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嗯....難道你暗示了, 你對著我, 是抬不起頭耶? | |
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哈....乜又係呢d 招數呀? 無野講拿? 咁辛苦都係只擠得出一些舊料? | |
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化整为零,咁又呃4个贴了! | |
不是傳說難道有耶穌死人骨頭被發現了,還是你天上親眼看見了 | |
>>16個古代神, 隨手拎個 Krishna, 祂是給釘死的? >>>熟婆羅門教者都知祂是給一個獵人誤當是熊, 用箭射中腳跟而死. 畫像中畫出他腳跟有洞, 便說給釘死? 白痴! 最慘是白痴的話有更白痴的人不管問便去信唶 ======== 是呀,白痴是很多,把幻像當成真的就是你啦 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, in order to bewilder the demons and ensure that the word of His own devotees and of the brahmanas be maintained, created a body of material energy into which the arrow was shot. But the Lord's actual four-armed form was never touched by the arrow of Jara ========= 再看看以下這標題竟有三、四百多項雷同,真是天下神怪一大抄,抄襲別人早期宗教架構就承認抄襲嗎,硬要吹水還真為難你了 Specific similarities between the lives of Jesus and Krishna http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jckr1.htm 有沒被釘十字架或樹上自已看看就明白了 | |
你有發現你亞爺個亞爺的骨頭嗎? 難道你的祖先也一堆傳說來耶? 痴得很雪白 | |
又一次証明狗翕胡扯是經不起考驗. 是囉, 林肯與甘乃迪都有幾十項相同, 他們都是抄襲? 你剛剛在#27才說這種說法是胡說八道的喎, 怎麼轉個頭你自己便胡說八道,痴了起來? | |
祂是給釘死的? 他是因醉酒姦了親妹, 感到罪過, 自我放逐, 自動消失了. 白痴! 最慘是白痴的話有更白痴的人不管問便去信唶 咁, 用16個外族, 加上係遠古文化的神, 一時間無乜人會全部都熟識這些神話, 本來都可以易過關既,不過, 今時今日資訊太爆棚了, 還用這招數是不通的了 =========== 你說的很好資訊時代是隨手可查,但怎麼辨呢,同一網頁你引了他是自殺的事,但其下面也有基督徒說他的死與耶穌相同!所以以為人是白痴,不正是講自已更白嗎! Some Mormon scholars believe that Quetzalcoatl, who has been described ,... was actually Jesus Christ. ... Latter-day Saint President John Taylor wrote: "The story of the life of the Mexican divinity, Quetzalcoatl, closely resembles that of the Savior; so closely, indeed, that we can come to no other conclusion than that Quetzalcoatl and Christ are the same being. 怎麼又有三位一體,處女生子,釘死十字架,死後三天復活???? Quexalcote Chimalman, mother of Quexalcote was a virgin. There was an immaculate conception, a crucifixion, and a resurrection after three days | |
寫多四個帖會有甚麼福利? 出帖最多者, 抽水送出惠康購物卷架咩? | |
唉呀,那種幼兒園級的只適合你啦! | |
Some Mormon scholars believe that Quetzalcoatl, who has been described ,... was actually Jesus Christ. ... Latter-day Saint President John Taylor wrote: 好心你胡扯也扯得好好睇睇, 咪笑死人哩 後期聖徒教會是不信三位一體, 不信有處女生子的. 快先去增知識然後才好回來 | |
難道你爺們沒骨頭是無脊動物?? | |
載好小白眼鏡再看吧,後段有說是摩門教講的嗎, |
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