

匿名 2014/11/1 22:28

Where is the “tidal flood” of Bulgarian and Romanian immigrants?
1 Britons’ anti-immigration feelings have been deliberately redirected onto Romanians and Bulgarians. These two countries are perceived as weak, and their population is white and Christian so nobody can be accused of racism if they vilify, persecute and discriminate them. Hate campaigns are perfectly acceptable if they directed to poor Europeans. All the MP signing petitions against Romanians and Bulgarians prove that.
Every year about 200000 non-EU settled in UK while in terms of benefits, the top 20 individual nationalities comprise claimants from across most ‘world areas’; within Asia and Middle East, Pakistan and India, hold the 1st and 3rd nationalities, with Bangladesh (5th) Iraq (6th) and Iran (8th). Somalia (2nd), Nigeria (11th) and Eritrea (19th) are within Africa region; Poland (7th) is the only previous Accession state to appear in the top 20.
By concentrating all the anti-immigration hatred onto Romanians and Bulgarians, the British Establishment hope to placate the enormous amount of immigrants from Asia, Africa and Caribbean and keep the social peace. Romanians and Bulgarians are the scapegoats and the whipping boys of the immigration debacle.

2 That Romanians and Bulgarians are into benefit tourism is one the biggest lie Western European media has spread. The truth is different, albeit in the UK. The biggest European recipients of welfare in Britain, according to this DWP statistics are Western EU countries (but Poland is on top): https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/dwp-statistical-foi-releases
Western Europeans are the one abusing the welfare system in Britain and they are doing it from de decades. Here is the top list extracted from the statistics (in 000):
Poland 26.54
Rep_of_Ireland 14.82
Portugal 12.44
Slovak_Rep 7.98
Netherlands 6.82
France 6.37
Rep_of_Lithuania 6.36
Italy 6.29
Czech_Rep 5.49
Rep_of_Latvia 4.60
Germany 4.59
Spain 4.33
Hungary 2.25
Sweden 1.97
Romania 1.74
Greece 1.68
Cyprus 1.47
Bulgaria 1.08
Denmark 1.02
Belgium 0.98
Rep_of_Estonia 0.58
Austria 0.50
Rep_of_Slovenia 0.50
Finland 0.48
Malta 0.37
Luxembourg 0.03

Romania and Bulgarian are on the bottom half ( ranked 17 and 20) . The accusers (France, Germany, Netherland) are in the top list of welfare benefits in the UK

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