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Well... 除了一件事之外,我也想不到有甚麼要做了。也許由我一開始降低自己的慾望以後,又或者以「假設每天都是生命中的最後一天」思維來過生活,還是「自己的慾望由基因控制」?總之我的思想在香港這個社會中並不大路。 前兩天,有個也看完這齣戲的朋友對我說,我的逍遙人生,較很多有錢人都快樂。我也確信,逍遙大半生,換來潦倒的短暫晚年,和粗糙的廉價醫療,比起勞碌大半生,用來換晚年的千金一擲及友善的私家醫院,這樣比較會較鮮明。當然,並非每個伴侶都能承受我這種思想,正如我很久很久之前所說的擇偶條件,要伴侶能與我過簡單人生,我想大概就是這個意思。 我想做的那件事,恰好就是那電影中兩位主角在身前未能做到的事。 * * * 這一年,我深深領悟了「仇恨」的力量,無論是恨別人、或是被別人恨,這些力量都是可以延綿不斷的,這的確是人生寶貴的一課。要化解仇恨,不是指出對方有恨,不是叫他不要嬲,也不是發洩,這些種種都只是治標。 剛剛看了無線電視劇《太極》,原來當中也有說,要放下仇恨,靠的就是寬恕。片尾曲的歌詞最後一句:將恨意歸空,這句對許多人來說也是知易行難。 生命短促,要花心力、時間去與仇恨週旋、角力,我覺得很不值得。仇恨這種邪惡思想,但願我永不再沾身! | |
例如,現行法例中,有刑事案底者不得出任警員、上市公司主席、總統............ 您又試下提一個議案,不如真真正正寬恕佢地,取消是項限制? | |
原帖由 沙文 於 2008-3-20 15:45 發表 我知道做事不可墨守成規,所以無理由鑊鑊都寬恕。 孔子又話:以德報怨,何以報德?以直報怨。 我想這大概就是你所列出現行法例的背後理念吧。 | | | | 片中一首插曲 [ 本帖最後由 訪客得得b 於 2008-9-14 21:06 編輯 ] | |
I don't wanna talk 我不想再談 About things we've gone through 剛剛發生的事 Though it's hurting me 儘管那已經傷害了我 Now it's history 但那些皆已成為歷史 I've played all my cards 我打出了我所有的牌 And that's what you've done too 你也一樣 Nothing more to say 再也無話可說 No more ace to play 再也沒有王牌 The winner takes it all 贏家得到了一切 The loser standing small 輸者只能卑微的站在 Beside the victory 勝利旁邊 That's her destiny 那就是她的命運 I was in your arms 躺在你懷裡 Thinking I'd belong there 認為我屬於那裡 I figured it made sense 我嘗試找到意義 Building me a fence 在我面前築起一道籬 Building me a home 築成一個家 Thinking I'd be strong there 以為我會很堅強 But I was a fool 但我真是傻 Playing by the rules 一切都照規矩在玩 The gods may throw a dice 眾神丟了個骰子 Their minds as cold as ice 他們的內心冷酷如冰 And someone way down here 在下面的某個凡人 Loses someone dear 失去了心愛的人 The winner takes it all (takes it all) 勝者拿走一切 The loser has to fall (has to fall) 輸家一敗塗地 It's simple and it's plain (yes, it's plain) 那是理所當然 Why should I complain? (why complain?) 我還能抱怨什麼? But tell me does she kiss 但是,告訴我她吻你的時候 Like I used to kiss you? 像我吻你一樣嗎? Does it feel the same 感覺一樣嗎? When she calls your name? 當她呼喚你名字的時候 Somewhere deep inside 在內心深處 You must know I miss you 你一定知道我很想你 But what can I say? 但我還能說什麼 Rules must be obeyed 遊戲規則必須遵守 The judges will decide (will decide) 法官即將宣判 The likes of me abide (me abide) 我得服從判決 Spectators of the show (of the show) 看表演的觀眾 Always staying low (staying low) 總是保持冷靜 The game is on again (on again) 遊戲再度登場 A lover or a friend (or a friend) 是愛人還是朋友 A big thing or a small (big or small) 是大或是小 The winner takes it all (takes it all) 贏家通吃,勝者為王 I don't wanna talk 我不想再談 "The Winner Takes It All", originally titled "The Story of My Life", was written by both Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson, with Fältskog singing the lead vocal. The lyrics to the song were thought to mirror the divorce between Ulvaeus and Fältskog in 1979. However, Ulvaeus himself denies this, saying the basis of the song "is the experience of a divorce, but it's fiction. There wasn't a winner or a loser in our case. A lot of people think it's straight out of reality, but it's not". |