞘 @ here ;;--^) cheers , pendragon , yours humbly standing here by your side , p.s. : :::::::::: too many other good phrases from u , to b quoted all here [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 05:00 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-21 14:14 發表 according my own : :::::::::: each of your ,,,,,七宗罪'''' must b able to b included in My Fair Lady 小妹's list , expecially your ,,,,,色欲'''' , that's exActly the ground out of which i attended the churches , but , i dont think My Fair Lady 小妹 would dare to take in any 1 of your ,,,,,七宗罪'''' , ecspecially your ,,,,,色欲'''' ,;;--^)), even though she would know those'r the truths , by 'the way , she may even probably not have enough life's experiences to ......... [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 05:56 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-21 17:21 發表 hi high greeting good morning My Dear Sir M2 , please let me pre-declare very clearly , a yiddish tradition ;;--^) even/////although////allthough your ideas dont meet my smatch , even/////although////allthough you be a devout Christian , but , i couldnt care i.e. i dont care at all ;;--^) whether u'r a Christian or not , since u'r the 少數 种族 here , u + My Fair Lady 小妹 + My Dear Sir Paul e.t.c. have won automaticcally all my due respects here , , cheers ThANKye , pendragon >>>> 原帖由 Paul_Bard 於 2008-2-21 11:25 發表 >>>> To 小妹 : M2和我是這裡少數基督徒~ >>>> >>>> To M2 : 很少這麼齊人, 來揍揍熱鬧先~ [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 06:33 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 03:36 發表 新儒家運動早在90年代被批評為盲目排外 而佛教,其實基督教對佛教的誣蔑大概是普遍得我不用數,多數上過教會學校的人都聽過才對 - 由佛教拜菩薩佛像為神,到被指是虛無主義(既然一切成空,則道德亦不存在),一些索性指信佛教的都是自私鬼(靠自己,修來修去都是罪) 然後直到現在,看到有佛教的人用汽車,上網,用手提電話,就興高采烈地聲稱他們其實都依戀世間事物。 最可憐的是,人家慈濟基金會拿自己的捐獻開學校,賑災,推行環保,既不要求受惠者昄依,也不參與政治活動 卻永遠被一群天天上街遊行,然後拿政府錢做聲稱慈善和辦學(而辦學的Qualification和手法總是下三流的),卻每次都要人點頭信教才會派奶粉的教會評擊為偽善。 | |
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 04:57 發表 這句不是指言語上的事啦 刀是指真正的刀 雖然不敢說自己是劍手,但小弟都是練劍道的 這也不過是閒時的胡言亂語而已(笑) | |
首先,佢個topic唔係judge耶教/老耶穌哥既真偽. 而係點解兩千年來耶教都重可以存在.佢用"屹立"其實係一個褒詞,會令人聯想"不倒",可能係佢既耶徒身份要咁講掛.用"存在"可能會好少少.因為宗教既存在既得益者,只係某一部份既教眾同跟住教會搵食既人,對於無乜同教會來往既人,教會只係社會上其中一個組織.對人而言一個組織做咗好事但又有做壞事既,我頂到盡只可以將其性質定為中性/具爭議性.但就斷可以將佢定性做"好"或者"傾向好"果一方面. 而佢提出既呢一個post另一個tricky之處,就係佢開宗明義話最好只針對耶教而論.但試問一個係社會存在既組織,可唔可以就只係講佢內部有幾好就可以解構到點解佢可以存在咁耐?我自己就覺得唔得囉.就好似好多人都知共產主義有幾好一樣,但亦有太多外在環境因素決定咗共產主義係實行同存在係具有難以解決既問題既, 但如果佢係有心咁set一個咁既topic,從而得到一d論據去反駁/反映事實既話,我係佢我會覺得不得要領囉.因為個問題set得狹義咗,但講緊既係一樣好大材料好豐富既野,係無可能三言兩語得到一個係人都駁唔返既論據既. 但當然,呢個topic既最後一destination係耶教奉緊既唔係"真理".只要係yes,咁就可以推返所有離教者既論據,但如果係no,即係耶教可以收皮. 妹妹仔係有心討論既,可能佢未handle好自己想問乜或者自己問呢個topid有乜目的啫. | |
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-22 03:10 發表 這個倫理股市的形容早在舊版已經這樣用 指基督教根本沒有固定的倫理體系,「耶和華」(而其地上代表只有教會)哪天說殺某人是對,大家就必須殺掉某人,反之亦然 就跟只憑著各種的消息就大升大跌的股市一樣 | |
原帖由 Guest from 147.8.237.x 於 2008-2-21 17:43 發表 You're right to point out that it is not possible to distinguish the "real" from the "unreal" christians. The judge would only be made in the end of the world. Jesus has explained the fact quite clearly in the parable of the tares (Matthew 13:36-43). Christian belief is a personal relationship with God. If one's belief is based on his or her teacher, that will surely fail. How about if one's teacher is an "unreal" christian? Let's see what Jesus said to his disciples: Matthew 23:1-3 Then Jesus spoke to the crowds and to His disciples, saying: "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds; for they say things and do not do them. Jesus asked his disciples to do and observe what the scribes and the Pharisees said. These two groups of people are not even Christians. So if the teaching is good. It's good even if the teacher is not good. However, do not follow the one who does bad. | |
原帖由 Guest from 147.8.237.x 於 2008-2-21 17:43 發表 I won't say it's "unfortunate" because the degeneracy of real and fake Christians is a logical consequence of the Divine Command Theory which necessarily results in degeneracy of truth value of any ethical statements. | |
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咁多人入咗你地個教之後,攞住老耶個名又玩細路又殺人又呃錢又盛.就算無話大奸大惡,做到包容呢一點都唔多啦.當唔當到天主教係弟兄呀?天主教果班呢?又有無話因為個學生信基督教而無將佢入學資格擺得同信天主教既咁高呀? 有無邊個無因為自己係耶徒既身份無驕傲過呀?有無因為阿邊個唔係信埋同你同一個宗派就話人教義有問題咁呀?個心有無諗過呀? 有無邊個係信咗老耶之後無妒忌過其他人,講過唔應該又或者聽番黎既消息出街呀?工作上家庭上朋友間有無分化過其他人咁呀? 有無邊個係信咗老耶之後無發過火呀?細路唔聽話伙夥唔聽話老婆老公唔聽話股樓金馬狗唔聽話有無又怨蒼天鬧祖先咁呀? 有無邊個係信咗老耶之後無懶過呀?有無為咗星期六日去玩樂而唔返團契唔返禮拜呀?有無去超過七日既旅行呀? 有無邊個係信咗老耶之後無買過股票無炒過樓無買過六合彩無搏命爭取更好既生活條件呀?強積金買進取型既都唔得果喎.有無貪戀過更多安全感而係咁儲錢而無攞去幫有需要既人呀? 有無邊個係信咗老耶之後無貪食過呀?享受都算喎.出街食飯有無落過order呀?定係等個待應俾乜你食就食乜呀? 有無邊個係信咗老耶之後無昅過d大大張係地鐵既瘦身廣告呀?有無覺得d耶徒女星性感得黎好健康呀?有無行過女裝內衣部既時候有尶介既感覺呀?有無試過去睇戲有情慾片段後就對心儀既女孩子有奇妙既諗法呀? 老耶俾機會你地禱告告解懺悔,係俾機會你地唔好再犯改過,但有邊個真係以後都無犯吖?時間唔夠?一日唔夠ok,一個月好未?唔得?fine,一年啦?重未得呀?一生吧啦... 人係無疑係好軟弱,但軟弱到"認錯就異常積極,改進就無能為力"既.咁就真係"士碌架",無得救. | |
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-22 12:06 發表 ThANKs4reminding , i have also gotten some similar winds here-about , >>>>然後直到現在,看到有佛教的人用汽車,上網,用手提電話,就興高采烈地聲稱他們其實都依戀世間事物 some block-heads may have had their heads blocked by their religion , if ..... there b a monk eye-witnessing a wildfire in a nearby country-side , e.t.c. , + , if ..... he not possess a 手提電話 @ this time , then .... how could he dial up 999 ????????? this example is so simple for even a little kid , but , those block-heads ..... [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-23 06:35 編輯 ] |
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