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o k 't 's great .... amateurishly , | |
the more in # of practice , the better////perfecter , [[[[[ perfect , for u being a////A/////an amateur ]]]] any way , ThANK ye in many way :跪拜: | |
真能释放自己的压力呢! | |
我会加油的! | |
sorry again for my prussian style ,;==^), strictest 1 , 谢谢你! 我会加油 in giving u ' the wet blanket 的 !.,;==^) :跪拜: [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-5-30 12:09 編輯 ] | |
pretty =====>>>> thy performance pretty =====>>>> thy face by the way .,;==^) ThANK ye | |
o餵 o k , sorry-ing , first good morning , :跪拜: o餵 我 聽 你的 大作 , 聽出耳油, 聽到有耳油, o餵 [o五o] 夠喉 worr , 有無 新作 aa ?? 無 ?? he he he he [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-6-1 13:12 編輯 ] | |
我的下一部力作 | |
i'm fond of thy extreme concentration , very heroic////herolike , particularrly////particularly @ ' the first few seconds , ThANKs :跪拜: | |
sorry for late review , busy --------- i have just listenned////listened once again thy performance , --------- it's my cup of the coffee , --------- oyes o yes , really my cup of the coffee , real coffee , i am taking thy sweet piece as a kind of coffee , as a kind o' coffee , as a kind coffee in action against ' the Somnia , 睡魔 .,;==^) --------- o k , now , i can work on n[[[[[and]]]] 'on renew anew anew ThANKs a new ThANKs :跪拜::跪拜: [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-6-4 08:44 編輯 ] | |
good morning --------- i have just appreciated this piece of thine once again , --------- but , also ' the same old problem once again , i.e. ' the video's not running smoothly enough satisfactorily , --------- so , doest////do thou////u know any video's-host smoother than the youtube ?? --------- a new ThANKs anew :跪拜: | |
the more i listen it the more i like it the more i know how to appreciate it very ThANK ye :跪拜: [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-6-6 16:00 編輯 ] | |
i have just listenned it once more , i'd like2suggest thee this time to speak something up in thy next play , in order to introduce something about ' the music or thy harmonica , e.t.c. .,;==^) o k , any way , ThANKs in many a way :跪拜: | |
me 期待 请 力作 .,;==^) :跪拜: | |
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我 10分 同意 但, 哀怨 應該 不是 她的年紀 , 她的年紀 .... must b////be happy .,;==^) 因此, 我 聽來聽去,都 僅是 聽 她的 o suzanna 輕快,才是 屬於她, .,;==^) :跪拜: | |
sorry , i have not listenned thy play of 酒干倘卖无 , not even once , cause : : 我是 極端主義分子 monkey again sorry .,;==^) :跪拜: 原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-6-9 02:33 發表 by 老抽刀 | |
but don't know why she would pick ‘酒干倘卖无’ this sad song .... | |
sorry , i have not listenned thy play of 酒干倘卖无 , not even once , cause : : 我是 極端主義分子 你不是極端主義分子. 你是摀上耳朵就以為聽不到 ( just kidding ) | |
first ThANKs 4////for thy////your comment i do 100.000% understand thy////ur/////your underpinning idea ---------------------------------------------------------------- i do not know how2express it @ mandarin , in cantonnese , it's : ::::: : : 我 [人系]=[being] 非常 玩得 gae, thou canst say me anything thou canst say me as anything thou canst say to me anything thou canst say to me any language , thou canst say to me any language , even foul language .,;==^) :跪拜: |
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