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根莖類食物 (roots),不算是「果子」(fruits)呢。 | |
您嘅"Q"係扮佢地講嘢嘛, 用god就扮得唔似啦 What is the purpose of human appendix (located at the end of the cecum) besides inflammation and need to be cut? Besides inflammation, what is the purpose of Vermiform appendix which might need to be removed? 好似仍有爭議: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/21153898/#.UzVm1vldUSY | |
從善如流,所有god改為God, bible -> Bible, christian -> Christian。 | |
通常輕敵都會死得好慘。 夫惟無慮而易敵者,必擒於人。 【孫子兵法- 行軍篇第九】 http://lianhonghong.com/we-are-s ... ren-ru-tou-ai-fu-fa 若您未試過,今晚叫師嫂殷勤服務,之後您就會完全明白What purpose of men's nipples is咖啦。 unless 不幸地您屬於25%(耶穌教導我們, 搞完左邊搞右邊,今次您都要從善如流 -- 兩邊的感覺未必一樣。) =============================================================== Yes, unless you agree that all good deeds of Christians are also irrelevant to the God. <---- take away this "the" too. | |
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舒服嗎? 又唔駛取消咁慘 又係同上次一樣 -- 揾過第樣黎講咯 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_vestigiality If I were you都未必局限於這個approach。 計我話人眼不能在水中focus又夠係imprecise and imperfect啦 | |
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我老婆就認為格勒底毛completely冇藍用 -- 佢剃格勒底毛一定乾淨過我剃鬚。 唔知幫唔幫到您 而家男士都興剃格勒底毛 尤其奧運游水選手, 嫌佢阻水 http://www.livestrong.com/article/18453-swimmers-remove-body-hair/ | |
不過,亦有些國家的人認為腋下毛標誌著自然美,是性感的象徵。其實要不要剃掉腋下毛完全是個人選擇,反正它們是屬於自己的;最重要是保持個人衛生,和令自己感到舒服便可。 http://www.hkedcity.net/article/hkfpa/040928-001/ | |
只是有些人覺得黑黑的腋下毛破壞美感, 咁点解黑黑的頭髮又唔破壞美感?(格勒底毛根本就未必黑黑的, 最先興剃格勒底毛的國家的人的格勒底毛反而好少係黑黑的) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glabrousness 若是用來散發汗水,則細路仔都有此須要,冇理由青春期先有汗。這個夏天,您親身體驗下, 剃一邊,同另一邊比較,睼下係冇毛凉爽尐定有毛凉爽尐? 若是減低皮膚磨擦,點解總唔見我老婆格勒底起枕?麻煩您比較埋兩邊格勒底之起枕狀况。 若是減低皮膚磨擦,8個手指罅同腳趾罅點解冇毛? 有些國家的人認為腋下毛標誌著自然美? 咩國家呢? 点解一例都冇? 反而穆斯林要剃格勒底毛 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaving#Islam 其實人體根本冇preciseness 同 perfection, 。連咁簡單嘅嘢,都做唔到:http://www.neatorama.com/2008/03/12/things-that-are-almost-impossible-to-do-with-your-body/#!BPY5G 不單止人,世上所有生物的身體都會出故障同埋有缺陷,並不完美 | |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underarm_hair Paye, Marc; Maibach, Howard I.; Barel, André O (2009). Handbook of cosmetic science and technology (3 ed.). Informa Health Care. p. 703. ISBN 1-4200-6963-2. 仲有得拗,咁個case咪同闌毛差唔多囉。 | |
咁不如又係用染色禪師嘅辦法啦。Use the bible to defeat itself. 有一樣器官,係上帝認為冇卵用,起勢叫人切咗佢嘅...... ring a bell? | |
是在哪段呀?我沒有讀經習慣呢。 | |
Nope啦。 若是身體哪部分叫你下地獄, 咁該部分嘅用途就係叫你下地獄,都唔可以話佢冇用。 再估過 | |
回覆 73# 沙文 Foreskin. However, it is useful in reminding God of his covenant (see the story of Moses's child). You don't expect God to remember everyone he makes a covenant with? At the end of debate like this, Christian can always claim the body part is useful because it is "pleasing to God". After all, God's taste is quite mysterious to us (see Leviticus about burnt offering). | |
In evolution, "useful" is about fitness. It is about the means to pass on the gene. It is quite different from the usual understanding. | |
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We already have that long ago. http://ap6.pccu.edu.tw/Encyclope ... losophy.asp?id=3324 | |
fix the broken url links first, or list the original article Thank you. I've fixed it. (http://vscfaq.antichristendom.com) | |
The meaning of life varies from person to person. it is endowed by oneself to strive for, rather than murmuring "thanks God" all the time like puppets or slaves. They would say "Thank God". http://english.stackexchange.com ... k-god-vs-thanks-god |
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