继续有问题,是否耶和华自己也承认,除他之外还有其他的神? 14 不可敬拜别神,因为耶和华是忌邪的神,名为忌邪者。 14 Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God. 而只有基督徒自己承认耶和华是唯一的神,是不是这样理解? 这里的LORD和GOD什么区别?在创世纪中开始时使用的是GOD但是后来与人交谈时就用了LORD这个词,但是这句中,对其他神也用了GOD这个词。 而这里英文版的耶和华的名字。。。Jealous。。。 ![]() ![]() 翻译过来的中文意思很多,猜疑,嫉恨,嫉妒,要求绝对崇拜相信的。。。不知道哪个才是JEALOUS的本意解释。。。 嫉妒=基督。。。。(音同)呵呵 还有关于献头生的问题,说头生的归圣 29 你要从你庄稼中的谷和酒榨中滴出来的酒拿来献上,不可迟延。你要将头生的儿子归给我。 Do not hold back offerings from your granaries or your vats."You must give me the firstborn of your sons. 20 头生的驴要用羊羔代赎,若不代赎就要打折它的颈项。凡头生的儿子都要赎出来。谁也不可空手朝见我。 Redeem the firstborn donkey with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, break its neck. Redeem all your firstborn sons. "No one is to appear before me empty-handed 是否意思是献祭?杀了?还是什么的? 其他的问题我就不问了。。。那种杀埃及人,随便杀人,买卖人,不用劳作也能有吃的等等这种小问题也无所谓了,因为知道这些问题对于基督徒来说“根本”不是问题。。。 对了,看圣经现在发现还是要中英文对照了一起看好点。。。如果我懂希伯来文就更好了 | |
蛮搞笑的谚语。。。。 | |
是出埃及记。。。 不好意思。。。 | |
例如我說:你來我家,除了走路,不可乘搭其他交通工具。 假如我的家真的沒有交通工具可到達,犯不著要如此聲明呢!應該說:你來我家,除了走路,並無其他交通工具可到達。 ![]() | |
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"Worshipping certain God doesn't mean that the God being worshipped would exist. There are so many people worshipping Christian God, but the Christian God doesn't exist......." i like this explaintion... but i must read it as the god is real exist so 例如我說:你來我家,除了走路,不可乘搭其他交通工具。 假如我的家真的沒有交通工具可到達,犯不著要如此聲明呢!應該說:你來我家,除了走路,並無其他交通工具可到達 is more useful to me... the god hint that the "other god"is real exist... and another question also in the Exodus... 14:4 [hgb] 我 要 使 法 老 的 心 刚 硬 , 他 要 追 赶 他 们 , 我 便 在 法 老 和 他 全 军 身 上 得 荣 耀 , 埃 及 人 就 知 道 我 是 耶 和 华 。 于 是 以 色 列 人 这 样 行 了 。 [kjv] And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow after them; and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD. And they did so. [bbe] And I will make Pharaoh's heart hard, and he will come after them and I will be honoured over Pharaoh and all his army, so that the Egyptians may see that I am the Lord. And they did so. because the translation problem,in the mainland`s bible ,this sentence much like "let" means “让,任凭”and the whole sentence like"let Pharaoh's heart hard"“任凭他们的心刚硬” in other words,two sentences have different means 1 the god make peoles` heart hard and then kill them 2 people harden heart themself and the god have to kill them to protect Israel... my girlfriend agree 2...she think its a kind god... | |
为显圣洁,所以杀人,为显怜悯,所以只杀长子。。。 而且基督徒们竟然认为这个行为 是因为神是圣洁的。。。 圣洁的!!!! 呵呵 who is real satan | |
You have to redeem him with an offering (tax) to the priest. ------- At the beginning, we have head tax. ![]() ................ On the sixth day, we have income tax (10%) ![]() On the seventh day, we have goods and service tax. ![]() | |
原帖由 dye 於 2008-3-10 20:45 發表 [[[[[[[[[ ThANKs to My Dear Sir Guest , for 'the ungraving of this piece of Bible ]]]]]]]]] could any 1 teach me : : 是否意思是献祭?杀了?还是什么的? what would those innocent first-born offerrings b treated by the Christian God finally ?? or ......... as My Dear Sir 旁觀者 comment : ::::: `````燒熟'''' `````燔祭'''' ????????? http://m.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=1477&page=1#pid14315 答Prussianz君 |