
Why God can't be found?

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beebeechan 2010/7/5 15:49
How do you define and measure 「堅實」?
dye 2010/7/5 16:00
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/5 16:02 編輯

Besides the point above, the decision maker can also have different attitude.
The Pascal wager assumes a Bayes decision maker.  The decision maker will always take a choice with the highest expected return.

In real life, people also consider risk.  People also consider the worst case scenario with the best case scenario.

Some are reward-driven, other focus on loss-avoidance, for example.
liberale 2010/7/5 16:02
本帖最後由 liberale 於 2010/7/5 16:06 編輯
在信有神, 信無神問題上
那方是對, 那方是錯都搞未清, 是一個不知數
那你又如何能算出「對的機會較高,錯 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2010/7/5 15:40

beebeechan 2010/7/5 16:05
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/7/5 16:06 編輯
回復  beebeechan

想想耶穌死下死下成條死魚咁在十架時 ,他們又死去那裡 ...
淚兒 發表於 2010/7/5 14:07

那為甚麼這班貪生怕死的謂門徒, 在幾十日後卻變得膽粗粗, 唔怕死, 公然在聖殿講耶穌呢?
由死埋一邊變了行在前頭, 突哂頭
dye 2010/7/5 16:07
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/5 16:16 編輯


by ananlogy
不可知論=The earth shape is unknown
Flat earth 論=The earth is flat
Round earth 論= The earth is round

Can you conclude that the 不可知論 has a higher probability than round earth theory?
Can you see the err in logic?

不可知論 is ALWAYS wrong.  You can never be right in 不可知論!
It is an approach to problem (by not answering the question) but not an answer in itself to the question.

Both athiest and theist face the question but agnotic avoid the question altogather.  (But, can you really avoid it?)
dye 2010/7/5 16:09
回復 65# beebeechan


You can make anything happen in a work of fiction.
beebeechan 2010/7/5 16:10
The logic is, you are always a loser no matter the earth is flat or round.
淚兒 2010/7/5 16:10
回復 65# beebeechan

    已經閹左嘛 ,米唔怕捧打出頭鳥囉
beebeechan 2010/7/5 16:16
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/7/5 16:29 編輯
回復  beebeechan


You can make anything happen in a work of fiction.
dye 發表於 2010/7/5 16:09

Well, the Bible sure is a great fiction.
A group of people is told to write a story.
You do not know what I will write and I do not know what you will write. He does not know what we are about to write. We write at different places and different time and yet, we come up to the same story.
What is the probability of things coming up this way?
dye 2010/7/5 16:21
Firstly, they do know.
Secondly, if you have a council to decide on whoch book, the probabilty is high.
beebeechan 2010/7/5 16:21
The SCMP wrote about the choper that crashed into the Victoria Harbour. The reporters of 蘋果, 太陽, 成報, 東方, 星島 wrote the same story. It happens because they are all writing on a FACT. Something did happen.
beebeechan 2010/7/5 16:24
Firstly, they do know.
Secondly, if you have a council to decide on whoch book, the probabilty is hi ...
dye 發表於 2010/7/5 16:21

The gospels were already out there when the bible was canonized.
The church did not write the bible.
beebeechan 2010/7/5 16:25
Firstly, they do know.
dye 發表於 2010/7/5 16:21

know what?
beebeechan 2010/7/5 16:30
回復  beebeechan

    已經閹左嘛 ,米唔怕捧打出頭鳥囉
淚兒 發表於 2010/7/5 16:10

淚兒 2010/7/5 16:33
回復 75# beebeechan

beebeechan 2010/7/5 16:35
回復  beebeechan

淚兒 發表於 2010/7/5 16:33

你諗唔到點回, 不如不回哩
dye 2010/7/5 17:13
回復 72# beebeechan

But you only have one newspaper, the Bible.

And it is known to lie through the teeth before.
dye 2010/7/5 17:16
本帖最後由 dye 於 2010/7/5 17:17 編輯

回復 72# beebeechan

The second problem of this is that it only shows what the reporters believe to have happen.  It is not definitive of what actually happen (or fact).

How trustworthy depends on the skills and knowledge of the reporters involved.

Bible's reporters (which they CLAIM to have many without proof) are known to be biased, have a vest interest (and they admit it), and they are uneducated in today's standard.
kwongyauleung 2010/7/5 20:22
The gospels were already out there when the bible was canonized.
The church did not write the bible.   beebeechan

但係教會都一定會搵一d  favour 佢地既譯本. 可能正如另一個 thread 講聖經內根本無 church. 所以你都可以創教的. ... 而事實上都有很多人咁做..   


Bible's reporters (which they CLAIM to have many without proof) are known to be biased, have a vest interest (and they admit it), and they are uneducated in today's standard.

i agree
beebeechan 2010/7/5 21:54
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2010/7/5 22:17 編輯
但係教會都一定會搵一d  favour 佢地既譯本. 可能正如另一個 thread 講聖經內根本無 church. 所以你都可以創教的. ... 而事實上都有很多人咁做..   
kwongyauleung 發表於 2010/7/5 20:22

你今日收錄一套香港粵語流行歌集, 你一定要收錄許冠傑的半斤八兩, 鐵塔凌雲, 雙星情歌...等等. 因為他們早已在民間流傳已久.

教會在397年迦太基會議相討聖經成典, 也會收錄各路加福音, 瑪竇福音, 若望福音, 馬爾谷福音, 保祿 書信....等等
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