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http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... ther-baby-home.html | |
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羊牯同羊姑就信聆鼠教講嘢 謊言炒作幾百遍便變真架哩 你俾心機炒哩 | |
對眼擘大d, 就睇得清楚d 唔岩, 去做白內障, 做完睇野清哂 No record of remains during construction of homes near Tuam mass grave http://connachttribune.ie/county-council-says-no-records-of-human-remains-during-1970s-construction-of-homes-near-tuam-mass-grave-site-211/ 天主教網頁講既你話唔可靠 咁由第2d人講勒 (記者:楊鉅祥報導) | |
"A garda investigation into the Tuam baby scandal is the only way to move forward, the Justice Minister claimed yesterday. Tanaiste Frances Fitzgerald said: “It is inevitable that once the coroner finishes its work there will be a role for gardai." http://www.irishmirror.ie/news/i ... -probe-tuam-9972661http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/03/europe/ireland-tuam-human-remains/ | |
您講嘢同佢一樣,您地契兄弟黎咖? 報導話在前未婚媽收容所地盤發現童駭骨是真的, 誇大至是發現800具駭骨的亂葬崗就是.........。 .......吹水 | |
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/03/03/mass-grave-baby-remains-found-ireland/98683548/ 而您,一時話"No record of remains during construction of homes near Tuam mass grave" 而家又死死地氣招認"在前未婚媽收容所地盤發現童駭骨是真的,"您係良心發現定屈打成招? | |
Notice- 3rd March 2017 The Commission has completed its test excavation of the Tuam site. The stratigraphic survey which was conducted in October 2015 identified a particular area of interest and identified a number of sub surface anomalies that were considered worthy of further investigation. These were further investigated by a test excavation in November/December 2016 and in January/February 2017. Test trenches were dug revealing two large structures. One structure appears to be a large sewage containment system or septic tank that had been decommissioned and filled with rubble and debris and then covered with top soil. The second structure is a long structure which is divided into 20 chambers. The Commission has not yet determined what the purpose of this structure was but it appears to be related to the treatment/containment of sewage and/or waste water. The Commission has also not yet determined if it was ever used for this purpose. In this second structure, significant quantities of human remains have been discovered in at least 17 of the 20 underground chambers which were examined. A small number of remains were recovered for the purpose of analysis. These remains involved a number of individuals with age-at-death ranges from approximately 35 foetal weeks to 2-3 years. Radiocarbon dating of the samples recovered suggest that the remains date from the timeframe relevant to the operation of the Mother and Baby Home (the Mother and Baby Home operated from 1925 to 1961; a number of the samples are likely to date from the 1950s). Further scientific tests are being conducted. The Commission is shocked by this discovery and is continuing its investigation into who was responsible for the disposal of human remains in this way. Meanwhile, the Commission has asked that the relevant State authorities take responsibility for the appropriate treatment of the remains. The Coroner has been informed. The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs is making a statement on the matter today. http://www.mbhcoi.ie/MBH.nsf/page/Latest%20News-en | |
對眼掰大d, 就睇得清楚d人地話"nearly 800", 係冇話足800喎 咁講夠 84000 個囉。。。。 橫掂都唔係講實架咯。 | |
而您,一時話"No record of remains during construction of homes near Tuam mass grave" "No record of remains during construction of homes near Tuam mass grave" 是講1970年在該處建屋地盤的工程 咁大個亂葬崗, 掘開咁大個地盤都掘唔中一具駭骨, 奇囉 | |
一國禱告的殿 都可以講夠 10,000國禱告的殿啦 | |
何文田地盤發現8具骸骨 http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/6/4/11/n1283819.htm 哇,。。。若地盤前身是與教會有關既機構, 就大檸樂囉! 8 具駭骨喎。。。。。滅門, 大屠殺哩。。一定 | |
報導話在前未婚媽收容所地盤發現童駭骨是真的, 呢單話該處應埋了800多具童屍, 是2014便上碟的炒作。 之後, 愛爾蘭政府又話成立乜調查小組, 發掘小組。。。。 成三年哩, 在那方圓一, 二千呎的後園墓地, 也掘不出一, 二百個駭骨來交數?! 你當愛爾蘭政府, 考古人員係膿包咩! 大陣象, 小發現 我真係為今日既網民, 有咁低既智慧而悲哀 | |
因为作工要極度小心恐怕破壞現場證據。http://www.forensicsciencesimplified.org/csi/how.html 譬如, WWII戰犯調查一路延至最近, 閒閒地搞半個世紀有突。3年其實算快咖啦。 http://time.com/4186602/prosecute-last-surviving-nazis/ 作工期間,貴教又不斷作出騷擾, 散播謠言話 IRELAND’S “MASS GRAVES” STORY IS FAKE NEWS, 即如您都係企圖製造假新聞混淆視听, 好在有我咁精明嘅版友, 唔會畀您用天主教常見小把戲蒙混過關, 但都要屣一至兩個post 澄清。 有關當局的資源亦係咁樣被分薄, 要調查謠言來源, 最近才水落石出原來又係貴教搞鬼。。 一有初步結果,Katherine Zappone TD, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs 部長已第一時间公佈 "Up to now we had rumours. Now we have confirmation that the remains are there " 所謂撈亂骨頭就係咁解, 並唔係靠數嘅, 要做 DNA鑑定, 才可以決定究竟有幾多具遺体 。 譬如, 1個嬰兒有305舊骨, 咁鑑證人員找到 305 舊骨頭, 係咪即係一個BB仔呢? 教徒就會 jump to conclusion, 但精明的鑑證人員同我都知道未必。 可能 305 舊骨分屬 305個小朋友, 其餘骨頭有一些被水沖走咗, 一些被狗食咗, 一些被神父食咗....... 所以工序極為 time consuming所以, 如果在現場找到 24,3695舊骨, 話 「近 800個 BB」乃是一個保守估計, 具体遇害人數 , 要逐一做DNA鑑定。 您老豆做DNA鑑定check下您 , 都要 一個礼拜先有 result 啦, 鑑定24,3695舊骨, x7=1,705,865除365= 4,673 四千六百幾年呀! 同華夏文明差唔多 。愛爾蘭政府只係用咗3年已有初步報告, 效率之高可算驚世駭俗! 至於公開調查內容要幾詳細, 係由警方决定, 。現階段我們應该撐警, 只要貴教唔好阻差辦公, 進度就可以快些。您得閒拎尐汽水小食去現場 慰勞法證人員, 对進度亦有一定幫助。 | |
譬如, 1個嬰兒有305舊骨, 咁鑑證人員找到 305 舊骨頭, 係咪即係一個BB仔呢? 教徒就會 jump to conclusion, 但精明的鑑證人員同我都知道未必。 可能 305 舊骨分屬 305個小朋友, 其餘骨頭有一些被水沖走咗, 一些被狗食咗, 一些被神父食咗....... 所以工序極為 time consuming所以, 如果在現場找到 24,3695舊骨, 話 「近 800個 BB」乃是一個保守估計, 具体遇害人數 , 要逐一做DNA鑑定。 您老豆做DNA鑑定check下您 , 都要 一個礼拜先有 result 啦, 鑑定24,3695舊骨, x7=1,705,865除365= 4,673 哦, 原來科學鑑證要咁嚴謹架? 你唔講都唔留意添! 不過.......... 1965年,雲南元謀上那蚌村附近, 考古者發現只是兩枚人類牙齒 便可以填空其它空白的地方, 砌出是屬於一千七百萬年前的直立人猿, 比北京周口店人猿更要早....炎黃之前的祖先: 元謀人 只係兩枚牙, 便搞定了。 究竟係你唔識野, 定係人類考古學家唔曉呢? | |
撐飯蓋就真 | |
最唔曉嘅係您, 真係冇改錯名 - 羊牯 元谋人, 係 50-60 萬年前, 初發現時錯誤估計, 都得 1,700,000 年。 您就唔曉計數, 乘大 30 倍 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%83%E8%B0%8B%E4%BA%BA Homo 同南方古猿分家, 都係得 230 萬年, 您點計到「 一千七百萬年前的直立人猿」 ? 揾到兩隻牙, 咁就要兩個星期做鑑證。 揾到243,695舊骨, 就要243,695個星期做鑑證。 究竟係你唔識乘數 , 定係CSI唔曉呢? | |
職業病囉 我睇慣我d投資回報, 周時都一百七十變一千七百, 一時抽離唔到唶. | |
因為顛鼠教賠錢畀信徒, 同佢地嘅衰格程度成正比, 所以數目細您就唔慣。 愛爾蘭顛鼠教嘅衰格嘢, 今次只係 follow up 報道, 之前已有案底, 仲講夠一萬。 用職業病計算法睇下賠幾多至啱 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ ... rutalised-nuns.html | |
共被顛鼠教累死798位, 有哂纪錄幾時香。 有兩位揾到山墳, 有得拜山, 796位冲落厠所去也。 http://www.independent.ie/irish- ... -home-35509137.html 點解唔賣畀降頭佬養鬼仔呢? 嗰尐真係鬼仔黎喎, 賣得貴尐喎。因為顛鼠教開雞竇食大茶飯, 唔志在 |
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