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world population :6,691,484,000 Christians (total all kinds) (=World C): 2,231,421,000 = 29.98% http://www.gcts.edu/ockenga/globalchristianity/resources.php | |
http://www.bible-magazine.net/tc/download/17/17-10.htm 啊,我唔記得咗伊拉克嘅穆斯林被貴教10字軍壓抑人口增長........... 其實我錫住您,驚多得滯浸死您,特登揾個少啲。我想揾一個冇穆斯林嘅國家叫您去添呀 ,不如梵蒂岡好唔好? http://www.factbook.net/muslim_pop.php | |
原帖由 Jom 於 2008-2-19 10:57 發表 莊少呀,我知道你果D私伙架撐勁,出手快狠準,武功了得,見血封喉,但係我只係建議大家溫柔D姐,唔係咁都要比你劈殘下話? 你就做下好心,放下你暴戾既假面具,將你溫柔的真面目向各位呈現,我會好欽敬你架。 | |
now, 1. 有人於獨立思考/批判思考等方面天真及傻. 2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life 3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變 4. 人從起初已經在尋求"神" 5. 社會的發展, 並未能填補人心靈的需要. 基督教的神卻提供了這方面的滿足. 6. 有人利用宗教上的權力企圖得到更多其他權力. | |
版規寫得很清楚: 言論自由, 尊重他人. 這裡有些人是很樂意坦誠討論的. 一個理性的人, 應該懂得控制自己的情緒, 別要感情用事, 被蒙蔽看不到事實的真相. 而且, 沒有比一個和諧的環境更適合討論"宗教"這個題目吧? 容許小妹說句真心說話, 這幾天, 你們確實刺激了我很多思考, 也從更多的角度去思考. 世界的廣闊, 歷史的長遠, 豈能是我輩輕易就能弄得明白的? 希望大家也不要滿足於現下心裡這個答案吧. | |
1. 重婚、 2. 娶繼室、 3. 古實女子 = 西坡拉 (佢唔係埃及人,係米甸人) 4. 西坡拉早已被休。 http://www.ccbiblestudy.org/Old%20Testament/04Num/04CT12.htm http://www.pcchong.net/Numbers/Numbers6.htm 唔駛捨近求遠,最近既穆斯林就係屋企既印傭。安坐家中都可以宣教既。 點解小妹唔計我個答案既? | |
各位, 跟據你們的意見現將個list修改如下. now, 1. 有人於獨立思考/批判思考等方面天真及傻. 2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life 3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變 4. 人從起初已經在尋求"神" 5. 社會的發展, 並未能填補人心靈的需要. 基督教的神卻提供了這方面的滿足. 6. 有人利用宗教上的權力企圖得到更多其他權力. b: 第4點: 人從起初已經在尋求"神"。 必需講清楚,是源於幻想的尋求。 如小妹不願修改,請勿引用本人意見。 | |
When an old man/woman talk to a child in a serious tone about something, evolution will have the child memorize it regardless of what it really is. It is an evolution adaption vital to survival that is hijacked. Orginally, this trait is an adaptation used to teach the young vital skill on survival. In medievil time, the Church control most of the education facility of Europe. When America is "discovered"/"invaded", the Church ALSO control most of the education facility. When Australia is "discovered"/"invaded" the Church ALSO control most of the education facility. See a trend here? The Catholic Church is known to kidnap infidel children to be "taught" in their school. Now. The Muslim country has a religious school that every children there must attend. They will need to memorize the Qur'an (a version of bible, really). The end result is a country of Muslim. The Hindu lack such a system. Instead, the stuff is home taught. When the muslim invaded, the country nearly turn into a muslim country. Budism? They also have school system controlled. Check out Chinese or Japanese history. Fortunately (unfortinately if you are a Budhist), the grip is comparatively loose for this religion. ------------------- Here is some experiment I heard concerning religion In experiement, pigeaon has been conditioned to develope a religion for turning their neck by mere suspicion. (A religion of turning its' neck) Janpanese monkeys has been conditioned to wash their fruit without knowing the reason behinf it. (Hence a religion of washing everything they eat) Some pacific islander have also been conditioned to believe Prince Charles is a God (accidentally by American GI). If I am not mistaken, the religion is still there on the island. Show you how difficult it is to correct the message, once the "noise" is mixed into it. ------------------ Think of religion like a virus (good or bad), in Dawkins word, like a meme. I think it can be added to your reason as a scientific view of how it spreads. 7. It is a by-product of evolution. A misfiring, just like people who masterbrate when nature is really interested in reproduction. (or people who are on opium, when the evolution of the pleasure system is intended for something totally different - like feed yourself!) | |
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原帖由 M2 於 2008-2-18 22:44 發表 現時教徒人數已嚴重落後於1/3人口,府上有幾多個印傭呀,真係咁多家務要做,請成92萬個印傭?您開支都幾大下喎 唔駛upset,貴教辦事作風係咁咖啦 -- 唔係多得滯就係唔夠 -- 摩西婚姻狀况嘅真相就多得滯,點解歷年來伊斯蘭人口追唔上貴教之原因就唔夠 但係兄您唔駛upset,總有細佬陪您 -- 我一樣係因為某種不明原因被ignored嘅 | |
拿...我好認真咁睇過你既答案, 而家好認真咁答返你... 第一, 你引述既經文原意是否如你所解---- "當信徒人數超過2分1基督教就會倒下"呢? 這個有待商榷. 第二, 你幾時咁信聖經架? 而家呢度唔係當聖經係流既咩?? | |
堡壘係最容易由內部攻破嘅,所以M2真係最好計 | |
By the way, would this suggests that this by-product would be eventually be elminiated in long run? 回復 65# 的帖子 我都好想劈埋一份. 第一個答又唔見佢感動... | |
係囉, 沙文, 你地又話自己唔信既, 又成日搬聖經出泥作證據. 咪由內部攻破囉. 我一早講左自己係基督徒啦, 幫你諗埋先話聖經係流之嘛, 唔代表本人立場. | |
我向來努力不懈為聖經尋找證據,您做咩監硬幫我諗埋聖經係流? http://exchristian.hk/forum/view ... &extra=page%3D1 | |
為何基督徒到現在都不願承認 呢﹖ 被殺的人真係咁賤 ﹖連豬狗都不如 ﹖﹖ 要基督徒承認錯誤真係咁難 ﹖ 基督徒 ﹐你有良知的嗎 ﹖ | |
http://exchristian.hk/forum/view ... &extra=page%3D1 | |
原帖由 小妹 於 2008-2-19 12:04 發表 7. 殺戮江湖﹐搶奪市場 請加上﹐請尊重史實 | |
這如何跟evolution扯上關係? 可否再說明多一點? 1. 有人於獨立思考/批判思考等方面天真及傻. 2. fear of punishment after death, and the reward after-life 3. 人的奴性以及依賴性萬年不變 4. 人從起初已經在尋求"神" 5. 社會的發展, 並未能填補人心靈的需要. 基督教的神卻提供了這方面的滿足. 6. 有人利用宗教上的權力企圖得到更多其他權力. 7. 殺戮江湖﹐搶奪市場 (沒錯, 這是史實) | |
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