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對我而言,有感情只是那古要塞。 | |
我認為這個(港人對英軍無捨感情的)比較難說。 | |
有幾難說? 小弟所見所聞 未察覺港人對英軍有舍感情可言 如有遺留 請兄台賜教 | |
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我都做過童軍啦 | |
any online map in ' the respect ?? ThANKs ps : ::::: should it turn out to b too burdensome for thee , forget it , sorry , ThANK ye | |
規格美軍(不過為減少麻煩,國籍章是香港特區章),戰術嘛.....管他的,有用就用,八國聯軍xddd 不過真的有完全根據英軍規格去玩的同行,不過價錢就.....=_=|||||' 值得一提的是,那些英軍玩家中,有部份人在回歸前曾經在軍部工作。(我認識之中已經有3個) | |
台島內對東洋人戀戀不捨的大有人在。同是昔日殖民地,真是差別大。 | |
所謂對日冶時期的不捨 只是台獨佬的去中國化政冶把戲 藉以踩低國民黨的價值而已 | |
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這個關荷蘭佬事之嘛 | |
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說明熱衷獨立是假,喜歡舔不屬同一種族的強國大國屁股是真. | |
同感 | |
http://dictionary.reference.com/search?r=1&q=Formosa Formosa --------- `````Formo"""" or `````Form"""" , may come from the English word , `````Form"""" --------- `````s"""" , may come from the `````s"""" in the word `````super"""" [[[[[-English-]]]] `````schön"""" [[[[[-German-]]]] [[[[[=beautiful]]]] `````saint"""" [[[[[-French-]]]] [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-10-25 05:49 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 HTBROKE1 於 2008-10-4 23:47 發表 11th November <<<<=====[[[[[[[[[ now , it's still .... it IS still 11th November by now in Pacific coast , America , ]]]] = 退伍軍人紀念日
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Veteran%27s_day ````````` Veterans Day is an annual American holiday honoring military veterans. Both a federal holiday and a state holiday in all states, it is usually observed on November 11. ///////// so , [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-11-12 14:51 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 HTBROKE1 於 2008-10-4 23:47 發表 ^ ^ | | sorry , for which file is ' the above link ?? ThANKs | |
原帖由 HTBROKE1 於 2008-10-4 23:47 發表 ^ ^ | | sorry , y////why 's the-file-represented-by'the-file-above invisible ?? ThANKs |
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