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原帖由 kamincuhk 於 2009-1-6 02:55 發表 so , how about following ?? | | | v v http://m.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=3065&page=3#pid38597 原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2009-1-6 15:25 發表 ThANKs [img]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:4dGAM_uRWzrASM:[/img] [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2009-1-7 17:40 編輯 ] | |
國金??? kamincuhk <<< 煩請帶路XD 其實我八點放工=33= 不如係旺角等 | |
o k , please inform : : where's the best place for waiting for gatherring @ 旺角 ?? i suggest the McDonalds.etc ThANKs [img]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:sFpAiOlm0F3I6M:[/img] | |
就之前錠鏹水個度個間M記 la | |
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時間:2000(8:00 pm )旺角M記等 日期:1月11日 地點:iFC 四樓平台 目的:去犯罪(飯聚) 宗教:歡迎任何人仕(不包括個D 低能 講野唔經大腦 個D) | |
咁是否要自己帶野食??我可以準備 另外,有甚麼會傾??? 可以每人發表一篇文章,跟住大家討論 | |
咁是否要自己帶野食??我可以準備 o yes , u'r welcomed to bring along with u your signature////best cuisine ThANKs [img]http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:8FcjrT-1hClpZM:[/img] [img]http://tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:OlVFeevxzspbFM:[/img] [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2009-1-8 00:32 編輯 ] | |
另外,有甚麼會傾??? any thing any thing which u like ThANKs any thing which u like , ThANKs .,;==^) [img]http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:yqFygOs98sSg2M:[/img] | |
係邊度???? 如果自己去 IFC ,幾點到??? | |
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http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/sr2.htm?shopid=15993 | |
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sorry , where's it ?? ThANKs [img]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:Kiw8vfzSVwC8QM:[/img] | |
不如係旺地恒等,大家用電話聯絡,請 pm 我 | |
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地恆...請問 what 是 地恆? ThANKs [img]http://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:bmrnpPLYpz_dKM:[/img] [img]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:fWQwvMJ9dEr67M:[/img] | |
" 上帝靠武裝 " " 耶穌靠偽裝 " " 觀音靠無上裝 " | |
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