

dior13dior13 2014/5/31 23:23
本帖最後由 dior13dior13 於 2014/5/31 23:24 編輯


紐西蘭基督傳統黨前主席 Graham Capill 因強姦、非禮女童及孌童罪判監九年,今日假釋
ref: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10750558

Graham Capill 此人於 2005 年被控多項強姦、非禮女童及孌童罪,受害女童年齡由5歲到11歲。當被控後不准保釋時,竟然發 e-mail 致支持者,要求支持就刑期代禱及求情,又聲稱與其中一名女童的性行為是"consensual"(雙方同意)。

原句:"The law, as it has been explained to me, seems so different to what the Biblical law and indeed common perceptions are of rape ... The fact that [the victim] consented is irrelevant."

[ 註:此論點當時被主審法官 Robert Kerr 譴責為 "ugly and sexually corrupt"。另外更諷刺的一點是此人有一個法律學位,對本地保障 minor 的法律冇可能有如此錯誤的闡釋。]

當假釋的消息宣佈後,Victim support group 認為此決定對公眾發出錯誤信息。" ... I think that for not only the damage he did, but the positions that he held, he should have to serve his full sentence ..."


Paedophile politician released
11:14 AM Friday Sep 9, 2011

Disgraced former Christian Heritage Party leader Graham Capill during his 2005 sentencing. Photo / Simon Baker

Disgraced former Christian Heritage Party leader Graham Capill has been released on parole, having served three years short of his nine-year conviction for multiple child sex offences.

Former police prosecutor Capill, 52, was jailed in July 2005 for offences against children aged five to 11.

His offending against three young girls began in 1990 - the year after he became leader of the Christian Heritage Party.

Capill had been set for release in June 2014 but has been eligible for parole since June 2008, when he had completed two-thirds of his sentence.

The Parole Board last month granted Capill parole, after having previously turned down parole five times.

The board noted he had successfully completed the Kia Marama child sex offending programme in last November, while a psychological report in May said Capill was of low to medium risk of reoffending.

The board concluded it was unlikely Capill would reoffend.

"The psychologist noted that Mr Capill had made progress in intellectually understanding his offending and the salient skills for managing his risk for reoffending," it said.

"Significantly, given his progress in treatment, coupled with adherence to his parole conditions, the psychologist assessed this as being sufficient to manage his low/medium recidivism rate risk upon release."

Paedophile politician released

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