
惡死能登新誡命 聖座興到手揈揈

沙文 2020/1/1 08:26
Pope Francis angrily slaps woman's hand after she yanks his arm

Published Tuesday, December 31, 2019 5:11PM EST

TORONTO -- Some worshippers wait for hours outside the Vatican in hopes of meeting the Pope face to face. But a woman who grabbed Pope Francis when he appeared to pass her by without a handshake saw a much sterner side of the pontiff.

Flanked by his usual squad of security guards, Pope Francis smiled as he greeted a crowd in St. Peter’s Square on New Year’s Eve. Video of the encounter shows a woman in a black coat leaning against the security railing and making the sign of the cross as the Pope nears.

But just as Pope Francis gets close to the woman, he turns and begins to walk away.

In the video, the woman then reaches out and grabs the Pope’s right hand, yanking him toward her. Pope Francis appears surprised and upset even as the woman shakes his hand and speaks with him.

The Pope then slaps the woman’s hand and appears visibly upset. A security guard intervenes, and the woman eventually lets go.

The heated encounter isn’t the first time the Pope has become upset during public events. Earlier this year, Pope Francis appeared to become irritated when a line of worshippers tried to kiss his papal ring, a common sign of respect that dates backs centuries. In a video, the Pope was seen pulling his hand away from 19 people who tried to kiss the ring.

The video was widely shared online and divided some within the Catholic community, with conservative critics accusing the Pope of showing “graceless” disrespect for the long-standing tradition.

A spokesperson for the Pope said at the time that it was “a simple question of hygiene” and that the Pope did not want to spread germs.

Pope Francis is known for warmly greeting worshippers and kissing babies handed to him at public events. Originally from Argentina, Francis has even drunk out of gourds given to him by strangers that are filled with mate, a highly-caffeinated tea popular in South America.

https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/pop ... s-his-arm-1.4749182
沙文 2020/1/1 21:35

惨遭女子拉扯动怒 教宗拍打对方挣脱(附视频)

https://www.kwongwah.com.my/2020 ... %E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91/
beebeechan 2020/1/1 21:44
Pope Francis angrily slaps woman's hand after she yanks his arm

Published Tuesday, December 31, 201 ...
沙文 2020/1/1 08:26 提交

In impromptu remarks on Wednesday, Pope Francis apologized for striking the well-wisher's hand.

In his new year's wishes to the public in St. Peter's Square, he said, "so many times we lose patience. Me, too." The Pope added, "I say 'excuse me' for the bad example" he demonstrated in the incident.
beebeechan 2020/1/1 21:47
本帖最後由 beebeechan 於 2020/1/1 21:52 編輯
Pope Francis angrily slaps woman's hand after she yanks his arm

Published Tuesday, December 31, 201 ...
沙文 2020/1/1 08:26 提交


https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/pop ... s-his-arm-1.4749182

In impromptu remarks on Wednesday, Pope Francis apologized for striking the well-wisher's hand.

In his new year's wishes to the public in St. Peter's Square, he said, "so many times we lose patience. Me, too." The Pope added, "I say 'excuse me' for the bad example" he demonstrated in the incident.
沙文 2020/1/1 22:16
刻意刪走這段, 係因為此事值得另作專題探討, 要搜集下資料先。
聖座告解揾邊位同佢做? 我submitted咗问佢, 等佢reply之後再為您報道
beebeechan 2020/1/1 23:31
刻意刪走這段, 係因為此事值得另作專題探討, 要搜集下資料先。
聖座告解揾邊位同佢做? 我submitted咗问佢,  ...
沙文 發表於 2020/1/1 22:16

至少你良知未泯, 無否認係「刻意刪走這段」
beebeechan 2020/1/1 23:35
我submitted咗问佢, 等佢reply之後再為您報道
沙文 發表於 2020/1/1 22:16

沙文 2020/1/2 00:17
我唔知佢schedule嘛。等聖座有正式invitation 畀我,我就會book 機票咖啦。business class隨時book到, 您咁猴急做乜L嘢
beebeechan 2020/1/2 08:29
我唔知佢schedule嘛。等聖座有正式invitation 畀我,我就會book 機票咖啦。business

class隨時book到, 您咁猴急做乜L嘢
沙文 發表於 2020/1/2 00:17



耶穌話:好丫, 現在就跟住我行哩
個人就話: 嗯...hold 住先, 等我返去埋葬咗個老竇先哩...

吹到天下無敵, 一做就奔走無力。
沙文 2020/1/2 08:46

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