

leefeng 2021/4/17 03:54

今天,我與受過神學院教育的部長安德魯·賈斯科(Andrew Jasko)進行了交談,他最終離開了他的宗教信仰和社區。他現在專注於幫助其他人擺脫宗教創傷。

安德魯(Andrew)在神召會(Assemblies of God)教會中成長,並得到了培訓,成為傳道人和傳教士。最終,他對基督教世界觀和信仰體系的內容和哲學含義提出了質疑,並擺脫宗教了。



Today I spoke with Andrew Jasko, a seminary-educated minister who ultimately left his religious faith and community.  He is now focused on helping others heal from religious trauma.

Andrew shared his background growing up in the Assemblies of God church and being groomed to become a minister and missionary.  He eventually questioned the content and philosophical implications of the Christian worldview and belief system, and deconverted.

Throughout our discussion, we touched on:

• The traumatic, bedrock fear of the unending torture of hell as the motivation behind Christianity.
• How to unwind the indoctrination and fears.
• The premise of human beings fundamentally wicked.
• The "identity theft" that occurs through religion and how it's difficult to see the psychopathic nature of the Yahweh character of the Old Testament when your identity is wrapped up in him, and the side effect of how those beliefs degrade our humanity.
• The victim mentality and disempowered position that comes from seeing your identity, acceptance, safety, and power as coming from an outside source, through belief and obedience.
• The danger of seeking solutions from a religious system, and of always concluding that the issue is ourselves, not our religious beliefs.
• The idea that the Bible is a flawless communication from god, that you have to obey everything in it, and that you can't scrutinize and judge the god character.
• Seeing sexuality as a curse where you are constantly trying to fight your urges.
• Being programmed for severe repression on many levels.
• The baseline of purity in thoughts and desires, especially in the area of sexuality, and the resulting guilt and shame trauma.
• The Yahweh character being able to see every thought in our heads.
• How religion enslaves us.
• Outsourcing our power vs. standing in our own sovereignty.
• The rude awakening of deconversion.
• Committing ourselves to dealing directly with the bad ideas
• Cultivating a non-judgmental, empathic awareness.
• The psychology of believers, especially regarding the cognitive dissonance of Christianity.
• How to approach theists who are stuck in an apologetics mindset.
• Having grace with ourselves through the healing process, so that we truly give ourselves the time, freedom, and patience to heal.
• Integrating all aspects of ourselves.
• The role of religious trauma counseling, as well as meditation.
• Non-dual humanism.
leefeng 2021/4/17 03:55

leefeng 2021/4/17 03:59

Harmonic Atheist


旁觀者 2021/4/18 00:26
上流寄生族 2022/1/6 18:22
,我與受過神學院教育的部長安德魯·賈斯科(Andrew Jasko)進行 ...
谢谢谢谢谢谢leefeng 發表於 2021/4/17 03:54

上流寄生族 2022/1/6 18:25
本帖最後由 上流寄生族 於 2022/1/6 18:50 編輯
20220105I【鬼都唔信!】離教日增,教堂無人打理成鬼域!BNO祖國國教正步向崩潰的邊緣|芒向快報 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2022/1/6 18:22


抽刀斷水 2022/1/7 00:05


。应是離教者之家兴起近20年后 ...
上流寄生族 發表於 2022/1/6 18:25

    其實我幾欣賞辛尼梁用「棄教」,可避免教徒混駁視聽話「離教」只是「離開教會」未「離開基督教」之類,但用「離教」同時也有talking point,可謂有辣有不辣。
上流寄生族 2022/1/7 05:37
    其實我幾欣賞辛尼梁用「棄教」,可避免教徒混駁視聽話「離教」只是「離開教會」未「離開基督教」之類,但用「離教」同時也有talking point,可謂有辣有不辣。
謝謝謝謝謝謝兄抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/1/7 00:05
兄,已成 “倉頡”,造了2个字,


上流寄生族 2022/1/7 05:50
其實我幾欣賞辛尼梁用「棄教」,可避免教徒混駁視聽話「離教」只是「離開教會」未「離開基督教」之 ...
抽刀斷水 發表於 2022/1/7 00:05
BTW会 “送基督教1程”。

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