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又一藝人淪陷入基督魔掌手裡 黎姿 睇黎 無線 內部基督勢力越來越大﹐趁藝人有困擾時就利用 ”關愛“ 手段引人入教 | |
睇下煲唔煲得起啦。 可以參考近來各八卦新聞頭版的是甚麼東西,再行嘗試包裝一下以達到那個效果便可了。 | |
藝人信教後影響力真係好大﹐估計無線將好快搵陳發蓉返去拍劇﹐肥水不留別人田﹐獨霸成個電視圈﹐佈下基教天羅地網﹐基教稱霸香港指日可待 想當日電視圈仍然係傳統宗教既時代﹐並未剝奪基教徒走入娛樂圈既機會﹐現在基教徒掌控了﹐就過橋抽板﹐不停影響其他宗教既藝人﹐係基教徒心目中﹐唔係教徒冇資格做藝人﹖基教徒你到底有冇良心 ﹖﹖ 依家開鏡都仲有拜神儀式﹐遲d就冇囉 暫時知道既無線基教藝人(一線/力捧/綠葉) (主子)陳志雲 (主子)樂易玲 (一線)廖碧儿 (一線)鄧萃雯 (一線)張可頤 (休息) (一線)蔡少份 (一線)蒙嘉慧 (一線)郭羨妮 (一線)蘇玉華 (一線)黎姿 ( 最近入教 ) (一線)林文龍( 最近入教 ) (一線)江華( 最近入教 ) (一線)郭晉安 (一線)劉松仁 (一線)陳鍵鋒 (一線)鄭嘉穎 (一線)邵美琪 (力捧)李詩韻 (力捧)陳敏之 (力捧)森美 (力捧)王祖藍 韓馬莉 曹敏莉 李亞男 蔣志光 廖啟智 溫兆倫(前兩年入教) 胡楓 黃智賢 陳曼娜 許紹雄 劉丹 李司棋 薛家燕 鍾景輝 沈卓盈 韓君婷 ----------------------------------------- 剛回巢/被邀請既基教藝人 江欣燕 金燕玲 商天娥 薛凱琪 羅慧娟 張堅庭《一擲千金》 --------------------------------------- 可能會再回巢既基教藝人 陳發蓉( 最近入教 ) 陳慧珊 郭可盈( 最近入教 ) 梁藝齡 陳松齡 朱茵 ------------------------------------------------------- 我未查清楚/未知道/冇宗教既藝人(基教目標﹖﹖) (一線)陈豪 (一線)宣萱 (一線)马德钟 (一線)佘诗曼 (一線)胡杏兒 (一線)楊怡 (一線)吳卓羲 (一線)林峰 (一線)楊思琦 (一線)林保怡 (一線)馬浚偉(表示願意了解更多) (一線)歐陽震華 (力捧)鍾嘉欣 (力捧)梁靖琪 (力捧)唐寧 (力捧)徐子珊 陶大宇 黎諾懿 魏駿傑 滕麗名 官恩娜 唐詩詠 本人直覺有藝人會因為討好上司而入教博取機會 暫時知道這些﹐會再尋找﹐網友有資料請補充 | |
蔡子健 黄泆潼 周家蔚 鄭希怡 鄭子誠 | |
原帖由 Guest from 60.50.236.x 於 2008-2-3 18:13 發表 even 胡楓 e.t.c. ????????? oh My God [[[[[ any God other than Christiannity's or Judaism's or Islam's or Abrahamic e.t.c. ]]]] , please dont lie to me !!!! the deeper i follow 'the list , the heavier it presses up on my heart , really hard4me2swallow really hard4me2sleep 2night tonight does any1 know whether the China's governments have any response here-over ???? sorry for my over-reaction , 'the list 's just too imPRESSive really [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-4 04:21 編輯 ] | |
或者,娛樂圈就是載浮載沉的世界,很多人都要找慰籍或埋堆,因此造就了這個宗教的興旺。 佛教在動蕩的娛樂圈,也起了一定的作用,很多歌星也唱《心經》: 以下的佛曲是 "沒有" 版權的,是佛教的非賣品。 心經 - 群星(張學友, 梅艷芳等) http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ071.mp3 心經, 梅艷芳 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ16.mp3 心經, 譚詠麟 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ19.mp3 心經, 張學友 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ23.mp3 心經, 王菲 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ24.mp3 心經–楊千樺 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ38.mp3 心經–陳奕迅 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ37.mp3 心經–李克勤 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ36.mp3 心經–容祖兒 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ39.mp3 心經, 劉德華 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ21.mp3 心經, 謝霆鋒 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ25.mp3 心經, 葉倩文 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ34.mp3 心經, 彭羚,許志安,李樂詩 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ33.mp3 心經, 關淑怡,蘇永康,趙學宜 http://club.buda.idv.tw/music/XJ35.mp3 ------------------------------------------- 佛陀的愛 http://file.buda.idv.tw/music/AMTFZXJ05.mp3 極樂歌 http://file.buda.idv.tw/music/JLG0101.wma 林憶蓮 - 西方淨土祈願文 http://file.buda.idv.tw/music/YXFG01.mp3 | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-4 10:13 發表 娛樂圈就多佛教徒﹐因為冇人控制﹐但電視臺就可以控制﹐選核藝人/員工的人力資源部最可疑﹐人力資源部既頭就係 “樂易玲” | |
ThANKs to 遊客 for such a listsful list , [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-5 04:23 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 Guest from 118.100.100.x 於 2008-2-4 20:14 發表 hi ThANKs i want2contact 中联办 , 中央人民政府驻香港特别行政区联络办公室 , to let them to see here , i have just visitted their http://www.locpg.gov.cn/ or http://www.locpg.gov.cn/hwzn/ e.t.c. , but , up2now , still cant secure any corresponding contact's address , so , could any1 teach me here-about ?? ?? cheers ThANKye | |
想當日電視圈仍然係傳統宗教既時代﹐並未剝奪基教徒走入娛樂圈既機會﹐現在基教徒掌控了﹐就過橋抽板﹐不停影響其他宗教既藝人﹐係基教徒心目中﹐唔係教徒冇資格做藝人﹖基教徒你到底有冇良心 ﹖﹖ 過橋抽板 , 基基's head trick , 基基 , the 中山狼 [[[[[[[[[probably]]]]]]]]] | |
原帖由 Guest from 60.50.236.x 於 2008-2-3 18:13 發表 my own take : :::::::::: ---------------------------------------------------------------- 陳志雲 n 樂易玲 e.t.c. , have been being paid by tvb to capture tvb ,;--^) , --------------------------- reason : ::::: d'u think that 陳志雲 n 樂易玲 e.t.c. render their ,,,,,services'''' @ tvb 4free ????????? 陳志雲 e.t.c. , may b paid by tvb up to 7-figures $$$$$$$ per year , --------------------------- i.e. : ::::: 'the responsible churches may b not needed to pay out any $ in hi-jacking tvb , but , rather 2 the contrary , 'the responsible churches may have been being paid4hijacking residually by 陳志雲 n 樂易玲 e.t.c. with their tithes[[[[[1/10]]]] ---------------------------------------------------------------- i.e. : ::::: this may b an other evidence proving out that there'r really many many super calculating accounting talents in the Christiannity [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-14 04:43 編輯 ] | |
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sorry , un-agree ---------------------------------------------------------------- .1. aftrall , they have 'the common God + the common Jesus + 'the common Bible e.t.c. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .2. they have 'the common fiend , i.e. , 中共 , everybody knows how toughest the 中共 's been being , everybody knows first they must co-operate in order to break-through everybody knows bending 2-sticks-together is much harder than bending 1 by 1 , even baby ---------------------------------------------------------------- .3. the most famousest proverb of 三国演义: ::::: 分久必合 ---------------------------------------------------------------- .4. it may b not too late to begin to 互相指責對方 after they have taken down 中共 in future , so , now , it may b the time to work together to-get-her ---------------------------------------------------------------- .5. if ..... 天主教基督教 too early or too much to 互相指責對方為異端 , then .... it may//must//MUST cause the confusions + abhorrance among outsiders such as chinese folk , who 'r their primary ,,,,,,,,,marketting''''''''' targets , that must destroy the good images of both of 天主教 n 基督教 , that must do nothing good to both of 天主教 n 基督教 , + 天主教 n 基督教 , each has so man many too many super marketting talents + image speciallists + strategists , do u still think they not realise the problems as above-mentionned ???? + 樂易玲 e.t.c. herslf , 's a/////////A image speciallist e.t.c. ---------------------------------------------------------------- .6. u know , the Catholickism////Catholiccism and Catholics , have been being much more open-minded than their Protestant counterparts , e.g. 蔣麗萍 , 1 of the 蔣麗莉's elder sisters , 1 of the ex-actresses , 1 of the Catholics , 's proselytised herself from Catholickism////Catholiccism to Protestantism , she confessed it opennly in an interview @ 火熱音樂人 @ fm104 @ year2005[?] or @ year2006[?] , so , .6.a. my own take : :::::::::: all 'the friendly hands may b first stretched out from the Catholics to the Protestants in order to reach the co-operation to take on 中共 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-15 03:06 編輯 ] | |
亞視的立場亦頗為親共(能引入中央台就可知一二),那為甚麼反而比無線播更多這些東西呢?一方面可能教會出手闊綽,另一方面可能中共都知道信教並非大問題,只要與外國的勢力切斷,就不會影響政權了。 不過,這個宗教正全速開拓大陸市場,這是事實。但與中國傳統儒釋道的文化比較下,高下立見。君不見淫照事件下,天主教助理主教及基督教背景的香港性文化學會都是引用儒家思想,可見基督教思想的不足。 | |
"就算是天主十誡. 我們由古經到新經都是: 非禮勿視, 非禮勿聽, 非禮勿談" 教壞咗D人, 等D人以為呢D野真係出自聖經咁點算ar?? | |
原帖由 Guest from 60.50.236.x 於 2008-2-3 18:13 發表 with the loss o' anita mui + james wong jim + law-man tan bak sin + leslie cheung kwok wing + danny chan bak keung + e.t.c. ......... the influence of buddhists e.t.c. in tvb 電視圈 may b dwindling ......... | |
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-2-17 07:03 發表 @ the time when ..... My Fair Lady anita mui has just passed away , i have been already afraid that influence of buddhists e.t.c. in tvb 電視圈 may also fade out as well ......... | |
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原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-17 19:29 發表 sorry not get it , couldst thou explain it a litle bit ?? cheers ThANKye [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-18 03:46 編輯 ] | |
with the 肥肥姐's final ending , i'd b afraid that : ::::: the non-Christian group in hk's 電視圈 , would lose again the most powersfull real 大家姐 , after the loss of anita mui-yim-fong by 'the way : ::::: , she died just too young too early , , my deepest-heartsfull salute to 肥肥姐 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-20 08:08 編輯 ] |
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