番文在這方面词詞彙較為豐富,今選一些介紹,但可惜全部都冇中譯。盼有識之士將之譯出來,文化交流,百川入海。 Papist - 天主教徒專用,起源於16世纪英格蘭宗教改革時期, 係佢地嘅分離的弟兄新教徒幫佢地改嘅。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papist | |
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http://www.historyireland.com/18th-19th-century-history/the-catholic-church-and-fenianism/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenian | |
呢篇咖文話係「教皇主義者」,都唔錯。 https://sites.google.com/site/xapaga/home/religion | |
============================ Left-Footer - 又係顛鼠教徒專用, 又係起源於英國佬的愛爾蘭 vs 英格蘭時代, 同佢地嘅農具用鏟有關。 https://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-1121,00.html | |
新教舊教貓狗不相容, 常用於學童之間 https://ca.answers.yahoo.com/que ... 130919145739AAUgAve | |
Not a satanist, and not one who bashes the Bible. A Bible Basher is someone who constantly goes around forcing the word of the bible on everyone else, and claims that everything BUT the Bible is evil. Some Bible Bashers even say music is evil because "in the bible" it says that Lucifer was the conducter of God's Orchestra, and say that Lucifer knows how music works on people so he is "hidden in the music, sending you subliminal messages" https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Bible%20basher | |
上帝煩人。新舊教徒都啱用 Anyone who spreads the word of God, inflicting it on others, usually without their consent! https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/God_botherer | |
https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/taig | |
19世紀中,愛爾蘭饑荒, 新教施捨叉燒飯畀天主教細路, 條件係要跳槽新教 https://www.hatebase.org/vocabulary/soup+taker |