基本上愈先進富裕的國家覺得宗教不重要。 阿爾巴尼亞 Albanian census 2011 Sunni 56.70% Catholicism 10.03% Orthodoxy 6.75% Bektashi 2.09% Other Christian 0.14% Others 5.49% Undeclared 13.79% Atheism 2.5% 安道爾 Andorra religiosity (Census 2011) Roman Catholic 90.1% Protestan t2.1% Other Christian 1.8% Other religions 0.7% No response 2.8% No religion 2.5% 亞美尼亞 Armenia religiosity Armenian Orthodoxy 93% Other Christianity 2% Yazidism 1% None or Other 4% 奧地利 Religion in Austria (2012) Catholic Church (63.5%) Islam (7%) Orthodox Christianity (6%) Lutheranism (3.8%) Other or none (19.7%) 阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan Religions Islam 96.4% Others 0.5% Christianity 3.1% | |
Religion in Belarus (2011) Eastern Orthodoxy (48.3%) Irreligion (41.1%) Catholicism (7.1%) Others (3.5%) 比利時 Religion in Belarus (2011) Eastern Orthodoxy (48.3%) Irreligion (41.1%) Catholicism (7.1%) Others (3.5%) 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納 Religion in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2001) 請提供更新的 Muslim (45%) Serbian Orthodox (36%) Roman Catholic (15%) Protestant (1%) Others (3%) 保加利亞 The results of the Bulgarian census of 2011, in which the indication of answer regarding the question for confession was optional, are as follows: Group Population Perc. of answered Perc. of population Orthodoxy 4,374,135 76.0% 59.4% Undeclared 1,606,269 - 21.8% Atheism 682,162 11.8% 9.3% Islam 577,139 10.0% 7.8% Protestantism 64,476 1.1% 0.9% Roman Catholicism 48,945 0.8% 0.7% Oriental Orthodoxy 1,715 0.0% 0.0% Jews 706 0.0% 0.0% Others 9,023 0.2% 0.1% Figure of percentage - 5,758,301 7,364,570 克羅地亞 Croatia religiosity (2011) Catholicism 86% Atheism 4% Orthodoxy 4% Islam 1% Others 3.5% Protestantism 0.5% | |
Cyprus religiosity Orthodoxy 70% Islam 18% Others 7% Protestantism 5% 捷克 Religion in the Czech Republic (2011) Undeclared (45.2%) Non-religious (34.2%) Protestantism (0.8%) Other religions (9.4%) Roman Catholicism (10.4%) 丹麥 Church of Denmark year population members percentage 1984 5,113,500 4,684,060 91.6% 1990 5,135,409 4,584,450 89.3% 2000 5,330,500 4,536,422 85.1% 2005 5,413,600 4,498,703 83.3% 2007 5,447,100 4,499,343 82.6% 2008 5,475,791 4,494,589 82.1% 2009 5,511,451 4,492,121 81.5% 2010 5,534,738 4,479,214 80.9% 2011 5,560,628 4,469,109 80.4% 2012 5,580,516 4,454,466 79.8% 2013 5,602,628 4,430,643 79.1% 愛沙尼亞 Religion in Estonia (2001) No religion (70.8%) Lutheranism (13.6%) Eastern Orthodoxy (12.8%) Other religions (2.8%) 芬蘭 Finnish religiosity (2012) Lutheranism 76.4% No religious affiliation 21.0% Orthodoxy 1.1% Islam 1% Others 0.4% | |
Religion in France based on self-identification (Ipsos MORI 2011) Christianity (45%) No religion (35%) Not stated (10%) Other religions (6%) Buddhism (1%) Islam (3%) 格魯吉亞 Religion in Georgia (2002 census) Georgian Orthodox (83.9%) Islam (9.9%) Armenian Apostolic (3.9%) Catholicism (0.8%) Others (1.5%) 德國 Religion in Germany based on church membership (2011) Roman Catholicism 29.9% Protestantism 28.9% Islam 2% No religion 35% Others 4% Religion in Germany based on self-identification (2011) Christianity (50%) Other religions (3%) Islam (2%) Buddhism (1%) Non-religious (38%) Not stated (6%) 希臘 Greece religiosity (2001) Orthodoxy 98% Islam 1.3% Other 匈牙利 Religion in Hungary (2011 census) Roman Catholicism (37.1%) Greek Catholicism (1.8%) Calvinism (11.6%) Lutheranism (2.2%) Other religions (1.9%) Non-religious (16.7%) Atheists (1.5%) Undeclared (27.2%) | |
Religious affiliation in Iceland (2013) Church of Iceland (76.18%) Other Christian (11.33%) Other and unspecified (5.91%) Unaffiliated (5.16%) Other religions (1.42%) 愛爾蘭 Religions in the Republic of Ireland, 2011 Roman Catholicism (84.2%) No religion (6.0%) Church of Ireland (2.8%) Other Chritian (2.5%) Islam (1.1%) Orthodoxy (1%) Undeclared (1.6%) Other (0.8%) 教堂出席率逐年下降 意大利 Religion in Italy (2011) Christianity (77%) Other religions (2%) Islam (1%) Non-religious (15%) Not stated (5%) 哈薩克斯坦 Kazakhstan religiosity (2009) Islam 70.2% Orthodoxy 23.9% Atheism 2.8% Other Christian 2.3% Undeclared 0.5% Others 0.3% 拉脫維亞 Religion in Latvia (2011) Lutheranism (34.2%) Roman Catholicism (24.1%) Eastern Orthodoxy (17.8%) Old Believers (1.6%) Other Christians (1.2%) Other or none (21.1%) | |
Liechtenstein religiosity (2002) Catholicism 76.2% No religion 10.6% Protestantism 7% Islam 4.2% Others 1.2% Orthodoxy 0.8% 立陶宛 As per the 2011 census: Roman Catholic – 77.2% (2.35 million) Orthodox – 4.1% (125,200) Orthodox (Old Believers) – 0.8% (23,300) Evangelical Lutherans – 0.6% (18,400) Evangelical Reformists – 0.2% (6,700) Other religions – 0.8% (24,900) No religion – 6.1% (186,700) Did not specify – 10.1% 盧森堡 As of 2008, 73% of the Luxembourgers adhere to forms of Christianity ( 68.8% are Catholics, 1.8% are Protestants, while 1.9% adhere to other Christian denominations, especially Orthodox Christianity). 2.6% of the population follow non-Christian religions. 25% of the Luxembourgers are atheists or agnostics. 馬其頓 Religion in Macedonia (2002) Macedonian Orthodox (64.8%) Muslim (33.3%) Macedonian Catholic (0.3%) Others (1.6%) 馬耳他 Vatican data for 2006 show that 93.89% of the Maltese population is Roman Catholic, making the nation one of the most Catholic countries in the world. In a report published in the same year, it was reported that 52.6% of Maltese attended Sunday mass (down from 75.1% in 1982 and 63.4% in 1995. Levels of attendance are considerably higher than the national average in Gozo (72.7%) and in the older age cohorts (58.0% for 50-64, 71.3% for 65-79 and 92.8% for 80+). Around a fifth of mass attendees said they were are active members of a Church movement, group or initiative. | |
Moldova religiosity Orthodoxy 93.3% Others and undeclared 5.3% Without religion and atheists 1.4% 摩納哥 Religion in Monaco (2012) Christianity 83.2% No Religion 12.9% Judaism 2.9% Islam 0.8% Others/unspecified 0.5% 黑山 Religion in Montenegro (2011) Orthodox Christian (72.07%) Muslim (19.11%) Roman Catholic (3.44%) Other religions (1.53%) Undeclared (2.61%) Atheist (1.24%) 荷蘭 Religion in the Netherlands (2010) Irreligious (51.3%) Roman Catholicism (24.6%) Protestantism (14.8%) Islam (5.5%) Other religions (3.8%) 挪威 Norway religiosity (2012) Lutheranism 77.9% No religion 14.7% Other Christianity 2.6% Islam 2.3% Catholicism 2.1% Others 0.4% | |
Religion in Poland (Eurobarometer 2012) Catholic (91%) Orthodox (1%) Other Religion (2%) Atheist (2%) Non believer/Agnostic (3%) Not stated (1%) 葡萄牙 Religions in Portugal (Census 2011) Catholicism 81.0% Other Christianity 3.3% Others 0.6% No Religion 6.8% Undeclared 8.3% 羅馬尼亞 Religious denominations in Romania according to the 2011 census, given as percentages of the total stable population. Romanian Orthodox (81.0%) Protestant (Reformed, Pentecostal, Baptist, Adventist, Unitarian, Lutheran and other Neoprotestant) (6.2%) Roman Catholic and Romanian Greek-Catholic (5.1%) Other religions (including other Christians, Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses and Jews) (1.2%) No religion or Atheist (0.2%) Missing Data (6.2%) 俄羅斯 Religion in Russia (2012) Russian Orthodox (41%) Muslim (6.5%) Unaffiliated Christian (4.1%) Other Orthodox (1.5%) Neopagan and Tengrist (1.2%) Tibetan Buddhist (0.5%) Other religions (1.7%) Spiritual but not religious (25%) Atheist and non-religious (13%) Undecided (5.5%) 聖馬力諾 San Marino religiosity Catholicism 97% Others 3% | |
Religion in Serbia (2011) Serbian Orthodox (84.6%) Roman Catholic (5%) Muslim (3.1%) Protestant (1%) Other religions (2.2%) Atheist (2.2%) Undeclared (3.1%) 斯洛伐克 Religion in Slovakia (2011) Roman Catholicism (62%) Protestantism (8.9%) Greek Catholicism (3.8%) Slovak Orthodox (0.9%) Jehovah's Witnesses (0.3%) Other religions (0.5%) Atheist and non-religious (13.4%) Not specified (10.6%) 斯洛文尼亞 Religiosity of Slovene citizens according to population censuses 1991 and 2002.. Religion 1991 (%) 2002 (%) Catholic 71.6 57.8 Lutheran 0.7 0.8 Orthodox 2.4 2.3 Other Christian 0.2 0.2 Islam 1.5 2.4 Believer without religion 0.2 3.5 Atheist 0.4 10.1 Didn't want to answer 4.2 15.7 Unknown 14.6 7.1 西班牙 Religious affiliation in Spain in 2013, according to Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Catholicism (70.9%) Other religions (2.4%) Not stated (2.1%) Non-religious (24.6%) 瑞典 Church of Sweden year population church members percentage 1972 8,146,000 7,754,784 95.2% 1980 8,278,000 7,690,636 92.9% 1990 8,573,000 7,630,350 89.0% 2000 8,880,000 7,360,825 82.9% 2005 9,048,000 6,967,498 77.0% 2006 9,119,000 6,893,901 75.6% 2007 9,179,000 6,820,161 74.3% 2008 9,262,000 6,751,952 72.9% 2009 9,340,682 6,664,064 71.3% 2010 9,415,570 6,589,769 70.0% 2011 9,482,855 6,519,889 68.8% 2012 9,555,893 6,446,729 67.5% | |
Religion in Switzerland - 2010 Census Roman Catholicism (38.6%) Swiss Reformed (28.0%) Other Christians (5.5%) Islam (4.5%) Others (3.3%) No religion (20.1%) 土耳其 Islam is the largest religion of Turkey. Around 99.0% percent of the population is registered as Muslim. Most Muslims in Turkey are Sunnis forming about 74%, and Alevis form about 25% of the Muslim population. There is also a Twelver Shia community which forms about 3% of the Muslim population. Among Sunni Muslim presence in Turkey there is a small but considerable minority of Muslims with Sufi heritage and affiliation. Christians (Oriental Orthodoxy, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic) and Jews (Sephardi), who comprise the non-Muslim population, make up 0.7% of the total. 烏克蘭 Religion in Ukraine (2006) Non religious (62.5%) Eastern Orthodoxy (26.8%) Catholicism (5.9%) Protestantism (0.9%) Other religions (3.9%) 英國 1英格蘭 Religion in England (2011) Christianity (59.4%) Non-religious (24.7%) Not stated (7.2%) Islam (5.0%) Other religions (2.2%) Hinduism (1.5%) 2北愛爾蘭 Religion in Northern Ireland (2011) Catholicism (40.8%) Presbyterianism (19.1%) Anglicanism (13.7%) Non-religious (10.1%) Not stated (6.8%) Methodism (3.0%) Other Christian (5.8%) Other religions (0.8%) 3蘇格蘭 Religion in Scotland (2011) Church of Scotland (32.4%) Catholic Church (15.9%) Other Christian (5.5%) Non-religious (36.7%) Not stated (7.0%) Other religions (2.6%) 4威爾斯 Religion in Wales (2011) Christianity (57.6%) Non-religious (32.1%) Not stated (7.6%) Islam (1.5%) Other religions (1.2%) | |
Religion in Canada (2011 National Household Survey) Christianity (67.3%) Non-religious (23.9%) Islam (3.2%) Hinduism (1.5%) Sikhism (1.4%) Buddhism (1.1%) Judaism (1.0%) Other religions (0.6%) 美國 Religious affiliation in the U.S. (2012) Affiliation % of U.S. population Christian 73 Protestant 48 Evangelical Protestant 19 Mainline Protestant 15 Black church 8 Catholic 22 Mormon 2 Eastern Orthodox 1 Other Faith 6 Unaffiliated 19.6 Nothing in particular 13.9 Agnostic 3.3 Atheist 2.4 Don't know/refused answer 2 Total 100 澳洲 Religion in Australia (2011) Protestant (33.2%) Roman Catholic (25.3%) No religion (22.3%) Undeclared (9.4%) Eastern Orthodox (2.6%) Buddhism (2.5%) Islam (2.2%) Hinduism (1.3%) Other religions (1.2%) 紐西蘭 Religion in New Zealand (2006) No religion (34.3%) Roman Catholic (14%) Protestant (32%) Undeclared (15%) Hinduism (1.7%) Buddhism (1.4%) Islam (1.0%) Other Religions (1.0%) | |
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墨西哥 Religion in Mexico (2010) Catholic Church (82.7%) Other Christians (9.7%) Other religions (2.9%) Non-religious (4.7%) 伯利茲 Religion in Belize – 2010 Census religion percent Roman Catholic 39.3% Protestant 30.9% Other religion 13% No religion 15.2% 哥斯達黎加 Religion in Costa Rica Catholicism (70.5%) Protestantism (13.8%) Irreligion (11.3%) Buddhism (2.1%) Other religions (2.2%) 薩爾瓦多 Roman Catholics 52.6% Protestantism 27.6% Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism are two of the notable non-Cath El Salvador. Anglicanism also has a long and growing presence in El Salvador. 11.9% of the population indicates that it is not affiliated with any religious group. Other religions (3.69% are present as well - Islam, Judaism, The Church of Jesus Christ of Letter-day Saints and Jehovah's Witnesses. 危地馬拉 Religion in Guatemala (2012) Catholics (47.9%) Protestants (38.2%) Others (2.3%) Non-religious (11.6%) | |
Religion in Honduras (2008) Catholics (47%) Protestants (36%) Other/No answer (17%) 尼加拉瓜 Religion Percentage Roman Catholic 58.5% Evangelical 21.6% Moravian 1.6% Jehovah's Witnesses 0.9% Irreligious 15.7% Other 1.6% 巴拿馬 The government of Panama does not collect statistics on the religious affiliation of citizens, but various sources estimate that 75 to 85% of the population identifies itself as Roman Catholic and 15–25% as evangelical Christian. 安提瓜和巴布達 Seventy-four percent of Antiguans are Christians, with the Anglican denomination (about 44%) being the largest. Other Christian denominations present are Baptists, Presbyterians and Catholics. Non-Christian religions practiced in the islands include the Rastafari Movement, Islam, Judaism and the Bahá'í Faith. 巴哈馬 In terms of religion, Baptists represent 35.4% of the population, Anglican 15.1%, Roman Catholic 13.5%, Pentecostal 8.1%, Church of God 4.8%, Methodist 4.2%, other Christian 15.2%, other Protestant 12%, none or unknown 3%, other 2% The 'other' category includes Jews, Muslims, Baha'is, Hindus, Rastafarians, and practitioners of Obeah. | |
74.6% Christian 4.8% other 20.6% none / unspecified 古巴 In 2010, the religious affiliation in the country was estimated by the Pew Forum as 59.2% Christian, 23.0% unaffiliated, 17.4% followers of folk religion (such as santería). Other religions accounted for the remaining 0.4%. 多米尼克 About 80% of the population is Roman Catholic, though in recent years a number of Protestant churches have been established. There is also a small Muslim community in Dominica, and the nation's first mosque was built recently near Ross University. 多明尼加共和國 The Dominican Republic is 68.9% Roman Catholic, 18.2% Evangelical, 10.6% with no religion, and 2.3% other. However, other sources place the irreligious ratio at 7% and nearly 10%. Recent immigration, as well as proselytizing, has brought other religions, with the following shares of the population: Spiritist: 2.2%, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: 1.1%, Buddhist: 0.1%, Bahá'í: 0.1%, Chinese Folk Religion: 0.1%, Islam: 0.02%, Judaism: 0.01%. The nation has two patroness saints: Nuestra Señora de la Altagracia (Our Lady Of High Grace) and Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes (Our Lady Of Mercy). 格林納達 Religion Percentage Roman Catholic 53 Anglican 14 Other Protestant 33 Rastafari / Spiritist 1.3 Hindu 0.7 Muslim 0.3 Buddhist 0.2 Baha'i 0.2 | |
According to the CIA World Factbook, the religious demographics of Haiti is as follows: Roman Catholic 80%, Protestant 16% (Baptist 10%, Pentecostal 4%, Adventist 1%, other 1%), none 1%, other 3%. 牙買加 According to the most recent census (2001), religious affiliation in Jamaica consists of 64% Christian (62% Protestant and 2% Roman Catholic), 2% Jehovah's Witnesses, 3% unstated, and 10% other. The category other includes 24,020 Rastafarians, an estimated 5,000 Muslims, 1,453 Hindus, approximately 350 Jews and the census reported 21% who claimed no religious affiliation. 波多黎各 Religion: The Constitution guarantees freedom for all faiths. The major religions are: Catholic (85%), Protestants (8%), non religious (2.3%), and others (3%). 聖基茨和尼維斯 Anglican, other Protestant, Roman Catholic, Islam, and Rastafarian 聖盧西亞 Roman Catholic 70%, Protestant 7%, Anglican 3%, and other (i.e. Hinduism or Islam) and unspecified 20%. | |
Religion in Argentina(2011) Christianity (67%) Other religions (7%) Islam (1%) Buddhism (1%) Non-religious (15%) Not stated (9%) 阿根廷 Religion in Argentina(2011) Christianity (67%) Other religions (7%) Islam (1%) Buddhism (1%) Non-religious (15%) Not stated (9%) 玻利維亞 Religion Percentage Notes Catholic 81.6% Evangelic 10.3% Pentecostal, Non-Catholic Charismatic No religion 3.3% Secular, Atheist Protestant 2.6% Historic Protestant - Adventist, Baptist, Calvinist, Salvation Army, Lutheran, Methodist, Nazarene, Presbiterian Mormon and Jehovah's Witnesses 1.7% Non Christian 0.4% Bahá'í Faith, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu Traditional religions 0.1% Native religions 巴西 Religion in Brazil (2010 Census) Religion Percent Roman Catholicism 64.6% Protestantism 22.2% No religion 8.0% Spiritism 2.0% Others 3.2% 聖文森特和格林納丁斯 The religious makeup is: Anglican 47%, Methodist 28%, Hindu 13%, Islam 6% Seventh-day Adventist and Protestant 6%. | |
According to a poll from 2011, 15% of the Chileans are Protestant or Evangelical and a 4% declared to have another religion. Agnostics and atheist were estimated at 18% The poll was made by Adimark and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. Most of the population of Chile is Christian. 哥倫比亞 However, based on various studies, more than 95% of the population adheres to Christianity, the vast majority of which (between 81% and 90%) are Roman Catholic. About 1% of Colombians adhere to indigenous religions and under 1% to Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. However, around 60% of respondents to a poll by El Tiempo reported that they did not practice their Catholic faith actively. Like the rest of Latin America, Colombia is seeing a continuous increase of Protestant adherents, most of them being converts from Catholicism to Protestantism. Now Protestants constitute between 10 to 13% of the Colombian population (Compared to 3,5% in 1965) 厄瓜多爾 According to the Ecuadorian National Institute of Statistics and Census, 91.95% of the country's population have a religion, 7.94% are atheists and 0.11% are agnostics. 91.95% of the population have a religion, of which: 80.44% Catholics 11.30% Protestants 1.29% Jehovah's Witnesses 6.97% Other 7.94% Atheists 0.11% Agnostics 圭亞那 Religion in Guyana (2002) Hinduism (28.8%) Islam (7.3%) Anglicanism (7%) Pentecostalism (17%) Methodism (1.7%) Roman Catholicism (8.1%) Seventh-day Adventist (5%) Jehovah's Witnesses (1.1%) Rastafarian (0.5%) Other Christians (17.7%) 巴拉圭 Christianity, particularly Roman Catholicism, is the dominant religion in Paraguay. According to the 2002 census, 89.9% of the population is Catholic, 6.2% is evangelical Christian, 1.1% identify with other Christian sects, and 0.6% practice indigenous religions. | |
Religion in Peru (2007 Census) Religion Percent Roman Catholic 81.3% Evangelical 12.5% other denominations 3.3% non-religious 2.9% 蘇利南 The predominant religion in the country is Christianity, both in the form of Roman Catholicism and various denominations of Protestantism, the Moravian Church being the oldest and largest. It is particularly dominant among Creoles and Maroons. The Creoles and to a lesser degree the Maroons, both predominantly descended from enslaved Africans, converted to Christianity during the colonial period but may still retain their Afro-American religion called Winti. Hindus form the second largest religious group in Suriname, comprising 27.4% of the population. The Indian descended population practice Hinduism, Islam or Christianity. The Javanese practice either Islam or Christianity. Suriname's population is 19.6% Muslim. 烏拉圭 Religion in Uruguay (2008) Religion Percent Roman Catholic 45.7% Non-Catholic Christian 9.0% Nonsectarian無宗派 believers 30.1% Atheist 12.0% Agnostic 2.0% Other 1.2% 委內瑞拉 According to government estimates, 92 percent of the population is Roman Catholic, and the remaining 8 percent Protestant, a member of another religion, or atheist. |