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原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-20 17:37 發表 >>>> 六行三保都處於下降軌,忍手為妙。 ... o yes , currently more so true , 2day[[[[[21-january-2008]]]] , they lost 7 - 10 % in a day , [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-22 05:18 編輯 ] | |||||||
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-21 23:53 發表 previously , i didnt think that 老太婆 would 跌穿100, by 'the way , there have always been being so many blood-flesh-GreatWalls building up themselves automaticcally , but , now ......... cheers , My Dear Sir Uncle B [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-22 05:17 編輯 ] | |||||||
(時富研究分析) 抽按:希望各位在大海上浮沉掙扎求生的朋友,好好保重身體!~ 昨日鵝肝魚子醬 今日渣刀走去搶 | |||||||
我十六歲投身賭海時,師博教了我這六字真言。 各位撫心自問,如果你在今天因股市急跌而感覺心灰,驚恐的話, 我規勸你以後不要沾手任何與博彩有關的事情。這不是你杯茶。 個人認為恒指調整未完,維持老太婆要穿百元大關的看法,如今晚美國無利好消息,小弟明日有機會開香檳了。 | |||||||
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-22 15:39 發表 恆指將再下試250天線約23,500水平。250天線被喻為是牛熊分界線,若恆指處於這水平之下運行,即表示香港經濟正在衰退周期。過去十多年,港股只有97金融風暴及沙士曾跌破250天線,因此市場對香港經濟前景的看法,是後市能否穩住250天線的最大關鍵。 >>>>>>>>> 250天線約23,500水平 2day , closing bell : ::::: 恒指: 21,757.631 -2061.23 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-22 17:00 編輯 ] | |||||||
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-22 16:57 發表 老太 closing bell 2day : ::::: http://hk.finance.yahoo.com/q?s=0005.HK >>>> 最新價 104.400 >>>> 9.20 (8.10%) | |||||||
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-22 16:57 發表 “怕輸就吾好賭” >>>> 維持老太婆要穿百元大關的看法,如今晚美國無利好消息,小弟明日有機會開香檳 ------------------------------------------------------ .1. ThANKs2 My Dear Sir Uncle B , i do have changed my view n anticipated 老太婆 may c[[=see]] 1xx sooner or later , but , but , i do have not expected just so soon , too soon ------------------------------------------------------ .2. the closer its approaching 'the lunar new year , the higher the possibilities some ,,,,,high-men'''' from the tip-top ,,,,,managements'''' may come out n buy up the markets , i.e. : ::::: to support 'the markets , i.e. : ::::: window-dressing , ------------------------------------------------------ so , >>>> 維持老太婆要穿百元大關的看法,如今晚美國無利好消息,小弟明日有機會開香檳 , so , My Dear Sir Uncle B , your own 香檳 .... may not b so safe , d'u need me 2 buy u some 香檳 ?? ------------------------------------------------------ note !!!!!!!!! i do not own any stock currently , i have sold them all very early ------------------------------------------------------ p.s. : ::::: Caveat[[[[[Care-or-takeCare]]]] emptor[[[[[buyer]] !!!! i do n'o[[no]] any promise , i do n'o[[no]] any guarantee , i do n'o[[no]] any official , all just my own guestimation ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-22 17:17 編輯 ] | |||||||
政府應效法五六十年代中央政府做法,封鎖外國新聞流入本港,特別是美帝方面的財經新聞,轉而由人民日報统一報導權。獨家辦理一切外電股市消息,到時我地鐘意美股升就升,升完又大升,大升完又小升,小升完又大升,恒指不難於農曆年前見七萬二千點的。 越來越發覺自已聰明過人 | |||||||
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天要下雨,娘要嫁人,股市升完要跌,經濟循環興衰,本屬世間平常事。 可恨美帝突然減息,氣死我,氣死我!明天跌不不去了。 | |||||||
i bet 2morrow may//must go north , i.e. , up , possibly expecially b4 農曆年前 , so-called new-year-rally [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-23 00:41 編輯 ] | |||||||
美帝經濟五勞七傷,減息只會將災難推遲,是解决不了基本問題的。 股市有人買升,有人買跌,突然減息托市,等於幫助做錯决定的投資者,而去罰做對决定的投資者,這叫倒行逆施,美帝末日不遠了。 [ 本帖最後由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-23 01:07 編輯 ] | |||||||
原帖由 訪客得得b 於 2008-1-23 00:59 發表 >>>> 突然減息托市,等於幫助做錯决定的投資者,而去罰做對决定的投資者 just only a simple sentence , less than 30 words ..... but .... better than my tons of papers in expressin' 'the same meaning >>>> 突然減息托市,等於幫助做錯决定的投資者,而去罰做對决定的投資者 o yes , it make those big funds or banks including even citi to become more-n-more relying on federal reserve , rather than 做對决定 , or , rather than being responsible for their own 决定 , that's an other black-hole-like-problem |
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