世界上有惡人,原來是神造的?牠自己也親口承認:“因為我為我對你所做的惡事感到後悔” 由此可知,魔鬼也是神造出來的囉! 今天世界如此混亂,多災多難,究竟是誰之過,大家是否心裡有數? 神造惡人 主為自己的目的創造了一切,甚至為邪惡的日子創造了惡人。 (箴言 16:4 NAB) God Makes Wicked People The Lord has made everything for his own ends, even the wicked for the evil day. (Proverbs 16:4 NAB) 神承認他做了惡事 [先知耶利米說上帝的話] “耶和華以色列的上帝,你派我去向他禱告,你若安靜地留在這地,我必建立你,不拆毀你;我要栽種你,而不是連根拔起;因為我為我對你所做的惡事感到後悔。” (耶利米書 42:9-10 NAB) God Admits He Did Evil Things [The prophet Jeremiah speaking the words from God] “Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, to whom you sent me to offer your prayer: If you remain quietly in this land I will build you up, and not tear you down; I will plant you, not uproot you; for I regret the evil I have done you.” (Jeremiah 42:9-10 NAB) . |