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看來你是很急需一條粗壯的陽具? | |
真喺有呢啲聖事就好喇 | |
係呀。 轉送俾您嘛。過幾月就聖誕了 | |
呢碌岩唔岩你心意? | |
問您老婆咯。佢至係end user | |
這樣男信徒就會想積極爭取女性主持聖事的權力了... | |
你老婆話: 不予置評? 委屈之處不足為外人道, 家家有本難唸的經 | |
我老婆對原屬神父今準備轉送畀您嘅聖誕禮物不予置評? 既然不予置,咁「委屈之處不足為外人道, 家家有本難唸的經」此評語就唔係佢講,係足下夫子自道啦 | |
咁都好咖,可以啓發弟兄姊妹默想一下聖經之謎: 若叫聖職人仕一齊剝衫,大家就會發覺神父同修女對創世記的理解有所不同。 再進一步證明以上問題,您可以搞一次修院同樂日 ---- 神父修女沙灘排球賽 大家發覺,對於排泄器官之暴露,神父同修女的態度都同樣可以印證到原祖食生果後的心理反應,唔多中意人目及住其小弟和小妹。 但對於上半身的餵奶器官就不同了 ,神父並不介意打出兩個ling頭任您睇,修女則誓死著住bikini tops 顯然,當初上帝做皮褸畀原祖,係女裝做全套,但男裝則有褲冇衫,以致造成這個社會現象。 咁,係上帝唔夠衣料,定係上帝認為餵奶器官唔可畀人睇呢? 既然男人都唔駛負責餵奶,所以同一部位畀人睇都ok,但既然如此,造兩粒ling頭畀我做乜呢?我兩粒ling頭係咪淨係攞來畀人睇嘅呢? | |
做阿妈嗰個有时唔得闲(煮饭、冲凉。。。)喂奶,做老豆嘅咪比BB咬住先咯! | |
咁樣求魚得蛇違反聖訓喎 路11:11 你們中間作父親的、誰有兒子求餅、反給他石頭呢.求魚、反拿蛇當魚給他呢. | |
早個百年,男人在公眾場合也是不可以露胸的。 殖民地時代,歐洲人稱坦胸的非洲婦女不知羞恥(請查但丁神曲), 倒是沒想過歐洲基督徒是吃過禁果才會覺得赤身露體是羞恥的。 | |
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http://www.reuters.com/article/2 ... USTRE7880DU20110909 而女人著褲唔著衫在Ontario行街係合法的。 http://digitaljournal.com/article/296718 While 基督教國家漸趨向非基督化, 反而係伊斯蘭國家較基督化 | |
哈! 我只想到歐美男士的連身泳裝, 沒想到搏擊「服裝」! | |
傳教佬呃您一生一世 沙文講嘢堅定流,可謂立竿見影 賓佬多点機會做愛,暴力就會少好多, 甚至化干戈為玉帛, 亦非難事也 Mindanao Island sex strike ends village violence in Philippines Joanne McCabe - 19th September, 2011 A sex strike on Mindanao Island in the Philippines put an end to fighting between villages that dated back to the early 1970s, a recently released UN Refugee Agency report has revealed. The fed-up female members of two warring villages came up with the idea of a sex strike as an ultimatum to stop their husbands tearing each other apart. Approximately 100,000 people were displaced by the Mindanao Island unrest in 2008, with a separatist rebellion having kicked off in the 70s. The UN provided resources to help settle the displaced, but fights still flared up when residents of one village - Dado - had to pass through two others on their way to a market in the region. 'If our husbands wanted to fight, we'd tell them not to,' said Hasna Kandatu, who lives in Dado. 'If they still went, we'd say okay, it's up to you. But you will not be accepted at home.' Her husband, Lengs Kupong, revealed that his concern about what he'd be missing out at home outweighed his fear of the men from neighbouring villages. As a consequence, he used his position as a key village leader to implore his fellow males to stop the conflict: 'She says to me if you do bad things then we will be separated.' Since the women's action, the villagers appear to be at peace and the main road in the area has re-opened - though Kupong seems keen to hedge his bets, quipping: 'Two! I want two wives!' A Belgian politician recently suggested that the wives of MPs impose a similar sex ban until the country ended a deadlock and formed. ‘It worked in Kenya – a week after wives stopped having sex, a deal was on the table,’ said Senator Marleen Temmerman, a qualified gynaecologist, in reference to 2009 women's movements in the African country that called for a general sex strike after a conflict between its president and prime minister threatened to plunge it into chaos. 沙文係咪明足以察秋毫之末呢? 但係我有點担心,若然薏蘊公主學到呢招 " If you don't believe in Jesus........................" | |
赤裸裸才顯示對神的真心 | |
這是神父修女和牧師在某些場合用來勸信徒用的 | |
絕妙! 原來希臘喜劇所言不虛。世上真有其事! (如果這樣就可以世界和平,那真是太好也沒有了) | |
在甚麼的埸合? |
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