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prussianz 2008/3/1 08:59
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-27 12:27 發表
>>>>>>>>>> 郭氏兄弟就歡歡喜喜的在政府上拿走八億萬去建方舟公園,而且由郭氏營運。

>not 郭氏兄弟 donating out their own 八億 去建 方舟公園 ?


>>>>> 97後前五年對於商家的鎮壓,

first ThANKs


o come on God , ye got me ,

政府出資 = all tax-payers 出資 = i have a $hare in 出資 = each-n-every-of-ye have a $hare in 出資

o my dear tax $ !!!!!!!!!
o my dear $ !!!!!!!!!

what ?????????
i dont eat ,
i dont sleep , in order to squeeze out my tax $ ,
but ,
my $ have a share in support of the religion which i detest most ?????????
my $ have a share in support of the 邪教 ?????????

have they asked me or our [[so-called]] people's representative ?????????

our government 's reallly forcing me to dodge away from paying tax !!!!!!!!!

each-n-every-of-ye have a $hare in 出資 to support the 邪教 !!!!!!!!!

'r ye happy ?????????

'r ye happy enough by now ?????????


[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-1 09:01 編輯 ]
prussianz 2008/3/1 09:05
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-27 12:27 發表
>>>>>>>>>> 郭氏兄弟就歡歡喜喜的在政府上拿走八億萬去建方舟公園,而且由郭氏營運。

>not 郭氏兄弟 donating out their own 八億 去建 方舟公園 ?


>>>>> 97後前五年對於商家的鎮壓,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>not 郭氏兄弟 donating out their own 八億 去建 方舟公園 ?
>>>>>>>>> 正確,整個公園是政府出資的。

.1. this $$$$$$$$$

prussianz 2008/3/1 09:09
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-27 12:27 發表
>>>>>>>>>> 郭氏兄弟就歡歡喜喜的在政府上拿走八億萬去建方舟公園,而且由郭氏營運。

>not 郭氏兄弟 donating out their own 八億 去建 方舟公園 ?


>>>>> 97後前五年對於商家的鎮壓,

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>not 郭氏兄弟 donating out their own 八億 去建 方舟公園 ?
>>>>>>>>> 正確,整個公園是政府出資的。
.1. this $$$$$$$$$
.2. then ..... an other ....
>>>> 貴公司曾因承諾興建公園以換取政府減免地價有八億之多,
>>>> 則此事已非單純貴公司事務,
thence ,
八億 + 八億 = 16億 ?????????
cheers ThANKye

prussianz 2008/3/1 09:21
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-27 17:57 發表
當時我仲唔覺有呢單新聞tim...其實呢個公園起成點ka? 無聽到有關消息...

回復 123#  Nomad 的帖子
I think introducing anti-trust law is good (and may not necessary out of the religious consideration). Howe ...

>>>>>>>>> 當時我仲唔覺有呢單新聞tim...其實呢個公園起成點ka? 無聽到有關消息...

me 2 !!!!!!!!!
me too !!!!!!!!!
i do simply have forgotten it completly

how comes there's not any noise ?????????
how comes they do have been 100.000.000% successfully managed out there's not any noise ?
not any noise for so many years ?????????

in these years, i have been always turning on my financial radio , 24 x 7 x 366 ,
but ,
i swear God : :::::::::: i did
just until now ,
just until here ,
just until these few days ,

where's 'the public consultation/////////audittation ?????????
where's our ledgco ?????????
where's our press ?????????
where's our public media ?????????

ThANKs to My Dear Sir Nomad + My Dear Sir 刀 4 ungraving up 'the issue

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-1 09:36 編輯 ]
prussianz 2008/3/1 09:42
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-27 12:27 發表
>>>>>>>>>> 郭氏兄弟就歡歡喜喜的在政府上拿走八億萬去建方舟公園,而且由郭氏營運。

>not 郭氏兄弟 donating out their own 八億 去建 方舟公園 ?


>>>>> 97後前五年對於商家的鎮壓,

i'm not [[[[[only]]]] to go against 謊舟主題公園 ,

my point's that : ::::::::::
if ..... they do it , then .... please do it on their own budget ,

our hkgov ,
not religion-neutral ?????????
not active-non-interference ????????? lying again ?????????
prussianz 2008/3/1 09:51
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-2-27 12:27 發表
>>>>>>>>>> 郭氏兄弟就歡歡喜喜的在政府上拿走八億萬去建方舟公園,而且由郭氏營運。

>not 郭氏兄弟 donating out their own 八億 去建 方舟公園 ?


>>>>> 97後前五年對於商家的鎮壓,

>>>>>>>>> 刀不出鞘才是劍術最高的境界

o yes
o k
o k i know i know , @t least currently , 刀不出鞘 's really the best4me this very busynessman ,
but ,
when-ever ..... i see something such as following : ::::::::::
http://www.keyhk.com/cgi-bin/guestbook/view.cgi?id=88947 [[[[[[簽名支持anti_ark]]]]
>>>> 林某人 於2007-10-11 23:22:22的留言:                          
>>>> 假如閣下要求發展商停建挪亞方舟公園,請先要求政府拆除昂坪市集吧
then .... i'm toast,

then .... my long-times 不出鞘的 刀 .........

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-1 09:53 編輯 ]
Nomad 2008/3/1 12:17

>>>> 假如閣下要求發展商停建挪亞方舟公園,請先要求政府拆除昂坪市集吧。

沒人去反對他建 - 反對的是他們用政府錢建,而且內裡全是基督教專用的設施
Nomad 2008/3/1 12:19
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-3-1 09:42 發表

i'm not [[[[[only]]]] to go against 謊舟主題公園 ,

my point's that : ::::::::::
if ..... they do it , then .... please do it on their own budget ,

our hkgov ,
not religion-neutral ?????????
no ...

Nomad 2008/3/1 12:19
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-3-1 09:21 發表

>>>>>>>>> 當時我仲唔覺有呢單新聞tim...其實呢個公園起成點ka? 無聽到有關消息...

me 2 !!!!!!!!!
me too !!!!!!!!!
i do simply have forgotten it completly completely

how comes there's not any noise ?? ...

prussianz 2008/3/2 02:05
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-1 12:17 發表

>>>> 假如閣下要求發展商停建挪亞方舟公園,請先要求政府拆除昂坪市集吧。

沒人去反對他建 - 反對的是他們用政府錢建,而且內裡全是基督教專用的設施
還有,天壇大佛印象中是佛教徒自己出錢建的(而且秏資不足是次撥款十分之一) ...

卑鄙无耻 的 shk

卑鄙无耻 的
prussianz 2008/3/2 02:22
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-27 17:57 發表
當時我仲唔覺有呢單新聞tim...其實呢個公園起成點ka? 無聽到有關消息...

回復 123#  Nomad 的帖子
I think introducing anti-trust law is good (and may not necessary out of the religious consideration). Howe ...

i swear , me too ,

i thought that would be due to that project being starved off because of n'o funding from its beginning

i did really not know their tacit tactic this time
prussianz 2008/3/2 02:39
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-1 12:17 發表

>>>> 假如閣下要求發展商停建挪亞方舟公園,請先要求政府拆除昂坪市集吧。

沒人去反對他建 - 反對的是他們用政府錢建,而且內裡全是基督教專用的設施

o k i cant help but must oust that's an/////a////A alternative form of legallised mis-appropriation ,

its really hard4me2swallow the pill this time ,
because : ::::::::::
they'r exploiting my tax-$ to have a share in building up that 謊舟
which must b used to poison other chineses ,

i must think twice-n-thrice b4 i pay any further tax to the current Christians-dominated-hkgovernment
prussianz 2008/3/2 02:46
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-1 12:17 發表
>>>> 假如閣下要求發展商停建挪亞方舟公園,請先要求政府拆除昂坪市集吧。

沒人去反對他建 - 反對的是他們用政府錢建,而且內裡全是基督教專用的設施

>>>>>>>>> 刀不出鞘才是劍術最高的境界

their tacit tactics won again this time ,

their tacit tactics this time , may b quite like to `````刀不出鞘才是劍術最高的境界'''' in 1 way or an other

their tacit tactics this time , may endorse2prove out
thy theory `````````刀不出鞘才是劍術最高的境界''''''''' may b much more realer than their Bible's ,,,,,truth''''

prussianz 2008/3/2 03:02
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-1 12:17 發表

>>>> 假如閣下要求發展商停建挪亞方舟公園,請先要求政府拆除昂坪市集吧。
沒人去反對他建 - 反對的是他們用政府錢建,而且內裡全是基督教專用的設施

>>>>>>>>> ,天壇大佛印象中是佛教徒自己出錢建的


Christiannity 's much richer than buddhism ,
whose total amout of gross financial resources , may b even under 十分之一 of that of Christiannity ,
there4 ,
those Christians , expecially those of shk , must/////MUST have moe-than-enough resources
to finance out any project , 自己出錢 to 建

i did really b un-able to anticipate that
shk could b so 卑鄙无耻 ,
prussianz 2008/3/2 03:08
原帖由 Nomad 於 2008-3-1 12:19 發表

但是卻有一條『保障』教會在九七之後享有所有九七前的政府利益(錢,政治支援)。 ...

since that whole project 's almost accomplished ,
there4 ,
o k , it's pointless2prevent them from building it .........

refund !!卑鄙无耻 的 shk
prussianz 2008/3/2 03:16
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-27 17:57 發表
當時我仲唔覺有呢單新聞tim...其實呢個公園起成點ka? 無聽到有關消息...

回復 123#  Nomad 的帖子
I think introducing anti-trust law is good (and may not necessary out of the religious consideration). Howe ...

couldest thou or any1 else
please teach me whether the Christiannity prevent the establishment of 慈雲山's
statue of avalokiteshvara-guan-yin ??

cheers ThANKye
prussianz 2008/3/4 18:24
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-14 09:58 發表

a concrete proof 4 co-operation between 天主教 n 基督教 : ::::::::::
[[[[[[[[[ 'the search phrase : ::::: ````````` gambling catholic protestant "co operation" ''''''''' ]]]]]]]]]
[[[[[[[[[ page 62 ]]]]]]]]]
[[[[[[[[[ just scroll down there ]]]]]]]]]

[[[[[[[[[ 'the book's name : ::::: Wanna Bet?: Winners and Losers in Gambling's Luck ]]]]]]]]]

[[[[[[[[[ today : ::::: 4th march 2008 ]]]]]]]]]
>>>> in
>>>> 1995
>>>> over gambling,
>>>> the Catholic and Protestant churches
>>>> now work together on this issue.
>>>> that has brought two age-old rivals together.
>>>> Besides the Catholic and Protestant cooperation,

by 'the way ,
'the mainland of our motherland china ,
'the 1.4 billions pop market ,
'the common target ,
'the common interrest$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-4 18:37 編輯 ]
prussianz 2008/3/4 19:20
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-2-14 09:58 發表

something more supporting my allegating the [[[[[[[[[invisible]]]]]]]]] co-operation
twixt 天主教徒 n 基督教徒

Charles ColsonChuck Colson was an aide to Richard Nixon's presidency [[[[[[[[[USA]]]]]]]]] during the times of theWatergate scandal. After being released from prison, Colson formed Prison Fellowship,an Evangelical Christian outreach to convicts. He has been perhaps the most activeEvangelical Christian in the promotion of Roman Catholic-Evangelical cooperation. He wrotethe foreword to Kieth Fournier's book: "Evangelical Catholics," inwhich he stated:
  "...those who are called of God, whether Catholic or Protestant, are part of  the same Body. What they share is a belief in the basics: the virgin birth, the deity of  Christ, His bodily resurrection, His imminent return, and the authority of His infallible  Word. They also share the same mission: presenting Christ as Savior and Lord to a needy  world. Those who hold to these truths and act on this commission are evangelical  Christians. … It's high time that all of us who are Christians come together  regardless of the difference of our confessions and our traditions and make common cause  to bring Christian values to bear in our society. When the barbarians are scaling the  walls, there is no time for petty quarreling in the camp [[[[[[[[[ barbarians ......... mmmmmmmmm , such as : ::::: exchristian.hk ]]]]]]]]];;--^)
.... We have much to forgive, much  to relearn. But Evangelical Catholics can help us do both so we can band together against  the rising tides of secularism which threaten to engulf us
."   1

Billy Graham

Billy Graham is perhaps the best known and loved conservative Christian evangelist in North America. He has long been involved in a close working relationship with the Roman Catholic church. He is perhaps the most influential Protestant involved in the Catholic-Evangelical ecumenical movement: 2   
In 1964, after a meeting with Richard Cardinal Cushing, Archbishop of Boston, Mr. Graham    said: "I feel much closer to Roman Catholic tradition than    to some of the more liberal Protestants."
in 1967, he received an honorary degree from a Roman Catholic institution: Belmont    Abbey.
In 1979, he recognized Pope John Paul II as "the moral    leader of the world."
In 1981, during an interview in Christianity Today, he    said that one of the most significant changes in Christendom over the previous 25 years    was "...the new understanding between Roman Catholics and Protestants. Twenty-five    years ago we could hardly speak with each other openly. In our Crusades today, thousands    of Catholics feel free to attend. I have preached in Roman Catholic schools, and have even    received honorary doctorates from them. this could not have happened 25 years ago."      3
In 1981, he met the pope for the first time, and was the first Protestant to                 ever speak at    the North American College, a seminary for students from North America at the    Vatican.
In 1983, he advised President Reagan in the decision to establish formal diplomatic    relations with the Vatican.
In 1990, Dr Graham met with the pope, to discuss Eastern Europe and relations between    Evangelicals and Roman Catholics worldwide.
Billy Graham's team generally seeks the cooperation of both Protestant and Roman    Catholic churches in those urban areas where they have conducted recent campaigns.
Roman Catholics who make a decision for Christ at his meetings are referred back to    counselors at their diocese.

Activities by other Evangelical Leaders:      
Promise Keepers, the leading    Evangelical Christian men's organization in the United States calls on individuals in all    Christian groups to "tear down all denominational barriers" and join    together in committing their lives to Jesus.
Jack van Impe is arguably the leading Evangelical    teleministry devoted to end-times prophecy. He frequently refers to the Roman Catholic    church in a positive context on his weekly program.
Robert Schuller, promoter of "Possibility Thinking"    also refers to Catholicism positively in his TV program.
The Charismatic movement straddles both Protestantism and    Catholicism. At "The North American Congress on the Holy Spirit and World    Evangelization" in 1987, 40,000 Charismatic Christians met. Present were Roman    Catholics, Evangelicals, and Mainline Christians. The Catholic contingent was the largest    of any denomination.

in want of something more , please dont hesitate2let me 2 get it

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-4 19:38 編輯 ]
中国人 2008/4/12 11:31
原帖由 Guest from 60.50.236.x 於 2008-2-3 18:13 發表


想當日電視圈仍然係傳統宗教既時代﹐並未剝奪基教徒走入娛樂圈既機會﹐現 ...

江欣燕不是佛教徒嗎? ? ? ? ?她也信耶教了? ? ?
看來佛教要完了! ! ! ! ! !
抽刀斷水 2008/4/16 21:25

節錄自 71台節目:

Q仔爆料,郭氏建方舟,已向政府收了 8憶資助,還向教友呼籲捐錢,賺到笑,方舟仍未動工誰說耶神不會管理錢,郭氏真實見証,感恩恩
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