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耶穌自己讀《依撒意亞先知書》亦都冇讀53章。佢讀61:1-2 Luk 4:17有人把《依撒意亞先知書》遞給他;他遂展開書卷,找到了一處,上邊寫說: 18「上主的神臨於我身上,因為他給我傅了油,派遣我向貧窮人傳報喜訊,向俘虜宣告釋放,向盲者宣告復明,使受壓迫者獲得自由, 19宣布上主恩慈之年。」 20他把書卷捲起來,交給侍役,就坐下了。會堂內眾人的眼睛都注視着他。 佢睇住黎讀,但內容同現今經書中的《依撒意亞先知書》都有差異: 61:1吾主上主的神臨到我身上,因為上主給我傅了油,派遣我向貧苦的人傳報喜訊,治療破碎了的心靈,向俘虜宣告自由,釋放獄中的囚徒, 2宣佈上主恩慈的喜年,揭示我們天主報仇的日期,安慰一切憂苦的人, 今天所睇的《依撒意亞先知書》同耶穌睇的文本有不同。不是an apple to an apple. 由於文本不準確,根本不能保證內容冇錯,咁,點能憑此斷定究竟預言乜嘢? Luk 4:17 and was handed a scroll of the prophet Isaiah. He unrolled the scroll and found the passage where it was written: 18“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” Isa 61:1 The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me; He has sent me to bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, release to the prisoners, 2 To announce a year of favor from the LORD and a day of vindication by our God; To comfort all who mourn; | |
1.治療破碎心靈 to bind up the brokenhearted 2.揭示我們天主報仇的日期a day of vindication by our God; 3.安慰一切憂苦的人,To comfort all who mourn; assume耶穌的version較準確,現時的先知書version, 係咪歷年來的抄經佬自己加咗料呢? 其他句子意思雖然接近,但用字造句不同,亦有些字義偏差,afflicted係有病、受苦,唔係poor咁解。如果佢睇住經文讀出來,不會有咁不同。究竟經文的準確有幾可靠?是否足以用來判斷預言乜嘢? | |
哇...你呢期依撒意亞上身咩。 不過, 都見你幾依撒意亞通。 | |
咪考我哩 你好似掉我到18米深既水, 睇我曉唔曉潛咁 | |
呢個版應該無乜邊個可以明白到呢個喱浮既經文研究。 佢地都係留在「同你借錢你唔好阿G阿咗」「信耶穌要恨兄弟姊妹父母」呢啲野架咋。 你都唔會帶啲潛水菜鳥去到18米以下哩 | |
比較之下,耶穌的《依撒意亞先知書》version內容較少,少咗: 唔可以話「少咗」既. 唔俾耶穌讀到嗰段既一半就停咗咩。 佢唔讀埋落去之嘛 | |
"治療破碎心靈"係skipped中間一句喎 | |
唔係下話???經係您專長喎,我已是以己之短攻彼之長顧lu喎。鬥兵器就話我恰您啫,比拳腳應該係您撳住我黎打喎? | |
練過功夫既, 一「格三星」就知對手有幾多料架哩。 「比拳腳應該係您撳住我 .」....咁我都曉點到即止 | |
以前您見到我,一定而得往死裡打。 家下肯留手,仲唔係身有屎? | |
你都唔係咁招架無力, 企定任打哩 你一潛水就無你符哩 | |
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少, 你一條木魚咁, 任扑 你扮下反抗, 爭扎....得唔得? 情趣都好啲 | |
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睇功夫片, 淨係得打沙文個袋袋, 無對打, 一定屙拔甩 |
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