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有嘅, 有70年玩, 咁你賣咗土地使用權之後, 原業主都有權一年內回購, 成全律法 第8條 土地使用權出讓,是指國家將國有土地使用權(以下簡稱土地使用權)在一定年限內出讓給土地使用者,由土地使用者向國家支付土地使用權出讓金的行為。 貴國政府都係話買賣: 第37條 房地產轉讓,是指房地產權利人通過買賣、贈與或者其他合法方式將其房地產轉移給他人的行為。 | |
最弊第一班係你, 第二班係你, 第三班都係你.... 莊稼多工人少....耶穌年代已經缺人 | |
一旦開咗婚禁就大L把人爭住做㗎啦 | |
咪係囉, 坐滿哂山頭, 都係得12條友派餐 波音777客機, 坐396個客都有13個空中姐姐少爺服待哩 | |
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少,,....你食咗空姐派嗰份餐, 會唔會就趌起身幫手派餐?? | |
如果我唔咁樣做, 大概係因為啲空姐冇吸引力。 聽咗福音而冇乜人肯做神父, 亦都係因為福音冇吸引力。 | |
少,,....我坐響aisle seat, 成日都有幫空姐pass trays過去畀middle and window seat嗰啲茂利㗎啦 呢樣野唔需要你「趌起身」喎 | |
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空姐係唔想, 有時都唔會俾你幫手, 一陣你論論盡盡倒瀉盤野就要入佢數。 | |
我唔同㗎嘛 | |
我同你解經,真係幾論到盡架, 至少唔會一句睇漏尾幾粒字 | |
空姐唔會話”唔得!我一定要畀你!”咁L惡死㗎嘛, 咪仲衰嗰國泰 | |
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個空姐係susanna...咁講「”唔得!我一定要畀你!”」....直頭係upgrade B按 susanna係長榮航空,唔係國泰。 | |
聯合國人權公約話不能因為宗教理由唔畀人娶老婆: Article 16 Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. https://www.un.org/en/about-us/u ... ~:text=Article%2016,marriage%20and%20at%20its%20dissolution. 所以聖教會其實有冇違反人權/憲法呢? 神父應該可以告教會 或者本網係咪可以組織法律顧問團隊進行這項事工呢? | |
呢個真係一個好大嘅法律危機,為咗梳理呢個問題,強烈建議立即執行閹割神父方案,咁到時啲神父睇吓仲可唔可以娶到老婆丫。 | |
閹人又有冇犯法呢? 即使被閹者同意 | |
This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work. A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach;Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous;One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 1Ti3:1 | |
想做主教就要”修身齊家治國平天下”, 咁個個神父都想做主教, 咁咪得囉 if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God? 《後漢書.陳王列傳》"一室之不治,何以天下教會為?" 小弟做翻譯, 係咪好信雅達呢? |
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