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O Seculo 報紙不是教會轄下的靚,不需要睇教會臉色啵。 為報章O Seculo 撰寫當日報導的記者Avelino de Almeida。平日言論一向都是抽水咁既立場。 佢在報導中証實有咁嘅事。 | |
就是當有見現象的人作供,有學問的著書立說時,就没有「見唔到有異象的人」出來指証啲人在9翕? 當年也有頂唔順黃絲的香港人也站出來發聲喇。 | |
你信既話,見唔到既人就係有幻覺;你唔信既,見到既人就有幻覺。 | |
係咪我唔在香港,我唔信TVB19號晚有過台慶,咁睇過台慶既人都只是有幻覺? B按 講問你會用甚麼方法向我証明tvb 在19號辦過台慶 | |
係你在香港,19號去睇TVB都見唔到有過台慶,你就會覺得睇到台慶既人都是有幻覺。 一向你想證明都係靠鬥人多,基督教徒佔全球最大多數就係真,七萬人都見到就真,下話? | |
Avelino de Almeida算乜﹖ 葡萄牙政府要你講乜,你敢反抗﹖耶穌會中人正磨拳擦掌呢! 何況葡萄牙政府背後,重有梵蒂岡提線! 邪教、妖徒,撒謊、造謠從來不會面紅。《伊西多爾教令集》不說,天誅教妖酋本篤十六世(前德國納粹少年團團員)2007年,訪問巴西後,在對拉丁美洲及加勒比主教的演說中,恬不知恥地當著全世界幾十億人面前胡言: 「教會從没將教會文化強加於美洲土著身上。他說:美洲土著歡迎歐洲傳教士在征服時期的到來,因為他們『悄悄地渴望』信仰基督教。」"Brazil's Indians offended by Pope comments" Reuters 2007.5.14日報道 | |
長城內的人民思維 | |
來自維基,引述自:Benjamin Radford (2 May 2013). "The Lady of Fátima & the Miracle of the Sun". LiveScience.com. Archived from the original on 15 April 2015. Retrieved 20 October 2015. https://www.livescience.com/29290-fatima-miracle.html Jaki, Stanley L. (1999). God and the Sun at Fátima. Real View Books. p. 272. ASIN B0006R7UJ6. Names Izabel de Melo Frere Michel de la Sainte Trinite (1989). "Chapter X, appendix II". The Whole Truth About Fátima, Volume I: Science and the Facts. Names Izabel Brandao de Melo, and a few vague or unverifiable accounts. 點會咁既?有人話見唔到?唔通嗰啲人有幻覺? | |
O Seculo 報紙不是教會轄下的靚,不需要睇教會臉色啵。 BB仔,你撒謊造假都唔只二次、三次嘞。 Avelino de Almeida有過乜反天誅邪教嘅報道、「O Seculo 報紙不是教會轄下的靚」,有啥證據,你能提出來嗎﹖ | |
梵蒂岡嘅思維︰傳信部(前異端裁判所)、耶穌會(專幹暗殺、顛覆別國勾當)! | |
Not all witnesses reported seeing the Sun "dance". Some people only saw the radiant colors. A number ... 「太陽跳舞」只是花地瑪神蹟中的其中一環。 這個Benjamin Radford 卻不去解釋為何奇蹟出現前下大雨,現場各人濕透。 奇蹟出現約十分鐘後,各人的衣衫乾透。 這也是被訪者口吻一至的口供。 (難道衣衫的乾濕也是出自幻覺,大氣對陽光的拆射,。。。) 將奇蹟斬件來「科學解釋」不是整個奇蹟完滿的解作。 好似黃綠西醫,你嘔,俾止嘔藥你。你屙,俾止屙藥你。你頭痛,俾止痛藥你。卻不是去查你有甚麼病。 | |
曼德拉效應病! | |
Not all witnesses reported seeing the Sun "dance". Some people only saw the radiant colors. A number ... ‘According to some sources’ 即是冇sources 的亂猜胡吹喇。 你抽水冇sources 我唔怪你。 呢條友 radford 自嗚係專欄作家,寫出咁既野就有啲九流勒。 | |
Not all witnesses reported seeing the Sun "dance". Some people only saw the radiant colors. A number ... 原文裡有說: Not everyone reported the same thing; some present claimed they saw the sun dance around the heavens; others said the sun zoomed toward Earth in a zigzag motion that caused them to fear that it might collide with our planet (or, more likely, burn it up). Some people reported seeing brilliant colors spin out of the sun in a psychedelic, pinwheel pattern, 有人看不到太陽跳舞,但睇到 sun zoomed toward Earth in a zigzag motion that caused them to fear; seeing brilliant colors spin out of the sun in a psychedelic, pinwheel pattern; 每一個都是異象啵。 | |
Not all witnesses reported seeing the Sun "dance". Some people only saw the radiant colors. A number ... 神蹟本來就是不合科學,不符常理的事。 所以有人看到時又有人看不到並不冇可能。 當事人牧童女露西亞看到的異象更與在場其他人看到的不同。 | |
若果人人一樣嘅就唔係幻覺啦 | |
The majority of testimonies about the Solar Miracle of 1917 never mention the drying of clothes. https://sceptic.info/dryingclothes 帶遮嗰啲就梗係唔濕啦。 | |
呢啲晌司法上就會被個法官看作「多位證人口供不一致」而撤銷控罪。 係天主教當係神蹟當係寶既啫。 | |
咁個法庭唔係裁決係咪睇到太陽跳舞,而係裁決當日是否天空出現過異象呢? 縱合眾人既口供話有喎。 | |
The majority of testimonies about the Solar Miracle of 1917 never mention the drying of cloth ... 條braford 話: Evaporation is an obvious explanation The evidence is that the autumn sun was enough to dry their clothes。。。 挑。。。。才10分鐘就乾哂? 夏天既熱曰都未得喇,何況係十月的太陽?! |
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