牛津學者研究「為什麼人要相信上帝」 【本報編譯】世界首屈一指的學府英國牛津大學研究員將投入400萬美元來研究「為什麼人們要相信上帝」。 該大學的伊恩•拉姆齊科學與信仰研究中心(Ian Ramsey Center for Science and Religion)將與人類學家、神學家、哲學家和其他學科專家一起花三年的時間來研究「對神的信仰是否人性與生俱來的一部分」。 據英格蘭國教會報報導,「我們主要探求的是對神的什麼信仰是與生俱來的,」 心理學家兼研究團負責人之一的賈斯汀•巴瑞(Justin Barrett)表示。「我認為在人本性上,比大多數人預料的要多。」 研究員將用「科學近似」的方法來研究為什麼人類相信神、人本性問題和宗教信仰的本源。研究也會調查哪一種宗教信仰與人類心靈最一致、最自然。 據《美聯社》報導,伊恩•拉姆齊科學與信仰研究中心的負責人Roger Trigg 稱,人類學和哲學研究顯示,信仰神是世界大部分文化中人類發展的推動力;儘管在英國和歐洲部分國家正在不斷減弱。 「有很多的問題…信仰神的人類本性裡面是什麼?是不是神,或是其他的超人或超自然的東西。」他提出疑問重點。 「這一點暗示了追隨信仰應該是人性所預設的,也许 相信無神論的需要更多的研究來解釋。」 現在很多西方基督徒感覺,公眾對基督教越來越持有敵意;研究就是在這樣的背景下進行的。近年來,無神論者理查德•達肯(Richard Dawkins)和克里斯多佛•黑辰(Christopher Hitchens)出來喧嚷反對基督教信仰,也鼓勵其他無神論者走出來。 據英國《泰晤士報》報導,牛津大學研究員將不會回答上帝是否存在的問題,但是他們將找證據證明相信有神在進化學上對人類更有益。 此項研究將會由一個美國的慈善機構John Templeton Foundation贊助。 http://www.gospelherald.com/template/view.htm?code=soc&id=9399 [資料來源:The Christian Post] | |
For those who don't know, the Templeton Fund Foundation is generally counter science. http://richarddawkins.net/article,2283,Why-do-we-believe-in-God-2m-study-prays-for-answer,Ruth-Gledhill-Times-UK -------------------- Why do we believe in God? 2m study prays for answer by Ruth Gledhill, Times UK http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article3393198.ece Ruth Gledhill, Religion Correspondent Researchers at the University of Oxford will spend £1.9 million investigating why people believe in God. Academics have been given a grant to try to find out whether belief in a deity is a matter of nature or nurture. They will not attempt to solve the question of whether God exists but they will examine evidence to try to prove whether belief in God conferred an evolutionary advantage to mankind. They will also consider the possibility that faith developed as a byproduct of other human characteristics, such as sociability. Researchers at the Ian Ramsey Centre for Science and Religion and the Centre for Anthropology and Mind in Oxford will use the cognitive science disciplines to develop "a scientific approach to why we believe in God and other issues around the nature and origin of religious belief". The cognitive sciences, or the science of mind and intelligence, combine disciplines such as evolutionary biology, neuroscience, linguistics and computer sciences to examine human behaviour. Justin Barrett, a psychologist who has been quoted in support of arguments by both the atheist Richard Dawkins and his critic, Alister Mc-Grath, a Christian theologian, said: "We are interested in exploring exactly in what sense belief in God is natural. We think there is more on the nature side than a lot of people suppose." He compared believers to three-year-olds who "assume that other people know almost everything there is to be known". Dr Barrett, who is a Christian, is the editor of the Journal of Cognition and Culture and author of the book Why Would Anyone Believe in God? He said that the childish tendency to believe in the omniscience of others was pared down by experience as people grew up. But this tendency, necessary to allow human beings to socialise and cooperate with each other in a productive way, continued when it came to belief in God. "It usually does continue into adult life," he said. "It is easy, it is intuitive, it is natural. It fits our default assumptions about things." The research will feed into other areas, such as whether the conflicts associated with religion are a product of human nature. The project will also examine whether belief in the afterlife is something that needs to be taught or is a product of natural selection. Dr Barrett said: "The next step therefore is to look at some of the detailed questions — which religious beliefs are most common and most natural for the human mind to grasp?" The most exciting questions were in areas such as the different responses to polytheism and monotheism, for example, and relationships between religion and evolutionary biology. He and his colleague Roger Trigg will be investigating whether religion is a part of the selection process that has helped humans survive or merely a byproduct of evolution. The three-year study is being funded by a £1.9 million grant to the Ian Ramsey Centre from the John Templeton Foundation, which supports research into religion, science and spirituality. There will be seminars and workshops, while £800,000 will go towards a small grant competition, with 41 grants for different projects. Professor Trigg, a senior research Fellow at Oxford and author of Religion in Public Life: Must Faith be Privatised?, said: "Religion has played an important role in public life over the past few years and the debate about the origin of religion, and how it fits into the human mind, has intensified. This study will not prove or disprove any aspect of religion." [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2008-2-22 15:46 編輯 ] | |
US20 * 0.8 * 0.2 = US3.2 沙老大, 請問點樣同你拿錢ah? 我忽然想入教添.... | |
dummy個collection我都買咗唔少又掉咗唔少....USD20*0.8*(沙兄)0.8 = usd 12.80/book 今日RMB:USD = 7.12:1.00等於本書要RMB91.14, 今日港紙牌價係RMB100:HKD91.2...港幣一舊,零頭係零點二仙五,我account咁啱可以做T/T,沙兄你講一句我就幫你係香港收錢,我諗好多港澳台同胞都有興趣乜事做耶徒都要係笨七仔先得 老實,我都想知點樣係笨七仔之上再加個姑都做到耶徒 hahahahahha | |
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-23 02:49 發表 o yes , 沙老大, 請問點樣同你拿錢ah? 我忽然extremly 想 support tvb in insidiously instilling the billions of our fellow chineses in mainland of china to 入教添.... [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-2-23 09:24 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-2-22 10:49 發表 您係唔駛買嘅。睇呢本啦 -- 送都冇人要 | |
>>>>>>>>> 睇呢本啦 -- 送都冇人要 which 本 ?? | |
..沙老大...我私人醒一舊港紙過你,快D攞走佢... 我見前面果本相信重有其他宗教先睇得吓,呢本....心領啦! | |
要咁專門做甚麼? | |
火力集中,就 唔駛燒錯隔離屋 |