離教者之家 may take the active in-itiative to invite some gay-or-lesbian-or-queer-or-even-tranny organnisations in hk or macau e.t.c. to post here , any opinion or counter-opinion ?? i welcome 100.000% suggestion food4thought , food4brainstorm [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 01:48 編輯 ] | |
其實較類似的,反而是「反基督」人士,只是那其實亦與本網成立「關懷離教者」的目的相悖。 | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-17 10:09 發表 >>>> 其實較類似的,反而是「反基督」人士,只是那其實亦與本網成立「關懷離教者」的目的相悖。 o yes , now , i suggest2take the active in-itiative , offline AND/////////OR online to invite the「反基督」人士//organnisations or the ANTI-CHRISTs or the anti-Christs to post here to make up the sparkles + sparks | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-17 10:09 發表 >>>> 會否導致「基民」大量湧入而反而淡化本網原來的宗旨? in my own humble opinion : ::::: 1 way or an other ,,,,,,,,,*民大量湧入exchristian.hk''''''''' may b all good to http://exchristian.hk/ , especially expecially in the current drought of exChristian(HK) [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 13:51 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-17 10:09 發表 p.s. : :::: i'm --n--o--t-- any gay nor lesbian , nor ,,,,,queer'''' [[[[[[[[[ but , o yes , my own mindset 's real queer , literally ]]]]]]]]] , indeed indeep , i'm a little bit anti-gay , i feel it the ab-horror or ab-horrance of course naturally as a man , , n'o[no] any insult against gay , just my own natural instinct as a man , sorry4anyInconvenience [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 13:52 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-17 10:09 發表 >>>> 會否導致「基民」大量湧入而反而淡化本網原來的宗旨? .1. the gay////queer communities , may b , from time2time , even more active/////////interActive than the #1 most active/////////activest communities worldswide , i.e. Christians .2. the gay////queer communities , have been always subject to sufferring o'[of] suppressions////oppressions from Christiannity//Catholiccism//Islam e.t.c. , so , they may////must/////MUST have something to ,,,,, pick bone '''' with them http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E9%99%B3%E6%97%A5%E5%90%9B&variant=zh-tw#.E5.90.8C.E6.80.A7.E6.88.80.E5.95.8F.E9.A1.8C | |
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 13:12 發表 i think they may love to ,,talk'' about Christiannity + Christians activly actively inter-actively interactively in order to vent out their ,,gas'' interactiveness + activeness , ,,,,,,,,, may b '''''''''' what it lacks in exChristian.hk currently , ,,,,,,,,, may b '''''''''' .... may b ..... just my own humble opinion , just food4thought just food4brainstorm sorry4anyInconveniency | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-17 10:09 發表 i think v may////should b open-minded , ---------------------------------------------------------------- aftrall afterall , --------------------------- .1. they'r all humans, not ?? --------------------------- .2. they share 'the same views with exChristians in regardin' Christians --------------------------- .3. .3.a. v could pre-brief them not to preach their gayism e.t.c. here .3.b. v could pre-brief them not to expose their ,,,,,actions-movies'''' e.t.c. here , .3.c. v could pre-brief them not to expose their ,,,,,real-life's-photoes'''' e.t.c. here , e.t.c. e.t.c. ---------------------------------------------------------------- welcome any counter-opinions [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 14:03 編輯 ] | |
一些朋友說對此事件我須負上部分責任。有人說我不了解同性戀者的心態,沒有危機意識,有人說我拒絕得不夠決絕。我承認對同性戀者的處理缺乏經驗。 風雨過後,儘管我的危機意識加強了,但我深信我不會歧視同性戀者。但我希望在此明確地告訴大家,我沒有同性戀傾向。 我知道同性戀者與許多教會都誓不兩立,但本網的主要目標仍以離教者為主。同時,同性戀組織內,應已有很多渠道給同性戀者和教會角力,我們沒有必要為此再枉作小人。當然,假如一位離教者兼又是同性戀者,本網仍會努力支持鼓勵。 | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-17 14:20 發表 原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-17 14:20 發表 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=12638&ptid=1364][/url] >>>>>>>>> 但我希望在此明確地告訴大家,我沒有同性戀傾向。 o really ? much 2 our dis-appointment , let me test ye , may i have the honour of the Amazing Grace seny by our Lord to approach u 4 ,,6'' ......... [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 14:30 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-17 14:20 發表 >>>> 我本身更吸引了一名難纏的同志,甚至對本人造成不安及騷擾, o really ?? o really u'r so attractive ..... o k , please , let me do u something as .... ..... >>>>>>>>> 我本身更吸引了 u should b married to some Christian ladies , + they'r so lonly[[lonely]] , [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 14:55 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-1-17 14:36 發表 在神的眷顧下,破壞別人的獨身恩賜,好似唔多好喎。 | |
Some lesbians maybe Christian also, even though they maybe oppressed by some other Christians (the lesbians may argue that they are oppressed simply because of the problem of individual, but not the religion). | |
只要是離教者,不論貧賤富貴,都是本網的目標客人。 | |
一類是為“取”而來,另一類則是為“捨”而來。 無端端扮起高深,甚覺抱歉。 | |
http://leslovestudy.com/rainbow/ ... irituality/060802d/ (from http://www.leslovestudy.com 下一站彩虹) Of course, I don't mind if people are lesbian or not. After all, it does no harm to others, and it is their own freedom. | |
原帖由 抽刀斷水 於 2008-1-17 14:20 發表 >>>> 我本身更吸引了一名難纏的同志,甚至對本人造成不安及騷擾 so , i'd like2suggest2invite the local lesbian organnisations e.t.c. or the local lesbian individuals e.t.c to post here http://exchristian.hk/ to ,,talk'' Christiannity + Christians in summary : ::::: invite lesbian , just only lesbian , then , thence , n'o[no] matter how ever My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 very extremely extremly 更吸引 , My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 very extremely extremly 更吸引 than 陳志雲 for 方逸華 , My Dear Sir 抽刀斷水 would , still , n'ever[[never] b able to 吸引 any lesbian , there4 , there'd b no more any problem as that ,,,,, 我本身更吸引了一名難纏的同志,甚至對本人造成不安及騷擾 , '''' sorry again cant type in chinese [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-18 01:07 編輯 ] | |
題外話,我發現很多女同志,一是剛陽味比男性更強,另一種柔情似水性的,通常會是十分漂亮的。 回復 13# 的帖子 同志信徒比較少數,而通常這些信徒思想都會很開放,因此他們不太會批評離教者。以前有位同志信徒以利達,還很友善呢。 | |
一是因爲佛教教義比較溫和、寬容與慈悲 二是佛教教義是否徹底反對同志行爲?沒有最終的結論,但有一點是肯定的,佛教裏沒有同志必須下地獄這一說 |