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你話俾人纂改, 係咪你手上有哥白尼既手稿, 可以同出版既書來作校對? 無既話, 咪即係一堆吹水, 亂噴囉 你不如作埋哥白尼本書係教廷既人, 耶穌會既特工, 托名而寫囉 還掂都係吹水野嚟 你咁鐘意吹, 我俾碌簫你吹好無? | |
尼古拉·哥白尼的出版艱難 哥白尼《天體運行論》1543年在哥白尼去逝前兩個月出版, 於是有人拿來說: 「哥白尼對於這本著作的出版,為什麼要“遲疑不決”呢?原因就在於他害怕教會對這一新興科學理論的迫害。」 哥白尼真係好超人, 知道自己幾時會死架, 臨死前先搞掂出版成書既事? 哥白尼係中風死, 中風係突發既, 無先兆, 邊個可以知自己幾時會中風? 仲要在中風前安排印書既事。時間啱啱好? 當年附印一本書, 無一年半載都難成事架啵。 有時見班反基, 反得咁無腦, 真係有點質疑創造者點解咁都話『看了認為好』 | |
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BB仔,你當「神父」孌童已久,屎窟應吹過不少支「簫」。 | |
久病? 哥白尼有甚麼久病? 他1542年尾中風, 跟著昏迷, 臥床, 1543年五月死。 大昏迷病人仲可以搞本書出版? 真係人地中風, 你就發翕風 | |
教廷的禁書令是1559年才有。 時序上, 你又露醜了 (獻醜不如藏 jer) | |
在《禁書目錄》面世前十餘年,羅馬教廷已頒令「沒有教廷的批准,不能印刷或發售任何書籍。」 https://www.hk01.com/%E5%8D%B3%E ... C%E6%B2%92%E4%BA%86 | |
咁點解改革派既主要人物馬丁路德, 卡爾文, 史雲慈....等等的著作宣傳又可以散播得咁快既呢? 教廷無理由批准呢啲刋物書藉既印刷㗎啵。 說明這規例:「沒有教廷的批准,不能印刷或發售任何書籍。」 即使有, 也只能在教廷管轄到的地方才有效力。 當年, 羅馬教廷也不能管哂成個歐洲既 | |
你既毛病又發作哩: 就係引資料, 引啲唔引啲 法國以只有13歲的查理九世名義,宣布「沒有國王特准,不能印刷任何東西」,歐洲多位統治者隨即效法,採用由政府發出印刷及出版牌照的方式,控制對政權或社會道德構成潛在威脅的科學和文學著作。 管制印刷業, 禁止唔啱聽既野在民間散播, 不是教廷獨有。 | |
是誰人頒的令? 何年頒的? 通諭編號是甚麼? 羅馬教廷的圖書館是甚麼有關教會文件都收藏的, 有那個學者能從中找到有關文件作証一下, 說明不是旁觀者吹簫 | |
十分欣賞你的好奇心和求知慾,咁想知道,就去問下該文作者:陳冠東、高紫恩、吳慕兒 然後貼個答案出黎。 如果屬實,就順便向旁觀者版友就「獻醜不如藏 jer」言論道歉,謝謝。 | |
十分欣賞你的好奇心和求知慾,咁想知道,就去問下該文作者:陳冠東、高紫恩、吳慕兒 呢到又唔係我在露jer, 唔係我講「羅馬教廷已頒令」沒有教廷的批准,不能印刷或發售任何書籍。 點解要我去搵塊芭蕉葉俾你遮? 仲話搵唔到要我道歉? | |
十分欣賞你的好奇心和求知慾,咁想知道,就去問下該文作者:陳冠東、高紫恩、吳慕兒 使唔使問埋亞張三,公眾四方街個位口水黃,樓上個陳師奶咁呢? | |
見到你呢啲不用負責任的吹水,說三又道四既言論, 當堂好明白到當年既教會,政權要監管印刷, 正如中國今日要監管互聯網上的言論。 | |
但相反,互聯網又會令更多人變得無知。 真係幾搞笑。 唔知同創世紀巴貝耳塔要講的係咪相似 | |
你唔見佢呢日都藏咗 jer 哩咩? 縮埋變咗粒花生米 | |
BB仔,你「科普特語專家」、妖徒有「三十三億」、「官府參與打教」,滿嘴謊言,毫無廉恥,叫人拿證據,自己卻拿不出證據。 你爺爺見的人多了,真没見過有人如你這樣無恥! | |
The first consistent attempt to set up an institutional press in Rome for religious and cultural purposes was made by Cardinal Marcello Cervini. Between 1541 and 1544, he established, with Paul III’s tacit approval, both a Greek and a Latin press to publish sacred works from manuscripts of the Vatican Library. Part I of this dissertation treats this project in detail. Here, it is worth mentioning that it was mainly aimed at providing members of Catholic religious orders with new tools to challenge Reformed scholarship in the fields of patristics and history. While Cervini’s presses were in full activity, the appeasement policy with German Protestantism came to an end with the failure of the Diet of Regensburg in 1541. As a result, the papacy took a tougher stance on the Reformation, summoning the ecumenical (but, in effect, Catholic) council in Trent and creating a permanent congregation of cardinals to deal with heresy: the Roman Inquisition or the Holy Office. If this attempt to convoke the Council of Trent fell through, the Inquisition rapidly proved its efficacy by moving against many illustrious figures from Italian heterodox circles. Among the duties of this new body was to control book circulation as a vehicle for the spread of heretical ideas. For the dioceses of Rome, this role overlapped with the jurisdiction of the Master of the Sacred Palace, who, in his capacity as official theologian of the pope, was in charge of a rather ineffective system of giving preliminary approval – imprimatur – to works which were to be published in the city. As far as can be determined from the scarce documentation which survives, the Inquisition immediately focused not only on local printers and publishers but also on Roman booksellers and audience. According to a decree of 12 June 1543, all the city’s book shops were to be thoroughly investigated in search of Protestants publications, lists of the volumes on sale were to be submitted for approval and no one was permitted to read or listen to forbidden publications, nor to speak, teach or preach about them, under threat of substantial fines, withdrawal of trade licences and, in some cases, perpetual exile. https://sas-space.sas.ac.uk/6354/1/Sachet,%20P%20-%20Publishing%20for%20the%20Popes.pdf | |
我仲高估咗BB版友既求知慾添,真係唔好意思。 你既求知慾都唔低哩, 經我刺激下, 一份359頁既論文你都搵到嚟參考 (不過, 唔知你有無讀哂份論文唶) 呢份都係好料嚟嘅, 總好過那位人兄咁搬啲〖辟邪紀實〗出嚟 | |
我仲高估咗BB版友既求知慾添,真係唔好意思。 Cervini’s presses 是教廷御用印局, 咁不會為當年興起的新教印刋物, 或印與教廷砥觸的資料, 有乜出奇先? 唔通 當年TVB 會播亞洲電視既節目咩! |
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