
基督教涉嫌的二次創作 / 抄襲

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抽刀斷水 2016/1/28 21:09
回覆 140# 沙文


有人話virgin即parthenos,又話係maiden,一時又話要immaculate conception,定義如此模糊沒有統一,傾黎都係牛頭唔搭馬咀、一中各表既姐。

See: http://freethoughtnation.com/isis-is-a-virgin-mother/
beebeechan 2016/1/31 00:03
回覆  沙文

有人話virgin即parthenos,又話係maiden,一時又話要immaculate conception,定義如此模糊沒有統一,傾黎都係牛頭唔搭馬咀、一中各表既姐。

抽刀斷水 發表於 2016/1/28 21:09

抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 00:07


     The most colossal of the blunders of the Septuagint
translators, supplemented by the most insidious, persistent and
purposeful falsification of text, is instanced in the false
translation of the notoriously false pretended "prophecy" of Isaiah
vii, 14, -- frauds which have had the most disastrous and fatal
consequences for Christianity, and to humanity under its blight;
the present exposure of which should instanter destroy the false
Faith built on these frauds.

     The Greek priest who forged the "Gospel according to St.
Matthew," having before him the false Septuagint translation of
Isaiah, fables the Jewish Mary yielding to the embraces of the
Angel Gabriel to engender Jesus, and backs it up by appeal to the
Septuagint translation of Isaiah vii, 14:

     "Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth
a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel." (Matt. i, 23.)

     Isaiah's original Hebrew, with the mistranslated words
underscored, reads: "Hinneh ha-almah harah ve-yeldeth ben ve-karath
shem-o immanuel"; -- which, falsely translated by the false pen of
the pious translators, runs thus in the English: "Behold, a virgin
shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel"
(Isa. vii, 14.) The Hebrew words ha-almah mean simply the young
woman; and harah is the Hebrew past or perfect tense, "conceived,"
which in Hebrew, as in English, represents past and completed
action. Honestly translated, the verse reads: "Behold, the young
woman has conceived -- [is with child) -- and beareth a son and
calleth his name Immanuel."

     Almah means simply a young woman, of marriageable age, whether
married or not, or a virgin or not; in a broad general sense
exactly like girl or maid in English, when we say shop-girl,
parlor-maid, bar-maid, without reference to or vouching for her
technical virginity, which, in Hebrew, is always expressed by the
word bethulah. But in the Septuagint translation into Greek, the
Hebrew almah was erroneously rendered into the Greek parthenos,
virgin, with the definite article 'ha' in Hebrew, and e in Greek,
(the), rendered into the indefinite "a" by later falsifying
translators. (See Is It God's Word? pp. 277-279; EB. ii, 2162; New
Commentary on the Holy Scripture, Pt. I, p. 439.) And St. Jerome
falsely used the Latin word virgo.

     "As early as the second century B.C.," says the distinguished
Hebrew scholar and critic, Salomon Reinach, "the Jews perceived the
error and pointed it out to the Greeks; but the Church knowingly
persisted in the false reading, and for over fifteen centuries she
has clung to her error." (Orpheus, p, 197.) The truth of this
accusation of conscious persistence in known error through the
centuries is proved by confession of St. Jerome, who made the
celebrated Vulgate translation from the Hebrew into Latin, and
intentionally "clung to the error," though Jerome well knew that it
was an error and false; and thus he perpetuated through fifteen
hundred years the myth of the "prophetic virgin birth" of Jesus
called Christ.

     Being criticized by many for this falsification, St. Jerome
thus replies to one of his critics, Juvianus: "I know that the Jews
are accustomed to meet us with the objection that in Hebrew the
word Almah does not mean a virgin, but a young woman. And, to speak
truth, a virgin is properly called Bethulah, but a young woman, or
a girl, is not Almah, but Naarah"! (Jerome, Adv. Javianum I, 32;
N&PNF, vi, 370.) So insistent was the criticism, that he was driven
to write a book on the subject, in which he makes a very notable
confession of the inherent incredibility of the Holy Ghost
paternity-story "For who at that time would have believed the
Virgin's word that she had conceived of the Holy Ghost, and that
the angel Gabriel had come and announced the purpose of God? and
would not all have given their opinion against her as an
adulteress, like Susanna? For at the present day, now that the
whole world has embraced the faith, the Jews argue, that when
Isaiah says, 'Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son,' the
Hebrew the Hebrew word denotes a young woman, not a virgin, that is
to say, the word is ALMAH, not BETHULAH"! (Jerome, The Perpetual
Virginity of Blessed Mary, N&PNF, vi, 336.)

     So the Greek Father or priest who forged the false "virgin-
birth" interpolation into the manuscript of "Matthew," drags in
maybe ignorantly the false Septuagint translation of Isaiah vii,
14, which the Latin Father St. Jerome purposely perpetuated as a
pious "lie to the glory of God." The Catholic and King James
Versions purposely retain this false translation; the Revised
Version keeps it in, but with a gesture of honesty, which is itself
a fraud, sticks into the margin in fine type, after the words "a
virgin" and "shall conceive," the words, "Or, the maiden is with
child and beareth," -- which not one in thousands would ever see or
understand the significance of. So it is not some indefinite "a
virgin" who 750 years in the future "shall conceive" and "shall
bear" a son whose name she "shall call" Immanuel, Jesus; but it was
some known and definite young female, married or un-married -- but
not a "virgin" -- who had already conceived and was already
pregnant, and who beareth a son and calleth his name Immanuel, ...
who should be the "sign" which "my lord" should give to Ahaz of the
truth of Isaiah's false prophecy regarding the pending war with
Israel and Syria, as related in Isaiah vii, and of which the total
falsity is proven in 2 Chronicles xxviii, as all may read.

     Although Papal Infallibility has declared that "it will never
be lawful to grant ... that the sacred writers could have made a
mistake" (Leo XIII, Eneyc. Provid. Deus; CE. ii, 543), yet, the
fraud being notorious and exposed to the scorn of the world, and
being driven by force of modern criticism, CE. definitely and
positively -- though with the usual clerical soft-soaping,
confesses this age-long clerical fraud and falsification of Holy
Writ, and relegates it to the junk-heap of discredited -- but not
discarded -- dogmatic myth:

     "Modern theology does not grant that Isaiah vii, 14, contains
a real prophecy fulfilled in the virgin birth of Christ; it must
maintain, therefore, that St. Matthew misunderstood the passage
when he said: 'Now all this was done that it might be fulfilled
which the Lord spoke by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall
be with child, and bring forth a son, etc."! (CE. xv, 451.)

     Thus is apparent, and confessed, the dishonesty of "Matthew"
and of the Church of Christ in perverting this idle, false and
falsified text of Isaiah into a "prophecy of the virgin birth of
Jesus Christ," and in persisting in retaining this falsity in their
dishonest Bibles as the basis of their own bogus theology unto this
day of the Twentieth Century. The Church, full knowing its falsity,
yet, clings to this precious lie of Virgin Birth and all the
concatenated consequences. Thus it declares its own condemnation as
false. Some other viciously false translations of sacred Scripture
will be duly noticed in their place.

     As Thomas Jefferson prophetically wrote, -- as is being

     "The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by
the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be
classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of

-- From Joseph Wheless, FORGERY IN CHRISTIANITY, P.67-69
beebeechan 2016/2/2 00:47
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2016/2/2 00:50 編輯


     The most coloss ...

-- From Joseph Wheless, FORGERY IN CHRISTIANITY, P.67-69

抽刀斷水 發表於 2016/2/2 00:07

首先, 未講此文的內容。
作者 Joseph Wheless 只是一個律師,業餘寫下宗教話題的書(或為興趣, 或為搵外快哩),  没有聖經文本考勘, 神學訓練背景,
他本人懂不懂希臘文, 希伯來文也成疑問, 所以有無資格在這話題上著書立說都成問題。

打個比喻, 講打網球心得,
霍金講的可靠, 還是舒拉寶娃講的可靠呢?

當然,你話狗翕, 係唔使講資格既
beebeechan 2016/2/2 00:56
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2016/2/2 08:01 編輯


(Isa. vii, 14.) The Hebrew words ha-almah mean simply the young
woman; and harah is the Hebrew past or perfect tense, "conceived,"
which in Hebrew, as in English, represents past and completed
action. Honestly translated, the verse reads: "Behold, the young
woman has conceived -- [is with child) -- and beareth a son and
calleth his name Immanuel."

抽刀斷水 發表於 2016/2/2 00:07

其實不需要去懂希伯來文, 希臘文, 用下一般常理便知經文要強調『處女』生子.

以撒意亞先知被亞哈斯王King Ahaz問默西亞降生有甚麼預象, 先兆。
若一個年青女子 (almah) 將會生子, 有甚麼的稀奇特別可以先兆? 那一個年青女子不會將來生孩子? 普通過基基話今日行路可以避過一篤屎, 是神的恩典。 你聽了都會笑, 那當時的王聽了先知的先兆會唔會笑?

明顯, 一個處女會生子,才是有力的先兆, 夠哂與別不同。
抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 01:29
首先, 未講此文的內容。
作者 Joseph Wheless 只是一個律師,業餘寫下宗教話題的書(或為興趣, 或 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2016/2/2 00:47


beebeechan 2016/2/2 01:40
出名作者 Bart Ehrmam就是聖經文本考勘學者,他本人已不是教會中人,持無神論立場來說經文纂改問題。
抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 01:41
其實不需要去懂希伯來文, 希臘文, 用下一般常理便知經文要強調馬利亞處女生子.

以撒意亞先知被亞哈斯王K ...
beebeechan 發表於 2016/2/2 00:56


    Conservative Christians believe that the virgin birth of Jesus is predicted in Isaiah 7:14. In 1952 when the Revised Standard Version translators rendered almah as young woman, it immediately became a center of controversy. Conservative Christians accused the translators of tampering with the Christian Bible. The RSV quickly replaced the KJV in many churches across America, but fundamentalist American Christians were outraged: nowhere in the Old Testament, they argued, was an almah anything other than a young unmarried girl; moreover, the Greek translators of Isaiah had shown by the word parthenos that they believed Isaiah to predict a virgin birth for the coming Messiah, and the Gospel of Matthew had endorsed their choice by quoting the Greek. Isaiah 7:14 became a litmus test among conservatives for the acceptability of new translations.

beebeechan 2016/2/2 01:45

抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 01:41 提交

抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 01:46
出名作者 Bart Ehrmam就是聖經文本考勘學者,他本人已不是教會中人,持無神論立場來說經文纂改問題。 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2016/2/2 01:40

    這是由於現代反基漸多,出書有market,夠拿來糊口,你要找Joseph Wheless所屬的年代才公道。
beebeechan 2016/2/2 01:49

抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 01:41 提交

抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 02:03

Rhodes, Ron (2009). The Complete Guide to Bible Translations. Harvest House Publishers. ISBN 978-0736931366, p. 80-82.
抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 02:05
beebeechan 發表於 2016/2/2 01:45

beebeechan 2016/2/2 03:48
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2016/2/2 08:04 編輯


Isaiah's original Hebrew, with the mistranslated words
underscored, reads: "Hinneh ha-almah harah ve-yeldeth ben ve-karath
shem-o immanuel"; -- which, falsely translated by the false pen of
the pious translators, runs thus in the English: "Behold, a virgin
shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel"
(Isa. vii, 14.) The Hebrew words ha-almah mean simply the young
woman; and harah is the Hebrew past or perfect tense,
抽刀斷水 發表於 2016/2/2 00:07

你引文中 Isaiah 那句"original Hebrew"

一般人以為希伯來文寫的經卷便是古遠, 是更接近原文, 更可信。

今日的所謂希伯來文寫的經, 用的是馬所拉文字,
例如YHWH 是少有仍保存下來的古希伯來字。

用古希伯來文寫的經卷, 今日不存在。

至於用希臘文寫成的七十士譯本 SEPTUAGINT 卻是在公元前300年便譯出。
比馬所拉文的經卷古, 更早。

所以, 硬要說希伯來文經卷 比 七十士譯本 更接近原文的說法, 才是正宗的『原文』 , 實在要三思三思。
我本人甚至大膽假設, 當年馬所拉學者重組經典時, 不排除要從LXX 譯本倒譯回希伯來文。

當然, 這不是一般人都知的知識, 
所以, 才會叫是『學術』, 不是左聞右理的路邊消息,

七十士譯本與希伯來文本, 那一個更貼原文﹖?

無錯, 七十士譯本與希伯來文本有多處地方出現不同,
在眾所周知的例子中, 依撒以亞7:14
SEPTUAGINT 是說  a virgin (Greek: parthenos) will bear a child and he shall be called Emmanuel.

a young woman (Hebrew: almah) will bear a child and he shall be called Emmanuel

至少猶太人的版本有刻意修改原文來對抗耶穌是處女生子, 是默西亞的企圖。

無錯, 七十士譯本與希伯來文本有多處地方出現不同,
後來死海古卷出現, (死海古卷是公元前二世紀之物, 是比馬所拉文本更早的抄本),
學者在有分歧的地方, 用死海古卷校對比較
發現希臘文抄譯的SEPTUAGINT 與死海古卷更吻合。
beebeechan 2016/2/2 03:53
唔好意思, 本帖內容可能有深度,現階段你無法了解文章在說甚麼。
beebeechan 2016/2/2 04:14
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2016/2/2 05:13 編輯
如果任何有關研究都要先看作者背景,恐怕所有非教徒研究者都沒有相關神學訓練背景,他們大都要以兼職 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2016/2/2 01:29

beebeechan 2016/2/2 04:20
這是由於現代反基漸多,出書有market,夠拿來糊口,你要找Joseph Wheless所屬的年代才公道。 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2016/2/2 01:46

要糊口,要有 market ,便要講些市埸喜歡的話題囉。

抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 10:42
要糊口,要有 market ,便要講些市埸喜歡的話題囉。
人在江湖,身 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2016/2/2 04:20

抽刀斷水 2016/2/2 10:43
你引文中 Isaiah 那句"original Hebrew"

一般人以為希伯來文寫的經卷便是古遠, 是更接 ...
beebeechan 發表於 2016/2/2 03:48

beebeechan 2016/2/2 10:46
抽刀斷水 發表於 2016/2/2 10:42

有人拍咸片, 都要有人鐘意睇咸野先有人拍.
唔怪 Joseph Wheless , 咁怪你呢類揭秘慾強盛的讀者囉.
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