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我少讀書, 你唔好呃我, 進化會係同一個人同一代進行既咩? | |
你無聽過CANCER都係進化出黎咩? http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/news/071001_cancer 在教徒頭中出現突變,再配合適當環境……… | |
本來冇,若果持續冇則不會離教。但突然生出來就會突然離教、漸漸生出來就會漸漸離教 | |
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咁降到幾多度會燒唔著? | |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignition_point | |
我劃著枝火柴,一吹就熄 但係,我找到個仔支探熱針,吹到我虛脫都降唔到1° F | |
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兩支溫度計先放在熱水中,一支你狂吹,一支放係度唔理,睇下邊支快D降溫咪知囉。 我就無探熱針、溫度計,我地D先進家庭,梗係用高科技野啦: | |
我在 -13° C温度之中點火柴,都點得著。您點吹,都吹唔到支温度計低過-13°卦? | |
自己睇下,無點你: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Match | |
或者咁講,吹得熄係因為熱既空氣粒子被吹散左,而唔係直接降低粒子既溫度。 溫度計係固體冇得被風吹散。 | |
燒完磷之後就燒木。我等佢燒木時吹熄佢,您話我聽木嘅ignition point係幾多嘞 | |
咁易咩,要做論文架: http://iafss.haifire.com/html/ao ... abstracts/1-380.htm 仲有,係磷燒火藥,火藥燒木先真。 | |
我依然覺得您好似我依然覺得您好似 [attach]238[/attach] 我試過用風筒熱風吹火柴都吹得熄 | |
I am not perfectly certain but here is what I think: 1) Fire burns better under breeze because it brings in oxygen and carries the carbon dioxide away. 2) In a strong wind, the negative pressure create a vaccum sucking both oxygen as much as carbon away. (To have wind blowing, you create a low pressure zone around/near the fire.) It has nothing to with temperature, although temperature is an intial require condition for the ignition. (Notice how ignition is different from the process of burning. It is NOT ignition that Sherman is asking, it is burning. If the fire is already burning, is the flow of air enough to carry so much heat away to below the ignition point?) | |
I find this, see if it helps http://www.newton.dep.anl.gov/askasci/gen01/gen01405.htm |
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