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未登天都有啦 Mat 18:17 若是他仍不聽從他們,你要告訴教會;如果他連教會也不聽從,你就將他看作外邦人或稅吏。 | |
但你上聖經課程會話教會是一群被呼招出來的人. 意思似是一樣,但可以產生不同的請感. KJV三次譯作"assembly". 115次譯作"church".去assembly同去church給人感覺相差太大. 1d1,1d3是基督教概念的解釋.可見為了創造基督宗教,先創造了一些詞彙.死硬派教會提昌King James Version Only.民智一開,一讀完文聖經教會就出事. 1577 ἐκκλησία [ekklesia /ek·klay·see·ah/] n f. From a compound of 1537 and a derivative of 2564; TDNT 3:501; TDNTA 394; GK 1711; 118 occurrences; AV translates as “church” 115 times, and “assembly” three times. 1 a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly. 1a an assembly of the people convened at the public place of the council for the purpose of deliberating. 1b the assembly of the Israelites. 1c any gathering or throng of men assembled by chance, tumultuously. 1d in a Christian sense. 1d1 an assembly of Christians gathered for worship in a religious meeting. 1d2 a company of Christian, or of those who, hoping for eternal salvation through Jesus Christ, observe their own religious rites, hold their own religious meetings, and manage their own affairs, according to regulations prescribed for the body for order’s sake. 1d3 those who anywhere, in a city, village, constitute such a company and are united into one body | |
唔怪得真理天城斑野會咁講了 | |
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哦,即係好似 micro-black hole咁, 先改咗名然後才慢慢整佢出來玩 | |
回復 45# 淚兒 教會這詞, 是傳教士翻譯英文 Church 而來的, 而英文 Church 是源自於 好似幾原味,只是換湯吾換藥.「蒙召」暗含細的被大的召,上位召下位.有「會眾」自然有帶領會眾者.比「教會」更加直接指向級層管理概念. a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place, an assembly. 看吾出有大細之分.被人叫去公眾地方集會同蒙召意思好似一樣,但給人的情感差距太大了. | |
回復 42# 沙文 18:15 倘若你的弟兄得罪你、你就去趁著只有他和你在一處的時候、指出他的錯來.他若聽你、你便得了你的弟兄。 有事先私底下講,吾得再找幾個證人評下理(可能原訴人會發現自己衰左),重死撐就比大家一齊評下理.如果種堅持錯唯有各走各路. 耶穌所講係好大路的解決問題方按,又吾多傷和氣. 「告訴教會」,意思你吾x順氣我就同領導報寸.可見紛爭越搞越大.最後落於是非判斷訢諸權威. | |
回復 44# 淚兒 真理天城話要守舊約律法.係教會搵吾倒食,搞下另類派對. 佢地係KJV Onlyist.King James 指定要有church. | |
耶穌諗埋尐方法打草驚蛇老襯到唔恨啦, 人人都知呢個procedure, 您第一次揾我私下傾我就知道您下一步點做,於是我大可以詐帝認錯, 然後一個屈尾十就作定個古仔反過來誣蔑您, 班馬同您理論,到時就變咗係您唔著添啦 | |
吾使班馬.去告人勒索.將之前的協議變做證據.去特區法院搞定,吾使去教會. |
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