Recruitment Year: 2008 Job Number: G0802666 Core Information:
( I declare that 1. the prospective employees will be employed under my company. 2. all activities carried out by my company are legal and in compliance with the Labour Laws. 3. this job applies equally to all and the job content does not contain discriminatory elements (e.g. a female is preferred; a candidate should be 5' 6'' tall; physically fit; in good health; single......) which may violate the Sex, Disability or Family Status Discrimination Ordinances. 4. in compliance with the Personal Data Privacy Ordinance, information provided by the students will be used only for selection and employment-related purposes and will only be made accessible to staff involved in the recruitment process of my company. ) 主要服侍範疇包括: 與教會及地區網絡服侍基層 統籌活動及撥款基金計劃 跟進個案及行政 前線服侍接觸貧困家庭,提供關懷及傳福音 協助信徒植根教會及成長 Other benefit: (NIL) Requirement:
Application Info.:
Attachment: (NIL) Control Info.:
Institution Specific Information: (NIL) [ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-3-20 21:17 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recruitment Year: 2008 Job Number: G0802663 Core Information:
( I declare that 1. the prospective employees will be employed under my company. 2. all activities carried out by my company are legal and in compliance with the Labour Laws. 3. this job applies equally to all and the job content does not contain discriminatory elements (e.g. a female is preferred; a candidate should be 5' 6'' tall; physically fit; in good health; single......) which may violate the Sex, Disability or Family Status Discrimination Ordinances. 4. in compliance with the Personal Data Privacy Ordinance, information provided by the students will be used only for selection and employment-related purposes and will only be made accessible to staff involved in the recruitment process of my company. ) 主要服侍範疇包括﹕ 負責行政內部工作 協助建立及整理行政支援配套 協助搜集及整理基層及推廣資料 協助組織機構活動、出版事宜 協助撰寫計劃書 一般文書工作 Other benefit: (NIL) Requirement:
Application Info.:
Attachment: (NIL) Control Info.:
Institution Specific Information: Specific Additional Information : (NIL) [ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-3-20 21:17 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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但係....點解要"具向貧窮人傳福音心志", 而唔係"具向有錢人傳福音心志"呢??莫非真係好似沙老大咁講.....唉 [ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-3-20 23:07 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-3-20 20:45 發表 >>>>>>>>> 之前抽水兄和dye兄post過US 的教牧人工. 小弟在JIJIS 找到以下好工: hi 小弟 ---------------------------------------------------------------- what's JIJIS ?? ---------------------------------------------------------------- my browser 's firefox , there4 , thy information-posted-here 's being renderred out as a white mess , but , n'o such problems in case of internet explorer ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>> 但係....點解要"具向貧窮人傳福音心志", 而唔係"具向有錢人傳福音心志"呢?? >>>>>>>>> 莫非真係好似沙老大咁講.....唉 sorry , why didst thou sign at the situation : ::::: ````` 但係....點解要"具向貧窮人傳福音心志", 而唔係"具向有錢人傳福音心志"呢 '''' ???? ---------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>> 莫非真係好似沙老大咁講.....唉 sorry , what has 沙老大 講ed ?? ---------------------------------------------------------------- 小的 , 上 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-3-20 20:58 發表 o k , 't 's : ::::: thou art great art , real ThANKye cheers | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-3-20 20:45 發表 ThANKs again for thee keeping on rememberring 'the 教牧人工's topic which 2 the contrary i have put it up behind my humble mind , i.e. simply forgotten cheers ThANKye | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 2. 沙老大語錄: "若然佢地(信徒)唔係咁戇居,就唔會窮啦" | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recruitment Year: 2008 Job Number: G0805431 Core Information:
( I declare that 1. the prospective employees will be employed under my company. 2. all activities carried out by my company are legal and in compliance with the Labour Laws. 3. this job applies equally to all and the job content does not contain discriminatory elements (e.g. a female is preferred; a candidate should be 5' 6'' tall; physically fit; in good health; single......) which may violate the Sex, Disability or Family Status Discrimination Ordinances. 4. in compliance with the Personal Data Privacy Ordinance, information provided by the students will be used only for selection and employment-related purposes and will only be made accessible to staff involved in the recruitment process of my company. ) 於本會馬鞍山長者地區中心工作。應徵者須為具社會工作文憑或學位之註冊社工。有服務長者心志,性格成熟、主動、能獨立處事、文牘能力良好,具良好之溝通能力,能與不同團隊及專業合作。負責推行護老者支援服務;並需支援長者地區中心之服務。有長者服務經驗者,可獲優先考慮。 Other benefit: (NIL) Requirement:
Application Info.:
Attachment: (NIL) Control Info.:
Institution Specific Information: Specific Additional Information : (NIL) [ 本帖最後由 weakest 於 2008-5-24 23:54 編輯 ] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-5-24 23:52 發表 有你,基徒薪酬 無密秘 , i.e. , 無秘密 .,;==^) TANKs o' ThANKs | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
原帖由 weakest 於 2008-3-20 20:45 發表 HK$ 11000 Per Month (M) o華 5 [人立] 數字, 這一個 時世界,都 [人中] [人系] 5 [人立] 數字, [人中] 要 [人系] 最低薪金 , 真 [人系] 1 點 也不低, 特別是,對比 現在的 四川 災民 ......... --------- 你們捐了的 $$$$ , [o甘] [京尤] ......... |