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再說一個是國家正式發的大獎,一個只是大學頒的,再笨也知那一個獎項大 | |
>>>.....還有更多 於是, 你是否說甘乃迪是模仿林肯的傳說人物而已? 這種邏輯大家都知是可笑。 ======= 甘乃迪從出生到做事到死的情節會與林肯相類似嗎,你能舉200多項嗎? 再笨頭笨腦的也知不同,當然苯基督徒是例外 | |
係咪應當是笨,不是苯? | |
只憑一些類似便說甘乃迪模仿林肯,當然是笨。 那只憑一些類似便說耶神抄襲美穌神,是否當然是笨實? 查實你知唔知這裡正在討論著甚麼? | |
來了個愛胡說八道的基督徒 當布斯進入包廂後,他平靜地把槍瞄準了林肯的左耳和背脊之間……共開槍8次,林肯被擊中6次,其中5次擊中要害。 肯尼迪乘坐一輛敞蓬汽車遊街拜會市民,行至一個拐彎處時(美茵街,Main Street),埋伏的槍手向他開了槍,第一槍打中甘迺迪的喉部,他與妻子合力按着頸,防止血流出來,但數秒後,第二槍子彈命中頭部 | |
呵。。。。很好, 你繼續 不要停喔! | |
這人本就常得獎 Fellowships and awards Harpur is a Fellow of the American Religious Public Relations Council, and in 1976 won a State of Israel Silver Medal for Outstanding Journalism. His biography is included in the American Who's Who in Religion, Canadian Who's Who, and Men of Achievement. In 2008 the CBC documentary The Pagan Christ, based upon Harpur's book, won the Platinum Remi Award at the Houston International Film Festival and the Gold Camera Award at the U.S. International Film and Video Festival in Redondo Beach, California. He belongs to the Canadian Association of Rhodes Scholars and the Writers' Union. Won several scholarships at University of Toronto including the Jarvis Scholarship in Greek and Latin; The Maurice Hutton Scholarship in Classics; The Sir William Mulock Scholarship in Classics; and the Gold Medal in Classics. Attended Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship 1951-1954. Studied theology and tutored in Greek at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, 1954-56. Won prizes in homiletics and Greek. Won full colours in rugger at U of T and an ice hockey Blue at Oxford. | |
要不要列埋好寶寶獎? ![]() | |
Fellowships and awards 列得很詳細了, 多謝說明此人在宗教, 古埃及, 歷史方面的研究實在很淺, 也在這領域沒有大成就. (不過, 呢條友卻寫書講古埃及文化啵.....你話勒........唯一專長便是吹水.....所以得一個獎) 連打攬球攞獎也算是學術成就, 要哂出來, 也是說明這人的成就實在是有限公司. | |
要是沒研究還會得大獎嗎! ============== 釘死在十字架說要替人贖罪這種舊把戲,早在約穌幾千年前就存在了 16個要替人贖罪的古代神 The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors http://www.infidels.org/library/historical/kersey_graves/16/ | |
釘十字架的刑罰最早出現在西元前六世紀的波斯 http://stellarhousepublishing.com/washoruscrucified.html 早期基督教的教父Tertullian早就承認十字架是異教與埃及人 的信仰 The place where Tertullian had "shown before" his contentions about the Pagan gods being cross-shaped was in his work Ad Nationes (12), in a lengthy treatise which includes the following remarks: "...The Heathens Themselves Made Much of Crosses in Sacred Things; Nay, Their Very Idols Were Formed on a Crucial [Crosslike] Frame. "...your gods in their origin have proceeded from this hated cross... if you simply place a man with his arms and hands outstretched, you will make the general outline of a cross...." (Roberts, ANF, III, 122) Minucius Felix OctaviusIn his Octavius (29), Minucius echoes the same sentiment: "...The Egyptians certainly choose out a man for themselves whom they may worship... Crosses, moreover, we neither worship nor wish for. You, indeed, who consecrate gods of wood, adore wooden crosses perhaps as parts of your gods. For your very standards, as well as your banners, and flags of your camp, what else are they but crosses gilded and adorned? Your victorious trophies not only imitate the appearance of a simple cross, but also that of a man affixed to it." (Roberts, ANF, IV, 191) | |
真好笑,變恨成愛,基督徒人人愛戴十字架,不是嗎 | |
好笑的很,這與你們基督教的吹水、專門抄襲,不要臉的欺騙,相較下就成無限公司了 | |
>>>那只憑一些類似便說耶神抄襲美穌神,是否當然是笨實? 呵呵 抄襲就抄襲嘛,反正你們基督教的無恥 是出名的,什麼耶誕節,萬聖節...一大堆,都是抄襲仿冒來的,當然像你這種笨教徒是不願承認的,承認就會被說是笨的可憐,我知道你等有苦衷啦! | |
耶穌與16個古代神梗係唔同哩。 十六個古代神是傳說,耶穌是一個傳說來嗎? | |
笨實就笨實哩,反正你這種人,只要是在講反基話便不會問,只管信。 | |
又一次証明狗翕胡扯是經不起考驗. 16個古代神, 隨手拎個 Krishna, 祂是給釘死的? 熟婆羅門教者都知祂是給一個獵人誤當是熊, 用箭射中腳跟而死. 畫像中畫出他腳跟有洞, 便說給釘死? 白痴! 最慘是白痴的話有更白痴的人不管問便去信唶 | |
又一次証明狗翕胡扯是經不起考驗. 16個古代神, 隨手拎個 Quexalcote 祂是給釘死的? 他是因醉酒姦了親妹, 感到罪過, 自我放逐, 自動消失了. 白痴! 最慘是白痴的話有更白痴的人不管問便去信唶 咁, 用16個外族, 加上係遠古文化的神, 一時間無乜人會全部都熟識這些神話, 本來都可以易過關既,不過, 今時今日資訊太爆棚了, 還用這招數是不通的了. | |
真系好很多射你咯!無咗你唔知會点银样哩? | |
無左我你射唔出 所以, 上廁時你要帶著我頭像 打x機時要對住我頭像 做愛時更加唔使我多講 |
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