謎底終於揭開了,七頭十角的怪獸原來是指伊斯蘭教。 啟示錄說的四個怪獸其實是跨時代的,特別是臨近西元二千年左右的千禧年代,怪事會特別多。 第一個怪獸說是獅子,指的是蒙古,因為蒙古後來信奉了佛教,而獅子是佛教的象徵之一,亦是指蒙古人的西征歐洲,在歐洲引起很大的恐慌,稱為黃禍。 這個獅子其實是壞事變好事,但還是在歐洲引起前所未有的大恐慌。 第二個怪獸說是熊,指的是有北極熊之稱的蘇聯。 第三個怪獸大紅龍的確是指魔鬼中國共產黨。 而第四個怪獸七頭十角獸就是伊斯蘭教的聖戰政權,今年開始冒起的 ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and Levant) 只是這個七頭十角怪獸的前奏。 另外,這個獅子亦可以是指瑞典和遠古時代的猶太民族。在遠古時代的猶太民族真的有人只會說希伯萊語。據說,希伯萊語跟外星人文明有很深的淵源。 美國的建立就是獅子與鷹的交合。獅子屬陽性,鷹屬陰性。 耶穌基督有三個最大的敵人,第一是共產主義及共產黨,第二是伊斯蘭教,第三是俄羅斯或者是對科學技術的盲目崇拜。 佛教和印度教是耶穌基督的天然盟友。但由於人類的無知與自大,會以為佛教和印度教是耶穌基督的敵人。但實際上,這是錯誤的認知。 | |
我決定由佛教改信天主教 我決定由佛教改信天主教的理由是,耶穌基督的愛足以治癒所有人類。耶穌基督是世紀末所有人類得到天主拯救的唯一與最重要的希望。 我決定放棄佛教,尤其是放棄西藏密宗,理由如下 1. 西藏密宗是邪教。總之。我覺得西藏密宗是邪邪地。西藏密宗的雙運法不是釋迦牟尼佛所傳的法。 2. 蓮花生大士是邪靈。蓮花生大士是一個力量很大的邪靈,大到不得了。其他很多或大部分的密宗上師都是有邪靈附體,所以邪氣十足。 3. 釋迦牟尼佛是人,而不是神。釋迦牟尼佛的智慧比不上天主的智慧。 4. 觀世音菩薩是真的。不能毀謗觀世音菩薩。但觀世音菩薩應該是一位上帝創造的天使長,是一個受造物,隸屬於耶穌基督的管轄之下。除了上帝之外,耶穌基督最大。 5. 西藏密宗是很邪的。可以說,西藏密宗是一種魔術,法力很大很大。但西藏密宗應該不是黑魔術。西藏密宗的法力很大很大,但我們無法確定西藏密宗的來歷。不知道西藏密宗的真正來歷。 這樣會觸及我的靈魂的最深處的三個問題 1. 我的靈魂最深處其實是相信佛教和觀世音菩薩,而非天主教或基督教 2. 恐怕我的靈魂最深處是承認蓮花生大士及西藏密宗是正信,亦是正法,是佛陀的教法的一部分,而不會認同蓮花生大士是邪靈,而不會認同蓮花生大士和西藏密宗是邪教 3. 我的靈魂最深處其實是相信耶穌基督是觀世音菩薩的化身,因此,同時十分相信觀世音菩薩和耶穌基督,認為耶穌基督不僅是外道救世主,不僅是基督宗教 (Christianity) 的教主,而且是佛教密宗的秘密大護法 | |
哥哥,你的東西說出來,耶穌基督這個部分,有沒有聖經依據呢?你懷疑密宗其實是苯教是好的,你所觸及的是佛教,但跨界到基督教的部分,應當多讀聖經求證才對吧。 | |
我已經找到很多另類福音,證明保羅教會以後很多聖經內容不正確。 | |
敬禮本師釋迦牟尼佛 敬禮觀世音菩薩 敬禮十方三世一切佛菩薩 我要懺悔迷信密宗的過失。我喜歡拜佛學佛,但不得其法。我只是貪著密宗很厲害很棒,神通廣大,簡直可以變魔術,但不懂得修心養性。念佛念咒是不夠的,要修好自己的心。念佛念咒是一種手段,用來修正自己的心。所謂「佛號投於亂心,亂心不得不佛」,所謂「三密相應」,一切都是在修自己的心。所以,觀察自己的心很重要。要懂得反省自己及控制自己,要懂得分辨是非黑白。要記住,閒談莫論人非,靜坐常思己過。這一切都是修心。要多些去幫助別人。這也是修心。所以說,修行與修心。修行與修心是分不開的。 很多人會貪著密宗,是因為貪著密宗的神奇與神通。貪心一生,就幻想利用密宗的上師與本尊的神通與能力,祈求上師與本尊賜予種種成就,隨便圓滿所有的願望,尤其是圓滿所有世俗的願望。要風得風,要雨得雨。這是一種很大的錯覺與誤解。事實是,密宗也是教人修福修慧,令自己沒有那麼苦。而不是請上師隨便變魔術給我們凡夫眾生看,隨便變魔術滿足我們的願望。上師是如意寶。本尊也是如意寶。但如意寶不是憑空產生的,而是修福修慧得來的。別人無法代替。 喇嘛教我們一個很有用的口訣,能認識自己的錯誤便是最大的神通。釋迦牟尼佛教我們,神通不敵業力。尤其是神通不敵業力這一點。否則,釋迦牟尼佛那麼大的神通,為什麼釋迦牟尼佛無法阻止他自己的釋迦族的滅族?為什麼在目犍連救母的故事中,神通第一的目犍連也無法以神通救他的母親脫離地獄,而要靠僧眾的超度?這就是佛歡喜日或盂蘭節的由來之一。 另外,喇嘛也教我們關於慈悲心的三個口訣:(1)最大的神通是慈悲心。(2)修行上的一切成就來自慈悲心。(3)慈悲心是一切修行功德的源泉。我們願一切眾生皆增長慈悲心與菩提心。 總之,一個人如果能對密宗有很大的信心,是一件好事。但不要太迷信太貪心,對密宗過分執著與追求,產生種種不切實際的幻想與願望。那麼就不是一件好事了。 Om Mani Peme Hung!!! 29-12-2011 醒悟 密宗不是保佑可以治病(醫病),可以發財,而是通過學密宗,令我們可以修福修慧,令我們沒有那麼苦。而不是希望不勞而獲,佛菩薩不會保佑我們不勞而獲。 密宗的加持力很大很大是真的。但不是要令我們幻想密宗可以變魔術,密宗喇嘛變魔術給我們,滿足我們的一切願求。密宗也是要講因果的。不信因果而去學密宗是邪教。 沒有錯,密宗是如意寶,密宗喇嘛也是如意寶,但真正的如意寶是自己的內心。要令自己的內心發起四無量心,生起慈悲心,生起智悲雙運的菩提心,為自利利他而工作。那才是真正的如意寶。 不要迷信密宗的加持力,不要迷信密宗的喇嘛的加持力。因為密宗的加持力不是變魔術一般,令我們充滿幻想,要風得風,要雨得雨,想要什麼,就有什麼。真正的加持力不是這樣的。那是對加持力的迷信與誤解,並非正信。 在末法時代,特別是黑暗世時代,想要學密宗,想要有真正的修行是很難的,但不是不可能。我們要盡力而為。真正想學密宗的人應該「取法乎上,得乎其中。」。要緊記學密宗原本是要全天候修行的,所謂「心依勝法法依窮,窮到將死碧岩中。見行相配方證道,否則還墮野狐中。」。凡是真正想學密宗的人多數是應該一邊工作賺錢,一邊真心真意投入密宗的修行,而不是幻想學密宗可以不勞而獲。 14-9-2014 | |
還是5頭各有1角,1頭有2角,其餘一個頭3角 還是2頭各有1角,4頭有2角,其餘一個頭冇角 還是3頭各有1角,1頭有7角,其餘3個頭冇角 還是1頭有10角,其餘6個頭冇角 仲有幾多種可能? 7頭10角獸,會唔會其實就係梗有一間喺左近嘅: ![]() 特登講多一隻角來掩飾真身? 唔覺唔覺, 生多隻角 在末法時代,特別是黑暗世時代,亦都係好需要我們深刻思考嘅 14-9-2014 | |
七頭十角怪獸的國際聯盟(聖戰與恐怖主義與大俄羅斯的三角結盟) 一頭三角(俄羅斯、白俄羅斯與東烏克蘭) 一頭二角(即是ISIL極端聖戰組織) 一頭一角(共五個,包括印尼、伊朗、古巴、北朝鮮、沙地阿拉伯,要提防菲律賓南部的新興伊斯蘭國家) | |
你最近還好嗎·V·? | |
你對四福音內容中所談及論究的淵源熟嗎?不用備查案理嗎?這樣叫做「我理解了四福音書?」所以我就理解基督教了?耶穌難道沒提及舊約文案,我也不用探究考查其言之究? 這樣叫做拜讀過四福音書了?你認為野人論秘笈的方式是正確的嗎?對於聖經拿出點素質好嗎? 我不認為找個籠子把自己關起來,究盡無我就一定是佛教了。 | |
在基督教,不但要熟悉聖經,還要接受不同的教會及牧師的訓導,包括基督教的倫理價值及社會訓導。不同派別的教會的社會訓導及政治理念會有不同。甚至在不同的教會更會有同性戀應不應該被接受的爭議。 所以,做基督徒是很辛苦的。因為單是閱讀聖經,就很少中國人會習慣。很多佛教徒都不喜歡讀天主教及基督教的聖經。我不喜歡讀聖經,所以我永遠不可能成為基督徒。 | |
謝謝。還好。託觀世音菩薩的福。 | |
回覆 10# 哈佛專家 可你說:「佛教和印度教是耶穌基督的天然盟友。但由於人類的無知與自大,會以為佛教和印度教是耶穌基督的敵人。但實際上,這是錯誤的認知。」 不多多了解、了解,你天然盟友跟佛教和印度教的出入、教意?斷定他們可益可友的,片面能就覺一切? | |
冇理由一頭一角獸得5隻咁少喎,您再數下添? | |
請不要跟我糾纏,這樣我會崩潰的。 | |
我無數錯,係七頭十角之數 目前好似係七隻獸,但會好快出現伊斯蘭教聖戰聯盟,完全以伊斯蘭教為唯一的目標。這正好符合一隻怪獸身上有七頭十角之形象。 | |
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你說這話時,你要想伊斯蘭教跟基督教是同源,教導敬拜同一個神,這一個神又是什麼模式與其表露的心態。你不是信觀世音菩薩是存在的?觀世音是什麼型態給東亞回教徒亂說,你不也不悅? | |
很想念沙文同 beebeechen 在此鬥嘴的日子,但真的惹了不少人議論紛紛。 | |
Plus my many footnotes as the followings - Many scholars believe that the Jesus Christ spoke the Aramaic Language with some Hebrew and Greek. The Jesus Christ was also good at speaking the Sanskrit. Arminianism is a school of soteriological thought in Protestant Christian theology founded by the Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius. Its acceptence stretches through much of mainstream Protestantism, particularly Evangelicalism. Due to the influence of John Wesley, Arminianism is perhaps most prominent in the Methodist movement. The best comprehensive values of the Christian are 40% Catholic, 40% Protestant (20% Lutheranism and Pietist-Methodism, 10% Calvinism or Reformed-Presbyterian Family, 5% the American Episcopal Church and derived from the Anglican Church, 5% Spiritualist, Psychic & New Age Family), and 20% Eastern Orthodoxy (10% Greek, 5% Russian, 5% the mixture of Coptic or Egyptian and Indian). This still does not include the Liberal Theology and the Gnosticism yet. The representative of the Liberal Wing of the Christianity is the UCC (the United Church of Christ). The representative of the GLBT Christian is the MCC (the former term "UFMCC). The Pentecostal Family is higher similar to the Charismatic Movement. Moreover, the Latter-day Saints Family (Mormonism) is belongs to one of the heresies in the Christianity. The Baptist Family and the Independent Fundamentalist Family have some connections with the English Puritan Tradition and developed in the North America. Especially the Baptist Family has strong American favor. The Adventist Family is not good. The Holiness Family is related to the viewpoints of John Wesley. The principles created by John Wesley is derived from the Methodism. Maybe the Methodism is created from the principles of John Wesley. The Reformed-Presbyterian Family is the direct successor of the Calvinism. Especially the Presbyterian Family is more connected to the Calvinism. John Calvin was the King of the Protestant Faith. The Lutheranism or Methodism is the official religion of the Northern Europe and Iceland. Its origin was located in the Germany (Prussia). Martin Luther was the founder (or father) of the Protestantism as well as the father of Religious Reform. It is enough for us to own the 5% Anglican/Episcopal Tradition. The Anglican/Episcopal Tradition is an important reference but not an important practice tradition. Notice the Rosicrucianism (Rosicrucian Order) and this may be the best tradition of the Christian Mysticism. The Hermetic Kabbalah Tradition and the Gnosticism may be evil. After studying some contents of the Judaism includes the Kabbalah Tradition, I confirm that the Judaism and the Kabbalah Tradition are evil. The Kabbalah Tradition is belongs to the Jewish Mysticism. The picture of the Life Tree created by the Jewish Kabbalah Tradition is very evil. The terms Gnosticism, Gnosis, Gnostic are refering to the "True Knowledge" or "True Wisdom". According to the secret teachings of the Jesus Christ, and according to the secret teachings of the Early Christians and the Gnosticism, the "Holy Spirit" is eqaul to the "Holy Mother" (the Blessed Virgin Mary) and the "Mother of the Earth". The "Holy Spirit" is feminine. However, the current three systems of the Christianity (Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism) define that the "Holy Spirit" owns the seven heads, seven horns and seven eyes. Its description is very strange and very terrible. This is not neutral or feminine, but wrathful. The "Essene (Holy) Group" has losted now. The "Essene Group" has the closed relationship with the Early Christianity and the Gnosticism. Some persons say that the Essene Group owned the lineage of the Judaism. The Saint James the Just is equal to Mr. James the Lesser (Jacob), the younger brother of the Jesus Christ. He is born by his father Joseph and the wife of Joseph Holy Maria and is ordered by the Jesus Christ to take care of the Holy mother Maria (The Blessed Virgin Mary). The Blessed Virgin Mary give the birth to the Jesus by the blessing of the God, then the Holy Mother Maria give the birth to Mr. James the Lesser with her husband Joseph. (Secret) The Jesus Christ has appointed the Saint James the Just as his successor on preaching the Teachings of Jesus Christ after the death of Jesus Christ. The James wanted to delete the Apostle Paul (alias Apostle Peter) in the Christian Group but the Apostle Paul changed this decision. This details was not sure. (Secret) The historical truth was the Jesus Christ never appointed the Apostle Paul (alias Peter) as the First Pope of the Roman Catholic Church (or called Pauline Church) in the early church. Sometimes, the Jesus Christ blame the Apostle Paul is the devil. The raising of Pauline Church is contributed to the common karma of the sentient beings. (Secret) The Jesus Christ had his four young brothers - Jacob (James the Lesser), Joseph, Simon, and Judai and four younger sisters. (See the Gospel of Matthew) Hoewver, the Bible did not tell us who are the sisters of the Jesus Christ. The scholars of Bible Studies have told us that the contents of Bible are full of the contradiction. Not only the Old Testament is contradictory, but also the New Testament edited by the Pauline Church (i.e. the Vatican) is contradictory. Here are too many errors appearing in the many translation of the Bible. When the Bible was translated the Latin Version from the Greek Version and the Aramaic Version, the translators often misinterpreted the Bible. Hence, here are many errors appearing in the Bible. The Catholicism is the standard of the three systems of the Christianity. The Eastern Orthodoxy is more profound than the Catholicism, but the Protestantism is more superficial than the Catholicism. After the Year 1453 the Constantinople falled to the Ottoman Empire, the city Moscow is called as the "Third Rome" by themselves. According to the Bible, the Jesus Christ had four brothers and two sisters. If my estimation is more accurate or more right, the Jesus Christ had three younger brothers and two sisters. The three brothers of the Jesus Christ are James the Lesser (Jacob), Simon and Judas. I have wrote this note as below - I have read some books about the Christianity. From them, I know that the Holy Spirit is not other - the Lord Jesus Christ said that the Holy Spirit is his mother (i.e. the Blessed Virgin Mary and represent the Mother of the Earth). Moreover, my guess may be right - the Jesus Christ had three younger brothers - Jacob (James the Lesser), Simon and Judas. I also notice that the true Christian shall be anti-Communist or anti-Socialist because the Communism or the Socialism is the source of the one-party dictatorship and the Socialism is anti-Christ as well as object to all of the religions. Maybe the founder Karl Marx was the Satanist. Maybe the teaching of the Eastern Orthodox Tradition is better than the Roman Catholic Tradition and the Anglican/Episcopal Tradition, but I dislike accept the political influence of the Eastern Orthodox Tradition. In addition, the Eastern Orthodoxy is more mystical than the Roman Catholicism. In the present days, the Gnosticism is not the ancient one now. There are some differences between the ancient Gnosticism and the modern Gnosticism. Usually, the Gnosticism mix many unnecessary and heretic teachings. For example, the Gnosticism does not need to mix the two different religious systems of the Christianity and the Hinduism into one. The trinity theories between the Christianity and the Hinduism are different. The Early Christians spent 200-300 years to edit the Bible. The earliest versions of the Bible were written in the 3rd Century. The major parts of the gospels or holy scriptures of the Gnostic Christians and Early Christians can be called as the "alternative gospels". Here is my conclusion for the Christianity, especially the Protestantism :- The Lutheranism is better than the Calvinism. The Presbytearianism is the best viewpoint of the Calvinism, but the Five points of Calvinism are rubbish. However, its moral viewpoints in Working and Controlling the Sexual Desire make the greater development of the Capitalism. The Justification of Faith is the best viewpoint of the Lutheranism. The Congregationalism is originated from the Lutheranism and have its some advantages and weaknesses. However, the Lutheranism do not know the Human must obey the moral rules made by the gods. The Anglican Tradition is belongs to the Western Liturgical Family in the detailed classification. However, the Anglican Tradition is belongs to the Protestantism and derived from the Roman Catholicism. The Baptism and Divine Liturgy of the Eastern Orthodoxy is most correct in all Christianity. The Divine Liturgy in the Eastern Orthodoxy is equal to the Mass or Eucharist in the Catholicism. | |
但係,點解修改之後都係咁多錯0茄? |