馬時亨:麵包加價太高(明報)01月 23日 星期三 04:35PM My Dear Sir 馬時亨 , 針唔到肉唔知痛 , the last straw could break the entire camel's back but , never-the-lesser , ThANKs 4 your 風涼話 spoken in your cool office while others'r in 水深火熱 cheers ThANKye , your 同志 , devil , the exChristian ---------------------------------------------------------------- note : :::::::::: My Dear Sir 馬時亨, the quite wealthy devout protestant , there4 , My Dear Sir 馬時亨, 's @least literally really very 'Dear' , expecially in contrast2me [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-1-24 02:08 編輯 ] |