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共產黨的口訣與祈禱文 共產黨的口訣是:「毛澤東萬歲!」 共產黨的祈禱文是:「願毛澤東時時庇佑我們!毛澤東思想戰無不勝!攻無不克!」 大家有沒有破解這些魔咒的方法呢? 9-May-2011 耶穌禱文是共產黨的剋星 (1) 念耶穌禱文絕對可以打敗共產黨,佛教的觀世音菩薩有些不靈。 耶穌禱文是: 主耶穌基督,神的兒子,請慈憫我這罪人! 但先決條件是,培養自己的身體和心識都充滿天地正氣,亦即耶穌基督的救世精神,不貪圖金錢,才有機會打敗共產黨。 香港和台灣的基督徒的最大的忌諱就是,動不動就冒犯佛教,尤其是冒犯觀世音菩薩。這也是基督徒在對抗共產黨的戰爭中不能經常佔上風的原因之一。 (2) 耶穌禱文絕對可以破解共產黨的所有魔咒! 耶穌禱文是: 主耶穌基督,神的兒子,請慈憫我這罪人! 9-May-2011 | |
佢連個窮寡婦兩斗零都呃,又教班(口靚)呃班戇鳩將值錢嘅嘢攞曬俾佢。 佢蝦棵無花果樹就叻,一碰撒瑪利亞村民,就走夾唔抖。幾個衙差就將佢五花大綁押赴刑場,用腦諗下啦。 | |
週二 2020-05-05 獨媒報導 (獨媒特約報導)香港眾志秘書長黃之鋒和社福界立法會議員邵家臻早前接獲投訴,指壁屋懲教所職員曾多次虐打抗爭者政治犯,如有還柙「手足」因唱《願榮光歸香港》而遭受掌摑、「落雞翼」等酷刑對待,被還押的抗爭者亦全被懲教職員稱為「暴動仔」。有踢爆事件的抗爭者坦言身心受創:「暴力對待已經係基本,仲要日日侮辱你屋企人。」邵家臻促懲教處向公眾交代,並嚴懲相關濫權的職員;黃之鋒則表示會積極向聯合國反映香港政治犯所受到的不公對待。 唱《願榮光》被辱罵掌摑 社運書藉一律被禁 香港眾志昨日發佈一條長約12分鐘的影片,講述被還柙「手足」如何遭到懲教所職員的殘酷對待,亦披露涉案職員的名字及編號。在片段中,有政治犯因在壁屋懲教所內唱《願榮光歸香港》,被一級懲教助理禤雅達(編號AO1700)辱罵及掌摑,更在自己掌摑得「疲倦」以後,要求其他政治犯「大大力掌自己一巴」,惟犯人唱其他流行歌曲時則未被干預。 邵家臻表示,「條片我睇得好艱難,之後都瞓得好差,依啲事都唔係第一次聽到。」他指,現時被還柙的政治犯,不論任何年齡,均被「黑社會式」歸類為「暴動仔」,亦因此衍生不同針對政治犯的暴行。他又指,有關社運的書藉一律被列為「懲教禁書」,更有患輕度弱智的在囚人士因筆記寫有「光復香港,時代革命」而被充公。他批評在囚政治犯經常被以「莫須有」罪名嚴懲,促署方能正視問題並全力徹查事件。 曾還柙抗爭者:暴力對待係基本 冒險發聲望將來「少啲人受苦」 因抗爭運動而被還押的Tom和Jackson,今早以視像形式參與記者會。Jackson表示,自己雖只在壁屋裡囚禁了數月,卻受到外界難以想像的折磨。「暴力對待已經係基本,仲要日日侮辱你屋企人」。他明言自己不單受到肉體上的傷害,「心靈上嘅創傷都好大。」他續指,自己即使擔心因披露事件而導致要「重返壁屋」,亦願意「企出嚟為不公發聲」,批評懲教職員濫用權力的情況日益嚴重,促成立獨立調查委員會徹查懲教署,而非按現時投訴機制「自己人查自己人。」 Tom亦指出,自己今次願意披露事件,全因希望將來「可以少啲人受苦,唔好令錯誤繼續落去」,指一定要改革機制以改善在囚人士的對待。此外,他希望公眾能夠關注事件、「堅持落去」,「為咗光復香港,大家都努力奮鬥緊。」 黃之鋒承諾,香港眾志將積極向聯合國反映香港政治犯所受到的不公對待,同時亦要求懲教署署長胡英明徹查事件,壁屋懲教所監督吳樹勳亦必須問責,處分所有濫權職員,並立即制止所有酷刑對待暴行。 記者:黃鐙嶠、周頌謙 | |
2020-05-05 HKT 13:30 HK protesters say they were tortured in prison Three anti-government protesters said on Tuesday that they had been tortured and abused while detained in a Hong Kong prison, alleging they were taken to areas away from surveillance footage and beaten and slapped. Appearing via Skype and in a pre-recorded video shown at a press conference organised by Demosisto's Joshua Wong, the young men recounted how they were violently abused by guards who hit them with their elbows, and with wooden rods, metal rulers and batons. The three, whose names were given as Tom, Jackson and Ivan, claimed the abuse happened while they were on remand at Pik Uk Correctional Institution in Sai Kung over charges relating to the anti-government movement. They said that on one occasion, protesters were caught singing the movement's anthem "Glory to Hong Kong". Guards took them out of sight of CCTV cameras and slapped them in the face, they said, adding that when the guards became tired, they were ordered to repeatedly slap themselves instead. They also said protesters were made to count aloud and shout "Thank you, sir", as prison staff beat their hands and feet. In the video, "Tom" said that when prison staff weren’t satisfied with any answers they got from new inmates, they would start swearing at them and hitting them. "I was called outside and taken to a room without CCTV. He [a guard] grabbed my head and banged my head against the wall about four or five times… I was dizzy for two days," he said. Wong, who has complained in the past about his own treatment in prison, acknowledged that it would be difficult to prove such claims, but said staff know they can get away with abusing inmates. "The fundamental problem is that without CCTV footage and without enough CCTV inside the prison, of course prison staff or prison guards can do what they want to abuse their power and torture inmates without any penalty or any pressure," he said. Wong added that they may file a complaint with the United Nations. "Those abuses of power violate international standards on human rights," he said. "It is time for the chief of the Correctional Services Department to be held accountable and to respond to the issue. And the superintendent of Pik Uk Correctional Institution must bear the responsibility and conduct an investigation." Social welfare sector lawmaker Shiu Ka-chun, who left prison last October after serving an eight-month sentence related to the 2014 Occupy protests, said an independent committee needs to be set up to lead prison reform in the city. Shiu said substantial change is needed to realise the value of humanity, as written in Hong Kong's Bill of Rights. In 2017, dozens of former young offenders gave accounts to the media of physical and sexual abuse in Hong Kong prisons, saying such practices were widespread and have gone on for years. In response to the latest allegations, the Correctional Services Department told RTHK that anyone who feels aggrieved by any treatment received during incarceration may file a report to the internal Complaints Investigation Unit. It said other channels for any complaints include institutional management, the Legislative Council and the Ombudsman. Last updated: 2020-05-05 HKT 18:34 | |
奇怪的是? 香港回歸咗二十幾年,香港人(特別是老人家)個個完完整整! 中共冇打過佢地任何一個人,亦冇令任何一個老人家流過一滴血?! 呢班爭取自由民主的耶穌黨就打到個個老年人爆曬血呀陰公! 冇天理呀!六月飛霜呀!………… 點解嘅呢? | |
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好在香港還有法治,否則大家黎猜下上面果d老人家會唔會個個都被基督教打鬼死咗吖嗱? 幾百年前基督教殺人放火又話唔見到啫, 嗱,現在真真實實今日二十世紀有法律仍然欺負弱小老人家? 試問幾十幾百年前佢地坐大咗會做乜野呢? 唔好講到你地基督教幾咁仁慈善良啦,老人家都打得落手既【人】同【教】會係善良?乞嚏! 睇片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoRWbJBWqOQ | |
係囉! 你唔白癡,所以你認為香港既老年人因為支持共產黨所以抵死?抵流血? | |
點解香港既老年人喜歡支持共產黨竟然冇民主冇自由呢吓? | |
人地老人家支持乜野係老人家既自由, 人地老人家亦可以自由喜歡支持佢地喜歡既野, 點解老人家支持佢地喜歡既野,就要打人殺人呢? 你地基督教悪晒,大晒呀? 只有你自由,人地老人家就唔可以有自由? 佢地爭取佢地既自由就應該被你地暴打到流血?暴打到死呀? 乜野教黎架?! | |
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香港係好奇怪既。喜歡共產黨既老年人仍然可以投票支持擁護共產黨既民建聯同工聯會。但共產黨係反民主反自由既,唔值得支持。 | |
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作詞:t, 眾連登仔 作曲:thomas dgx yhl 編曲:t, bp, clk, oct tad 何以 這土地 淚再流 何以 令眾人 亦憤恨 昂首 拒默沉 吶喊聲 響透 盼自由 歸於 這裡 何以 這恐懼 抹不走 何以 為信念 從沒退後 何解 血在流 但邁進聲 響透 建自由 光輝 香港 在晚星 墜落 徬徨午夜 迷霧裡 最遠處吹來 號角聲 捍自由 來齊集這裡 來全力抗對 勇氣 智慧 也永不滅 黎明來到 要光復 這香港 同行兒女 為正義 時代革命 祈求 民主與自由 萬世都不朽 我願榮光歸香港 | |
Verse 1 Sing Alleluia to the Lord Sing Alleluia to the Lord Chorus Sing Alleluia Sing Alleluia Sing Alleluia to the Lord Verse 2 Jesus is risen from the dead Jesus is risen from the dead Verse 3 Jesus is Lord of heav'n and earth Jesus is Lord of heav'n and earth Verse 4 He’s coming back to claim His own He’s coming back to claim His own 高聲唱讚頌我的主 譯詞:Philip Hung Verse 1 高聲唱讚頌我的主 願榮耀歸於我的主 Chorus 頌讚歸於聖父 讚美聖子聖靈 高聲唱讚頌我的主 高聲唱讚頌獻給主 譯詞:Raymond Tam Verse 1 高聲唱讚頌獻給主 當唱歌讚頌獻給主 Chorus 唱阿利路亞, 唱阿利路亞, 高聲唱讚頌獻給主。 Verse 2 基督已出死蔭復活 基督已出死蔭復活 Verse 3 基督宇宙一切主宰, 基督萬有一切主宰, Verse 4 祂將再降下臨地上, 祂快將再度臨地上, 漆黑中一起再高歌 (Sing Hallelujah to the Lord 守望香港版) V1 將真真假假看清楚 未來是許多可不可 困苦中相助 惡險中走過 漆黑中一起再高歌 V2 初心不應該變苦果 盡全力儘管也不多 嶄新的一代 要他不枉過 彼此點起心裡的火 V3 風 不可阻擋主的歌 夜 攜著手膽壯得多 信 有天可慶賀 愛 抵消差錯 捉緊這盼望來互助 Chorus Sing Hallelujah to the Lord Sing Hallelujah to the Lord Sing Hallelujah, sing Hallelujah Sing Hallelujah to the Lord | |
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老實講,我完全睇唔見中共有迫害香港人啵! 連稅都唔洗香港比,幾正,香港咪大把錢令基督教眼紅囉! 死啦,中共收番香港,分分鐘基督教冇地企, 咁大塊肥豬肉拱手比番中共,冇曬油水? 咁,天主教買買埋埋果d香港天價豪宅,高地價教堂咪比番曬中共? 咁辛苦呃到班香港傻仔個個月做老襯十一奉獻咪泡湯? 嗱,呢d咪迫害囉! 呀,你係講緊自己用書釘釘大髀果件基督教徒? 或書店,同大使館上深圳叫雞被公安扣留果幾件? 一日咁多香港人上上落落中國,又唔見佢地個個被中共迫害? 哈,奇怪特別要迫害果幾個信基督教的咁奇怪嘅? 有冇人可以答呢? . | |
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係呀係呀,我係中共派来的卧底,專打被耶稣洗腦果d人呀! 係你個觀音菩薩叫我去做中共八毛既,我高級幹部收八毛,14億五毛的全部都是我的靚! 你個觀音菩薩叫我話你知;你再幫耶穌黨害老人家,你會被雷公劈架,你小心囉! | |
乜你依家好唔自由咩?又被耶穌用書釘釘你大髀呀? 或得閒冇事的你去問話咁呢? 乜原来周不時上去打刧殺人?怕成咁?身有屎? 你有冇去叫雞或鴨吖? 記得叫公安唔好通知你屋企人(醜死鬼吖馬), 然後番黎又反轉豬肚全是屎開記者會話無理被扣留吖笨! 中國啲米平呀,捉你地班耶穌垃圾番去食貴曬d米?on99 想抹黑中國都唔該用下腦咧! . |
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