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問:凡事必有因,第一因就是上帝。〔宇宙論證,The Cosmological Argument:第一因論證,The Argument from Cause〕 答:第一因未必是你所形容的上帝。 問:如果信神而最後沒有神,只失去少量金錢與時間;但如果不信神而最後有神,你便會下地獄!〔實用論證,The Pragmatic Argument:帕斯卡的賭注,Pascal's Wager〕 答:該信哪個宗教的神?信錯神也會下地獄的! 問:(1) 宇宙井然有序,不是偶然的,所以必有創造者。〔設計論證,The Argument From Design〕 (2) 在沙漠發現了一隻手錶,難道認為沒有製造這手錶的人嗎?〔鐘錶匠論證,Watchmaker Argument〕 答:誰創造了「創造者」? 問:有絕對/客觀的道德規條,因此必有一個絕對的道德規條定立者,它就是神。〔道德論證〕 答:世界各地道德、文化皆不同,例如對同性戀、安樂死、一夫一妻制等都沒有一致看法。 問:上帝是一切可能想像中最偉大的本體。假如它不存在,就還有一個比它更偉大的本體可同時存在和被想像到。因此,上帝是存在的。〔本體論證,Ontological Argument〕 答:孫悟空是一切可能想像中最好打的神仙。假如它不存在,就還有一個比孫悟空更好打的神仙可同時存在和被想像到。因此,孫悟空是存在的。 問:很多人相信有神,因此,神很有可能存在。〔公認論證〕 答:很多人在黑死病時期都相信疫症是由魔鬼引起;以前中國有瘟疫時,大多數村民也認為是瘟神作崇。 問:耶穌自稱是神,祂不是瘋子、騙子,就真的是神。〔三難問題,Trilemma〕 答:(1) 古往今來,都有一些瘋狂而具口才、又自我催眠認為自己是神的狂熱教派領袖。 (2) 根據聖經記載,耶穌從沒有自稱為神,這是其他門徒在耶穌死後才說的。 問:耶穌是各大宗教創教者中唯一自稱是神,死而復活,並以神跡改變了很多人的生命,因此耶穌是神存在的有力證據。[復活論證] 答:聖經從沒記載耶穌曾自稱是神,而記載耶穌復活的情節是後人添加的。〔耶穌不是救世主,更從來也沒有復活過〕 問:神的存在是不證自明、不言而喻的(self-evident / proved by unaided reason) 答:很理解這種面對著強烈反駁之下無力抗辯的回應。 Famous Theories Q: Everything must have a cause, and the first cause is God. [ The Cosmological Argument: The Argument from Cause ] A: The first cause may not be the God you described. Q: If one believes and God doesn't exist, one loses little or nothing; if one doesn’t believe and God does exist, one will go to hell! [ The Pragmatic Argument: Pascal's wager ] A: Which religions' gods should I believe? Believing the wrong god will also go to hell! Q: (1) There is an established order in the universe which must be created by a Creator. [ The Argument From Design ] (2) Don't you think there should be a watchmaker when you find a watch lying in the desert? [ Watchmaker Argument ] A: Who created the "Creator"? Q: There are absolute / objective moral rules, so there must be a deity to set the absolute moral rules. [ Moral Argument ] A: The morality and cultures are different around the world. There is no consensus on many topics like homosexuality, euthanasia, monogamy, etc. Q: God is the greatest possible being exists that in the mind. If he does not exist in reality, there must be a greater being that exists both in reality and mind. Therefore God exists. [ Ontological Argument ] A: The Monkey King is the greatest possible immortal warrior that exists in the mind. If it does not exist in reality, there must be a greater immortal warrior that exists both in reality and mind. Therefore the Monkey King exists. Q: Many people believe in God, so God is most likely to exist. [ Argument from Popularity ] A: Many people also believe that the epidemic was caused by the Devil during the period of the Black Death. Q: Jesus claimed himself to be God. If he is neither a madman nor a liar, he must really be the God. [ Trilemma ] A: (1) There were many crazy and persuasive fanatical sect leaders who were self-hypnosized as being the God through the ages. (2) According to the Bible, Jesus has never claimed to be God. It was only claimed by other disciples after his death. Q: Jesus was the only founder among major religions who claimed to be God, resurrected from death, and performed miracles that changed many people's lives. It is strong evidence of the existence of God. [ Argument from the Resurrection ] A: The Bible never recorded that Jesus claimed to be God, and the plot of Jesus' resurrection was later added. [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/His ... surrection_of_Jesus ] Q: The existence of God is self-evident / proved by unaided reason. A: I deeply understand the response of one's inability to defend under such strong rebuttals. | |
God wants to be praised so badly, sharing the same characteristics of tyrants in history. Shouldn't there be a "," ? Christian behavior does not represent the goodness or badness of Christianity thought. Christian's behavior................ 基督徒的行為不代表基督教思想的好壞。 答:思想本身並無好壞,<---------------唔明咩意思。 (我打算約您全家出嚟飲茶趁您去屙尿劫走您老婆做押寨夫人此後十六年來您個仔認賊作父) <--- 以上這個思想好中性咩? (雖然沙文條粉腸咁樣對我,但係若然佢問我度住千零二千萬江湖救急我都會不計前嫌唔托手睜) <--- 以上這個偉大思想又係好中性? | |
單純的思想並不決定其好與壞,諗下之嘛,即如你對好多人都可能有性幻想,包括本人老婆,但是單單係咁係無所謂既,相信如果佢知道仲好沾沾自喜添。 但是當思想附諸實行時,其相關的行為就可用作衡量該思想的好與壞。你好想打一個人,真的去打人的話就是犯法,這行為是由你的思想引起;但如果你忍住,只是走去打小人,咁又無犯法喎,係打小人既過程,其實都體現左「打人」既快感和發洩。 沙文等錢駛,我思想上係好想幫佢,妖但係又要匯錢去銀行排隊又要過數,自己又要養老婆仔女又要儲錢買樓做生意退休,都係等返一頭半個世紀睇下有無閒錢先算,咁你話我呢個「幫沙文」既思想算唔算偉大? | |
您嘅意思無非係「好同衰係由行動决定,唔係由思想决定」 但係就start with 「思想無分好壞」,要解畫解一爛餐,意思就不明確啦。其實思想都有好同衰,不過齋諗就冇所謂啫, this is what you are saying, right? ------------------------------------ 喝醉了的人也比較開心,但這都不是高水準的快樂來源。 "李白一斗詩百篇,長安市上酒家眠" "張旭三杯草聖傳,脫帽露頂王公前" 您咁高水準都寫唔出佢地不是高水準的藝術境界喎? ![]() | |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollonian_and_Dionysian 恐怕您對酒嘅誤解唔會得到劉伶一族認同喎 ![]() | |
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抽刀斷水水更流 舉杯消愁愁更愁 段估你夠膽話我唔識酒性,都唔夠薑咁話太白兄掛? ![]() | |
人生得意須盡歡,莫使金樽空對月。 烹羊宰牛且為樂,會須一飲三百杯。 陳王昔時宴平樂,鬥酒十千恣歡謔。 愁更愁的原因,係酒唔夠靚, 而解决辦法係: 五花馬,千金裘,呼兒將出換美酒,與爾同銷萬古愁。 | |
因為係回應緊「基督徒的行為不代表基督教思想的好壞」丫嘛。 | |
咁咪係咯。基督徒做得衰,咁就算基督思想好都冇用。咁講先啱嘛。 思想本身係有好同衰本身係有好同衰咖嘛 | |
飲開心酒咪開心囉,因為本身就開心丫嘛。 酒精與性別:男性借酒澆愁,女性借酒澆愁愁更愁 http://info.wenweipo.com/index.php?action-viewnews-itemid-62873 | |
您要插基督教,何必燒埋人地飲酒嗰叠呢? 冇第尐嘢好講咩? | |
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宗教係人民嘅咩呀? ![]() | |
明知死路唔講,唔知唔講都冇錯,淨係有化但講錯果D先係錯.反正只計行為? | |
不嬲都無乜人話過,拍丸吸毒係有愉悅感既,可能被刻意隱瞞了,咁呢D例子咪仲要講更大堆囉。 | |
唔係呀。 我個case係:由某思想引發的行為,是可用以衡量思想的好壞。但如某思想沒有引發行為,則思想本身就無分好壞。 唔小心車死人,並非由刻意而來,即是並非某思想所引發,就唔關事了。 | |
您冇咩下話? 道友個個都係咁話嘅啦,唔係咩叫dope喎?毒品,不外乎就係中樞神經興奮劑嘛。 | |
咁酒唔係咩?做乜雙重標準喎。 ![]() |
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