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沙文 2011/8/28 23:40
回復 301# beebeechan

beebeechan 2011/8/29 02:25
回復  beebeechan

沙文 發表於 2011/8/28 23:40

係咪收公價 50 舍客勒銀子?
沙文 2011/8/29 15:14
回復 303# beebeechan


1Pe 2:13 你們要為主的緣故,服從人立的一切制度:或是服從帝王為最高的元首,
抽刀斷水 2011/9/15 00:19
來源: 網上唐人街 文章分類: 澳洲新聞


阿得萊德大主教之管區懇求獨立參議員Nick Xenophon不要公開這名神父的名字,如果教會不在今天開除他。

該名神父是三名被指五十年前強姦阿得萊德聖公會大主教John Hepworth的神父之一。

參議員Nick Xenophon昨晚要脅把這名神父的名字公開,除非他在今天中午被開除。

這名南澳的參議員還要求開除新任的聯邦精神健康組織主管Monsignor David Cappo,因為他在2007沒有及時處理大主教John Hepworth的投訴。

一名阿得萊德大主教之管區發言人今天指教會懇求參議員Xenophon不要公開這名神父的名字。她指大主教管區已去信參議員Xenophon,表示願意盡快派出法律顧問向他簡報 。

大主教Hepworth表示對事情的發展非常痛心。他透露於2007年告訴阿得萊德大主教管區,包括大主教Philip Wilson、天主教教區代理主教和即將離職的社會包容專員David Cappo,他曾多次被三名人士性侵,其中二人已去世。

參議員Xenophon昨晚指出:「大主教Hepworth在十二年間多次被強姦,第一次發生時他只有15歲。雖然在2007年獲知事件及在2008年三月收到一份長達六頁的詳細東陳述書,David Cappo在今年告訴John Hepworth,調查仍然在初期階段。很明顯,南澳天主教會對此事件並不重視,給John Hepworth帶來更多的痛苦。」



http://www.chinatown.com.au/aust ... 6461&category=8
沙文 2011/9/16 08:50

Brazil charges church leaders with embezzling millions from poor
Three leaders of Universal Church of the Kingdom of God accused of laundering cash through offshore bank accounts

Three leading members of one of Brazil's most powerful churches have been accused of laundering millions in church donations and using worshippers' money for personal gain.

The charges, unveiled on Monday by São Paulo's public prosecutor, relate to 404m reals (£150m) allegedly obtained from mostly impoverished churchgoers by leaders at Brazil's Universal Church of the Kingdom of God.

The money was subsequently channelled out of the country via a network of offshore bank accounts and money changers, federal prosecutors claimed.

Among those charged is Bishop Edir Macedo, a controversial televangelist who founded the church in 1977, and his financial director, Alba Maria Silva da Costa.

Luís Martins de Oliveira, the prosecutor behind the case, claimed followers were tricked into handing over money to the church through "false promises and threats that spiritual and economic assistance would only be bestowed upon those who made financial sacrifices for the church".

Prosecutors claim that although the church claimed to have received around £1.85bn in donations between 2003 and 2006, the actual sum could be much higher.

The charges also allege the church opened two offshore accounts in the early 1990s, in the Cayman Islands and in Jersey, to move donations out of the country.

The Universal Church was founded in northern Rio and today claims a worldwide congregation of 8 million followers.

Church leaders promote "prosperity theology" – through which committed believers are told their faith and regular, generations donations can help them achieve material wealth.

But corruption scandals, including claims that donations were used to buy luxury goods and property, have earned the church many critics.

The church's preachers are also notorious for their open hostility towards Brazil's gay community and African-Brazilian religions.

But Macedo's church also boasts huge support and packed pews have brought incredible wealth.

The church owns one of Brazil's top media outlets and "temples" in Europe, the US, Africa and Asia.

The bishop's blog is written in English, French and Spanish as well as his native Portuguese. With an estimated personal fortune of at least £1.3bn, Macedo leads the charge in promoting "prosperity theology".

Earlier this month, he directed blog readers to an interview with "the US's first billionaire" – oil tycoon John D Rockefeller.

In the blog post, Macedo pointed out that when Rockefeller died in 1937 he had accrued a fortune equivalent to 12 times that of the Microsoft founder, Bill Gates. Rockefeller had also been a generous contributor to his church, Macedo noted.

The church is currently splashing out on a replica of Solomon's Temple in São Paulo that will cost an estimated £130m.

The "mega-church" will have space for 10,000 worshippers and will house a replica of the Ark of the Covenant.

In a statement, the Universal Church rejected Monday's accusations.

"We cannot talk about something we know nothing about," the statement said.

"But from what we can tell through the media, these are the same old accusations … that have always been shown to be untrue."

http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/ ... zling-millions-poor
抽刀斷水 2011/9/16 17:25
沙文 發表於 2011/9/16 08:50

沙文 2011/9/17 07:01
回復 307# 抽刀斷水


beebeechan 2011/9/17 08:15
抽刀斷水 發表於 2011/9/16 17:25

教會在50年代己經派白粉, 你老荳都係食白粉大
沙文 2011/9/17 08:26
回復 309# beebeechan

沙文 2011/9/17 20:02
魁省神父承認 性虐待13名男童

但受害者並未為神父拉沃伊(Rev. Raymond-Marie Lavoie)的悔罪態度所動。1名受害者雙目緊盯拉沃伊,然後說道,拉沃伊及其他涉案神父「摧毀兒童身心」,應「下地獄。」
檢方律師雷歐克斯(Carmen Rioux)表示,拉沃伊最高可獲10年刑期。
性虐待受害者倡權人士則表示,再長刑期都不足夠。L'Association des Victimes de Pretres負責人碧達(France Bedard)指出,從以往經歷來看,這類刑期過於短暫。碧達說:應當修訂《刑法》。她還說,並不明白為何天主教會還在等待,不開始賠償受害者。
http://news.singtao.ca/vancouver ... 462931d3297960.html
沙文 2011/9/21 13:55
父母同意牧師性侵女兒 更允許子女亂倫
2011年09月20日20:16 蘋果即時   

56歲的傑瑞與36歲的克莉斯汀娜(Jerry and Christina Ham)有三個孩子,大女兒12歲,大兒子也是12歲,小兒子8歲。傑瑞夫婦多次邀請一位68歲的牧師馬丁(Larry Gene Martin)到家中作客,並且允許金因在家中多次性侵自己的大女兒。

http://tw.nextmedia.com/rnews/ar ... 68/IssueID/20110920
咦,又係「宗教因素」喳,冇話係christianity, jimmy哥今次唔會又爭住認、又話打官司啦卦?睇流年個陣先生確係話我今年會犯小人惹官非,唔通就係呢單?
ali 2011/9/21 21:57

沙文 2011/9/26 05:59
回復 313# ali


神父以看吉他为名将青年引至住处性侵(09-23 15:26)
据680News消息,遭咸美顿神父性侵的18岁男子上周日作为乐队成员之一在咸美顿St. Mary's Catholic Church教堂演出,神父以邀请青年去看自己的一把吉他为名,将他引至住处,之后对其性侵

抽刀斷水 2011/9/26 13:24
回復 314# 沙文

沙文 2011/9/26 18:58
回復 315# 抽刀斷水


煩帝肛的Department of 遺憾可能係最忙碌的部門

A Hamilton Catholic priest has been charged with sexual assault.
Father Jose Silva, 34, a popular parish priest at St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church on Park Street North for the past two years, was arrested by Hamilton police Thursday afternoon.
Silva, who appeared in Hamilton court for a bail hearing Friday morning, is charged with sexual assault following a complaint about an incident during a festival held in the church courtyard Sept. 18.
He was released on a surety and will return to court Oct. 13.
Sergeant Terri-Lynn Collings said the investigation and arrest followed a complaint by an 18-year-old youth playing in a band booked at a festival in the church courtyard. At about 6:30 p.m., while the band was on a break, Collings said a priest struck up a conversation about him playing guitar. The young man was invited to the priest's residence on the parish property, to see a guitar.
“Out of respect, the man went with the priest,” Collings said. “While he was with the priest, it is alleged he was sexually assaulted.”
Collings said the young man was able to leave unharmed and immediately called police.
Silva was arrested while on duty, but away from the church.
Collings said police are not aware of any other complaints, but the incident is still under investigation.
José Gildásico de Sousa Silva, a native of Brazil, has worked in Hamilton since October 2009. He was ordained on Feb. 8, 2003.
The Diocese of Hamilton is “shocked and distressed,” to learn of the arrest, said Monsignor Vincent Kerr, chancellor of the diocese.
“He is a young, popular and enthusiastic priest who has come to us from Brazil to serve the needs of the Portuguese-speaking community in the City of Hamilton,” Kerr said in a statement. Silva came to Hamilton with “appropriate recommendations” from his Brazilian bishop and “there have been only compliments about the quality of his work during his time with us.”http://www.thespec.com/news/crime/article/599050--city-priest-faces-sex-assault-charge
beebeechan 2011/9/27 08:50
你這種未開庭便定罪的精神, 比性侵更恐佈。
沙文 2011/9/27 11:09
回復 317# beebeechan

我話「可能同基督教傳统有關」咖。即如Jim哥哥 opening guess啫
沙文 2011/10/4 12:48
您教會的牧師都有可能係一位 fugitive。您有冇起過佢底呀?

扶贫储金会法人代表携款85万潜逃10年做牧师2011年09月27日 14:42
来源:南方都市报         作者:祝勇 字号:T|T0人参与0条评论打印转发
南都讯 记者祝勇 实习生覃剑 她教教友唱歌跳舞,她在广东省惠东县稔山、巽寮、平海等8个镇的教堂担任牧师10年,但她同时也是一名在逃嫌犯。今年8月3日,河南省湛南救灾扶贫储金会原理事长孙海燕潜逃十多年,终于被河南和广东警方在惠东抓获。一名在逃嫌犯如何向他人传经讲道?据河南警方介绍,神学院毕业的孙海燕只能选择牧师这个职业,她的内心也经历了十多年的煎熬。




























沙文 2011/10/9 21:18
Priest pleads guilty to stealing from parish

Published: Sunday, October 9, 2011 1:29 AM MDT
LAS VEGAS (AP) — A Roman Catholic priest who headed one of the largest church congregations in Nevada pleaded guilty Friday to federal fraud charges and admitted siphoning $650,000 from his parish gift shop, votive candle collection, prayer funds and bank accounts, authorities said.

Monsignor Kevin McAuliffe pleaded guilty Friday in U.S. District Court in Las Vegas to three mail fraud charges, U.S. Attorney Daniel Bogden said.

McAuliffe, 58, headed St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Summerlin and served on the Las Vegas Diocese financial committee from 2006 to 2010. He admitted in a plea memorandum that he took the money from 2002 to 2010, Bogden said in a statement.

He could face up to 60 years in prison and a $750,000 fine at sentencing Jan. 6 before U.S. District Judge James Mahan, Bogden said.

The diocese said McAuliffe had been removed as pastor of the church in northwest Las Vegas and relieved of Diocese duties.

“The diocese and parish have been cooperating fully with federal authorities,” diocese Bishop Joseph Pepe said in a statement.

Pepe, head of the regional church administration since 2001, said church administrators were “fully engaged in the handling of this matter internally.”

The accounting firm Bradshaw Smith was hired to conduct a forensic financial audit after the FBI notified church officials of the investigation in June, diocese spokeswoman Rachel Wilkinson said.

Wilkinson said the allegations involved the parish only and not accounts belonging to the diocese.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported in June that McAuliffe, who was at the church since 1997, had been placed on leave as head of the 7,000-family congregation while an “allegation of a financial nature” was investigated.

In September, the Rev. James Jankowski, interim pastor of the church, published a plea in the church newsletter for parishioners to be patient.

Bogden said McAuliffe held a key position of financial responsibility at the parish, with access to church cash and bank accounts, and the authority to reimburse himself for items charged to his personal credit card.

The monsignor admitted “taking cash from the gift shop, the votive candle collection, the missions and novenas fund and the general bank account,” Bogden said, and hid the moves by underreporting parish income to the diocese.

McAuliffe also served on the Las Vegas Diocese financial committee and was a signatory to 2008, 2009 and 2010 financial statements sent to the Catholic Archdiocese in San Francisco, Bodgen said.

Friday’s plea agreement came before an indictment was filed, and a record of the case was not immediately posted on the court’s online record-keeping system.
http://www.mohavedailynews.com/a ... f04741008437636.txt
沙文 2011/10/17 02:47
涉隱匿屬下孌童 密州主教被控

2011.10.15 08:11 pm

密蘇里州堪薩斯市的聖約瑟天主教區和主教芬恩(Robert Finn)因為沒向警方報告一名神職人員的電腦中發現色情圖片,而於14日被控罪,芬恩對這項輕罪指控不認罪。這名神職人員面臨數項兒童色情虐待指控。







【2011/10/15 世界日報】

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