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打完靶既後再生的一件就係因為手足過世而成為獨生嘛 無始時已經與上帝同在, 但未出世嘛 復活後都係已經過世才可以復活嘛 | |
咁呢尐係版畫, 一印起碼幾十張, 只要物主肯賣, 有錢點會買唔到? 佢一定貴唔過呢幅, 唔傻都畫唔出: | |
手足過世而成為獨子, 係要本來唔係獨子, 因為其他手足死晒死剩佢一個, 先變成獨生, 同你講出生前已經再冇兄弟姊妹, 一出生就係家中獨子唔同. 耶穌未從瑪利亞身體必出黎, 都已經係存在啦, 呢度話上帝的獨生子, 唔係瑪利亞獨生子, 耶穌唔出世都已經存在. 已經過世, 但又復活喎, 咁同時存在兩個上帝兒子, 又係獨生子? | |
咁佢係本來唔係獨子, 因為其他手足死晒死剩佢一個, 先變成獨生嘛 已經存在但未出世又未可咁計嘛 -- 雖已存在, 但未生出來, 故未可稱「生子」 同時存在兩個上帝兒子, 又係獨生子 -- 好似將兩隻獨木舟擺埋1齊, 又係獨木舟嘛, 冇人叫咁樣做雙木舟嘛 | |
哎呀, 真係冇你咁好氣, 你話點就點啦. | |
多謝俾面 | |
在利未記十八章裡提到的有不得與這些人亂倫: 這些例是否可應用於老祖身上? 亞伯拉罕嗰老婆喺佢邊個? | |
只怪我不用功,原來網路隨便找一找,就有.... 聖經的錯誤 他們自有一套自圓其說的方法。看看 Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy in 1978 (「芝加哥聖經無誤聲明」)便知了。 聲明的尾末尤可見其「無所不包」的補鑊大法。 ============= 'It is not right to set the so-called "phenomena" of Scripture against the teaching of Scripture about itself. Apparent inconsistencies should not be ignored. Solution of them, where this can be convincingly achieved, will encourage our faith, and where for the present no convincing solution is at hand we shall significantly honor God by trusting His assurance that His Word is true, despite these appearances, and by maintaining our confidence that one day they will be seen to have been illusions.' 'We are conscious too that great and grave confusion results from ceasing to maintain the total truth of the Bible whose authority one professes to acknowledge. The result of taking this step is that the Bible that God gave loses its authority, and what has authority instead is a Bible reduced in content according to the demands of one's critical reasoning and in principle reducible still further once one has started. This means that at bottom independent reason now has authority, as opposed to Scriptural teaching. If this is not seen and if for the time being basic evangelical doctrines are still held, persons denying the full truth of Scripture may claim an evangelical identity while methodologically they have moved away from the evangelical principle of knowledge to an unstable subjectivism, and will find it hard not to move further. We affirm that what Scripture says, God says. May He be glorified. Amen and Amen.' ============= In conclusion: DON'T THINK. 不要用腦。 | |
亞巴郎娶佢個妹先 定係有梅瑟法律先哩? | |
亞巴郎娶佢個妹先 所以我問:這些例是否可應用於老祖身上? | |
你的老祖想指誰 我同你唔熟, 唔會明白你的暗語 有話直說, 不需要轉彎抹角, 隱隱晦晦 | |
你的老祖想指誰 沒有隱晦, 跟住個句便是:亞伯拉罕 嗰老婆喺佢邊個? | |
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無上款...都唔知係咪問我 唔知答唔答得 | |
你既然都唔知我係咪問你,又駛乜愁答唔答得? | |
人地搭句爹你咁兇架 | |
你係覆我架wor (仲用埋引用我提出個問題)...咁唔算「搭爹」下fa? 咁...假設我「上款」係問你...咁實情你又有冇答案架? | |
睇你既發問 答案你一早就知哩 你咪耍我, 考我哩 | |
覺得被耍點解仲偏要舂個頭埋去呢? | |
...我相信,新教和天主教都是耶穌的教會,雖然天主教更對,所得的恩寵更大,但兩教的信徒只要在信的基礎上按基督的教導去生活都會得救,兩教的信徒是一家兩門的弟兄姐妹。... 就算這位天主教徒願意,還得看人家肯不肯認你是弟兄姐妹呢? 羅馬天主教→奧秘的大巴比倫.....原來天主教教皇一職是由身兼異教巴比倫祭司的羅馬皇帝所傳承的 |
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