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話到明rejected又點會係定案,奇怪的腦袋。 咁無記錄可尋時, 上邊句咪肯定狗翕? | |
無定案又唔同無記錄,又一次奇怪的腦袋。教徒面對自己所信奉信仰既歷史,真係會蠢啲? After the legalization of Christianity in 313, greater discussion regarding clerical celibacy emerged. At the ecumenical Council of Nicea I (325), Bishop Hosius of Cordoba proposed a decree mandating clerical celibacy, including for those clergy already married. Egyptian Bishop Paphnutius, unmarried himself, rose in protest, asserting that such a requirement would be too rigorous and imprudent. Rather, he proposed that those members of the clergy already married should continue to be faithful to their wives, and those who were unmarried should personally decide whether or not to be celibate. https://catholicstraightanswers. ... riests-be-celibate/ 不過我就唔知個minutes係邊個寫,呢個catholicstraightanswers website又係咪可信,聽聞係一位神父創辦。 | |
你就講到個個戰死沙場的士兵都有地留俾教會咁: After an estimated 1.7 million people died in the crusades, the Catholic church owned land all over Europe. | |
你知就唔怕講出黎啦,你係咪都係估估吓咋下話? | |
After the legalization of Christianity in 313, greater discussion regarding clerical celibacy emerged. At the ecumenical Council of Nicea I (325), Bishop Hosius of Cordoba proposed a decree mandating clerical celibacy, including for those clergy already married. Egyptian Bishop Paphnutius, unmarried himself, rose in protest, asserting that such a requirement would be too rigorous and imprudent. Rather, he proposed that those members of the clergy already married should continue to be faithful to their wives, and those who were unmarried should personally decide whether or not to be celibate. 一個人動議, 一個人反對....咁就唔好咁隨便話:「motion met with strong opposition」喇...講到5大訢求, 缺一不可咁 (亞Steve Rudd落鹽落醋, 重手咗。。。食壞咗你) | |
strong opposition係形容反對既激烈,並唔係形容有幾多人一齊反對,又再一次奇怪的腦袋。 你呢排狀態都好差下,不如休息下先啦。 | |
有邊到睇到係strong ? 點激法先 大家都係主教級, 咁高咁大之喎 | |
扮獨身 赢信任【TRUST信任 FIRST第一<HRM人事管理学>】 | |
尼西亞大公會議通過了20條教庭法規 https://www.papalencyclicals.net/councils/ecum01.htm 第三條: Canon 3 of the Council of Nicaea (325) The great Council has absolutely forbidden bishops, priests, and deacons – in other words, all members of the clergy—to have with them a sister-companion with the exception of a mother, a sister, an aunt, or, lastly, only those persons who are beyond any suspicion. 咁算唔算係對Bishop Hosius of Cordoba 動議既 「strong rejection 」 | |
即使今日東正教會的神父, 進晉前可以曾結緍, 成為神父後就不可以。 成神父後仍可保持之前夫妻關係, 但要求兄妹關係, 唔係以扑為先既關係 | |
有好多走盞位既,東正教會同天主教會之間又有東儀天主教會,規距又介乎兩者之間,至於行房日子具體要求、活躍程度、動機等等,我就唔明條腸做咩要畫埋出黎,同埋「口裡說不,身體卻很誠實」,人家有無按規矩做,唔通又要大家過目咩。 | |
睇會議結果睇唔到過程,最好搵到份minutes。 | |
使唔使睇埋CCTV 片段? | |
任何規矩都有人唔遵守.... 係咪因為咁就唔使定規矩? | |
對住你呢種包拗頸既人,CCTV、車cam真係好有用。 | |
睇下最初定規矩既人既原意啦,如果我定呢個規矩「所有網友凡上本網討論區期間不得呼吸」,都預咗無人會遵守啦。 | |
不至於唔准抖氣。 呢啲版規都好大路 無守既人都唔少,包括我。 嗰條無聊下流虫就成日衰(2)(3)喇 | |
又衰在你講既野, 樣樣都有得拗。 | |
當你上到天國, 與那位alpha and omega在一起時, 無時間領域, 可玩「穿越」。。。。 回到尼西亞會議現埸都得。 | |
嗯...點解你寫錯字又無人叫你返去讀BB班嘅? (說明嗰條友係玩針對..對人不對事, 我係佢眼中釘, 因為頂到佢個肺) |
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