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——《九評》編輯部 目錄 序言 第一章 中心之國 神傳文化 1. 中心之國 2. 神傳文化 3. 千秋格局 4. 有容乃大 5. 歷劫不滅 結語 第二章 紅魔陰謀 毀滅人類 1. 不為人知的馬克思──信仰邪教 2. 邪靈毀滅人類的路線圖 3. 中共──萬變不離其邪 1)前後三十年 一脈相承 2)破壞文化 敗壞道德 一以貫之 4. 先給人點甜頭,再讓人吃盡苦頭 5. 「受苦的還是工人和農民」所揭示的祕密 6. 共產主義的終極目的:毀滅人類 第三章 暴力殺戮 惡貫穹宇 引言:共產邪靈一路殺 1. 蘇俄預演 2. 中共登台 3. 屠殺精英 1)鄉村與城市中的屠殺 2)剿滅宗教,割斷與傳統信仰的聯繫 3)思想改造,無神論占據學校 4)鎮壓知識分子,強迫全民說假話 5)將人改造為「非人」 4. 破壞自然 5. 毀滅文化 1)毀物質載體 2)壞精神支柱 1 6. 邪惡之最 1)迫害法輪功 2)活摘法輪大法修煉者器官 結語 第四章 共產邪靈 毀人不倦 引言 1. 共產黨帶頭反神、罵祖宗 1)共產黨帶頭反神 2)共產黨帶頭罵祖宗,詆毀傳統文化 3)被洗腦的人攻擊傳統文化 2. 強力洗腦,顛倒善惡 1)以「革命」冒充「天命」 2)黨定道德 以惡為「善」 3)殺人不見血的思想改造運動 4)人倫浩劫 全民遭殃 3.「恢復傳統」,柔性洗腦 1)沒有對破壞過程來個 「逆操作」,奢談「恢復」 2)中共恢復的儒家文化——離開了水的死魚 3)穿古裝演古人毀文化 4)最大的亂象——黨的領導 4. 堵死天堂路,打開地獄門 1)壞人捧到九天之上,好人踩到九地之下 2)鼓吹唯物主義,鼓勵性解放和一切變異現象 3)通過教育系統性給青少年洗腦 結語 第五章 邪靈篡位 文化淪喪 1. 偷天換日,篡上神位 1)中共篡上神位 2)毀滅通天的中華文化 3)敬神祭天的生活方式被剷除 4)建立黨文化的魔教場 2. 神傳語言文字與殘體漢字 1)神傳文字,蘊藏天機 2)中華語言,充滿神性 3)中共破壞神傳文字 3. 中共對修煉文化的破壞 1)傳統文化中的修煉文化 2)中共如何破壞修煉文化 4. 富而有德 修內而安外 5. 人倫典範與抑正崇邪 6. 傳統藝術頌神 邪黨藝術頌魔 7. 中共對抗普世價值——「真、善、忍」 1)普世價值打破「無神論」禁區 2)中共邪教和江澤民相互利用,挑戰普世價值 3)用「慾望」代替普世價值 4)共產邪靈對正信的迫害註定失敗 結語 第六章 以「恨」立國 國已不國 引言:以「恨」立國的共產黨 1. 超級邪惡放大器 2. 中共把人變成非人 1)思想 2)語言 3)行為低下 4)人像怪物,不像人樣 3. 中共國幾成狼世界 1)為老不尊 2)奸猾早熟的孩子 3)兩性道德崩潰 4)各行各業全面墮落 5)周期性的集體腦殘 4、末世景觀 1)糞坑文化 2)行屍走肉 3)末日心態 4)無緣得度 結語 | |
煽动滥杀[无辜]之邪教......任何正义政府都一定好好管理. LEEFENG兄- 【a虫蛀- ‘天主’基督吩咐于 ‘圣经’以賽亞書Isaiah......基督天主教稱之為《依撒意亞先知書》】賽 13:16 他 們 的 嬰 孩 、 必 在 他 們 眼 前 摔 碎 . 他 們 的 房 屋 、 必 被 搶 奪 . 他 們 的 妻 子 、 必 被 玷 污 。https://truthbible.net/online-bible-chi-Isaiah.shtml | |
谢谢通知,令寄生虫,恍然大悟,茅塞顿开,对这些不是基督教媒体之基督教"良心"媒体会刮目相看,谢谢. | |
《九評》編輯部:魔鬼在統治著我們的世界。(大紀元製圖) 更新 2018-06-07 11:34 PM 人氣 66369 標籤: 《九評》編輯部, 共產主義, 魔鬼在統治我們的世界 【大紀元2018年06月07日訊】應讀者要求,《九評》編輯部現公布《魔鬼在統治著我們的世界》全書目錄。為方便讀者閱覽,我們在目錄中加入已發表各章的超鏈接,讀者點擊各章標題即可進入文章閱讀。 《九評》編輯部 2018年6月7日 ***** 魔鬼在統治著我們的世界 ──共產黨的幽靈並沒有隨著東歐共產黨的解體而消失 前言 緒論:魔鬼在統治著我們的世界 第一章 共產主義魔鬼毀滅人類大勢鳥瞰──魔鬼毀人之三十六計 第二章 歐洲發端 第三章 東方殺戮 第四章 輸出革命 第五章 滲透西方(上)、(下) 第六章 信仰篇:魔鬼讓人反神排神 第七章 家庭篇:魔鬼在毀掉我們的家庭(上)、(下) 第八章 政治篇:魔鬼在禍亂我們的國家(上)、(下) 第九章 經濟篇:魔鬼的誘餌(上)、(下) 第十章 法律篇:魔鬼將邪惡合法化和常態化 第十一章 藝術篇:從讚美神到褻瀆神 第十二章 教育篇:魔鬼在毀掉我們的後代和未來(上)、(下) 第十三章 媒體篇:魔鬼把媒體變成謊言集散地和魔性信息通道 第十四章 大眾文化與社會生活篇 第十五章 恐怖主義的共產主義根源 第十六章 環保主義背後的共產主義推手(上)、(下) 第十七章 全球化背後的共產主義黑手 第十八章 魔鬼安排下中共的全球野心(上)、(下) 結束語 | |
Author: Editorial Board of "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" (Author) 4.7 Stars,Highest 5 Stars 93 Scores Kindle US$8.99 Audible US$0.00 Paperback US$9.69 Complete with Volumes 1, 2, and 3 of "How The Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World" Communism is neither a trend of thought, nor a doctrine, nor a failed attempt at a new way of ordering human affairs. Instead, it should be understood as a devil — an evil specter forged by hate, degeneracy, and other elemental forces in the universe. THOUGH THE COMMUNIST REGIMES of Eastern Europe have disintegrated, the specter of communism has not disappeared. On the contrary, this evil specter is already ruling our world, and humanity must not harbor a mistaken sense of optimism. Communist China has replaced the Soviet Union as the primary threat to the free world, building up its strength in a bid for global hegemony. Europe embraces socialism, and Africa and Latin America are enveloped in communist influence. Even the United States — the leader of the free world — has fallen prey to communism and its variants. This is the startling reality humankind faces. HOW THE SPECTER OF COMMUNISM IS RULING OUR WORLD is a must-read for every freedom-loving individual. The book reveals the ways in which the communist specter has burrowed into the minds of today’s people. It charts communism’s global advance and explains how this specter has embedded itself in nearly every facet of today’s society — from education to the judicial system — and the path humanity must take to escape its grip. Table of Contents: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World The specter of communism did not disappear with the disintegration of the Communist Party in Eastern Europe List of chapters in the serialized book "How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World." Table of Contents: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World By The Editorial Team of "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" 3/8/2019 Updated: 7/2/2020 The Epoch Times is serializing an adaptation from the Chinese of a new book, How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World, by the editorial team of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Preface Introduction 1. Communism: A Devil Bent on the Destruction of Humanity 2. The Devil’s Ways and Means 3. Communism: The Devil’s Ideology 4. A Metaphysical Understanding of the Devil 5. The Devil’s Many Faces 6. Socialism: The Preliminary Stage of Communism 7. Romantic Notions About Communism 8. The Destruction of Culture and Morality 9. Returning to the Divine and Tradition Chapter One: The Specter’s Strategies for Destroying Humanity 1. The Corruption of Human Thought 2. The Subversion of Traditional Culture 3. Communism in the East and the West 4. The Breakdown of Society 5. The Divide-and-Conquer Strategy 6. Deception and Defense Chapter Two: Communism’s European Beginnings 1. Karl Marx’s Satanic Works 2. Marxism’s Historical Context 3. The French Revolution 4. Communism’s Debut in Paris 5. First Europe, Then the World Chapter Three: Tyranny in the East 1. The Rise of Totalitarian Communism 2. The Brutality of Communist Rule 3. A Century of Killing Chapter Four: Exporting Revolution 1. Exporting Revolution to Asia 2. Exporting Revolution to Latin America and Africa 3. Socialism in Eastern Europe 4. Communism After the Cold War Chapter Five, Part I: Infiltrating the West 1. Communism via Violence and Nonviolence 2. War of Espionage and Disinformation 3. From the New Deal to Progressivism 4. The Cultural Revolution of the West 5. The Anti-War and Civil Rights Movements Chapter Five, Part II: Infiltrating the West 6. The American Marxist 7. The Long March Through the Institutions 8. Political Correctness 9. Socialism Across Europe 10. Falling for the Devil’s Tricks Chapter Six: The Revolt Against God 1. In the East: A Violent Revolt Against God 2. In the West: Infiltrating and Weakening the Church 3. Communism’s Twisted Theology 4. Religious Chaos Chapter Seven, Part I: The Destruction of the Family 1. Communism’s Aim to Abolish the Traditional Family 2. Communism’s Promotion of Promiscuity 3. Early Attempts at Sexual Liberation Under Communism 4. How Communism Destroys Families in the West Chapter Seven, Part II: The Destruction of the Family 4. How Communism Destroys Families in the West (continued) 5. How the Chinese Communist Party Destroys Families 6. The Consequences of Communism’s Assault on the Family Chapter Eight, Part I: How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics 1. Communism: The Politics of Humanity’s Destruction 2. Bringing Government Under Leftist Control 3. Hatred and Struggle: The Invariable Course of Communist Politics Chapter Eight, Part II: How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics 4. Politics Through Violence and Lies 5. The Road to Totalitarianism 6. Communism’s Threat to Basic Values Chapter Nine, Part I: The Communist Economic Trap 1. State Ownership and Planned Economies: Systems of Slavery 2. Western Countries: Practicing Communism by Another Name Chapter Nine, Part II: The Communist Economic Trap 3. The Dystopian Socialism of the Chinese Communist Party 4. The Ravages of Socialism in the Developing World 5. Marx’s Theory of Exploitation: An Inversion of Good and Evil 6. Hatred and Jealousy: The Origin of Absolute Egalitarianism 7. Communist ‘Ideals’: Tempting Man Toward His Own Destruction 8. Morality, Prosperity, and Peace Chapter Ten: Corrupting the Legal System 1. Law and Faith 2. Law Under Communist Tyrannies 3. How Communism Warps the Law in the West 4. Restoring the Spirit of the Law Chapter Eleven: Desecrating the Arts 1. Art: A Gift From the Divine 2. Art’s Immense Influence on Humanity 3. Communism’s Sabotage and Abuse of Art 4. Reviving True Art Chapter Twelve, Part I: Sabotaging Education 1. Communist Elements in Primary and Secondary Education Chapter Twelve, Part II: Sabotaging Education 2. Communism in Western Universities 3. How Communism Destroyed Education in China 4. Returning to Traditional Education Chapter Thirteen: The Media — The Specter’s Mouthpiece 1. Mass Indoctrination in Communist Countries 2. Communist Infiltration of Western Media and Hollywood 3. Left-Wing Bias Among Media Professionals 4. The Media Takeover by Liberalism and Progressivism 5. The Film Industry: Vanguard Against Tradition 6. Television: Corruption in Every Household 7. The Media: A Key Battleground in a Total War 8. Restoring the Integrity of the ‘Fourth Branch’ Chapter Fourteen: Popular Culture – A Decadent Indulgence 1. Communist Party Culture 2. Communism’s Subversion of Western Mass Culture 3. Pop Culture and Social Chaos 4. Recovering the Moral Foundations of Human Culture Chapter Fifteen: The Communist Roots of Terrorism 1. Terrorism and Communist Revolution 2. How Communist Regimes Export Terror 3. The Communist Origins of Islamic Extremism 4. The Chinese Communist Party’s Support of Terrorism 5. The Convergence of Terrorism and the West’s Radical Left 6. Ending the Fundamental Cause of Terrorism Chapter Sixteen, Part I: The Communism Behind Environmentalism 1. Communism and the Environmental Movement 2. Climate Change Chapter Sixteen, Part II: The Communism Behind Environmentalism 2. Climate Change (continued) 3. Communist Environmentalism 4. Finding a True Solution to the Environmental Crisis Chapter Seventeen: Globalization and Communism 1. Globalism and Communism 2. Economic Globalization 3. Political Globalization 4. Cultural Globalization: A Means of Corrupting Humanity 5. Upholding National Heritage and Universal Values Chapter Eighteen, Part I: The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Ambitions 1. The Chinese Communist Party’s Ambition to Dominate the World 2. Communist China’s Strategies for World Domination Chapter Eighteen, Part II: The Chinese Communist Party’s Global Ambitions 3. Unrestricted Warfare With Chinese Communist Characteristics 4. The Communist ‘China Model’ 5. Lessons Learned and the Way Out Conclusion: How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World | |
美国 | |
共產黨是魔鬼撤旦的,而且是敵基督。啟示錄中的第二個野獸熊指的是蘇聯的共產黨。啟示錄中的第三個野獸大紅龍指的是中國共產黨。毛澤東是魔鬼666。 因此我得出結論: 啟示錄中的第一個野獸指的是蒙古(黃禍)。啟示錄中的第二個野獸熊指的是蘇聯的共產黨。啟示錄中的第三個野獸大紅龍指的是中國共產黨。毛澤東是魔鬼666。啟示錄中的第四個野獸(七頭十角的怪獸)指的是伊斯蘭教。邪惡的四大支柱是共產黨、伊斯蘭教、中國及俄羅斯,中國和俄羅斯其中一個必須消失其魔性。因此,形成共產黨、伊斯蘭教及中國或俄羅斯的邪惡鐵三角。因此,世界永無寧日。 我覺得法輪功真的是幫耶穌基督,而不是幫觀音。信法輪功的人比較容易信耶穌。信法輪功的人如果信觀音,他們就會放棄法輪功。 我現在信法輪功及耶穌基督,著魔不輕。 | |
信耶穌基督,得民主自由,打敗共產黨,香港一定得。 | |
快快信耶穌。法輪功及一些基督徒教我們信耶穌,因為耶穌可以打敗共產黨。 | |
須知耶穌基督戰無不勝,攻無不克。耶穌基督一定能打敗共產黨。共產黨是魔中之魔,邪中最邪。 | |
須知耶穌基督戰無不勝,攻無不克。撤旦只能成為耶穌基督的手下敗將。 |
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