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呵呵,不知道还记得我么? 我就是前端时间的诉苦一轭的大陆游客兄 其实正确的说,我是一直来这里逛的 只是没有回贴而已 脑子太累了,不想考虑这么多问题而已 所以也不去想了 让脑子断路段时间再说 现在回来了。。 还是说下近况吧。。 我和我女友的事么, 还是老样子吧,就是一直的发发消息,聊天和说事情 见面还是没有见过。。。大家忙,有空的时候但是下雨 宗教问题现在已经不涉及了,大家都闭口不谈 呵呵,还算愉快吧,大家不进也不退,谁都不舍得谁也不敢向前跨 最近国内的事情么 大家都应该听说了吧 如果有问题的话也可以问下我啊,我知道的话会给大家答案的 再次谢谢大家 在我难过失落的时候帮助了我 | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 19:02 發表 >>>>>>>>> 宗教问题现在已经不涉及了,大家都闭口不谈 妆聋扮哑 , 不了了之 , 'the best solution , , which has also been being ad-opted////adOpted by the Christiannity , p.s. : : if .....there b////be any difficulty for thee to decode my english , then .... please do not hesitate to let me get 'the idea [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-23 19:39 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 19:02 發表 >>>>>>>>> 让脑子断路段时间再说 o yes , agree , sit back////backs , and , relax , just relax , just like the rechargeable battery , no////n'o need to any hurry , any hurry .... | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 19:02 發表 >>>>>>>>> 如果有问题的话也可以问下我啊,我知道的话会给大家答案的 first ThANKs 您有没有什么朋友也是对基督教Christiannity 有抱怨 nae ???? cheers ThANK-ye | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 19:02 發表 >>>>>>>>> 再次谢谢大家在我难过失落的时候帮助了我 you are welcome , u'r welcome , my pleasure | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 19:02 發表 >>>> 宗教问题现在已经不涉及了,大家都闭口不谈 >>>> 呵呵,还算愉快吧,大家不进也不退,谁都不舍得谁也不敢向前跨 very right , very quite , it's the most important to be 愉快 to both sides , , cheers ThANK ye | |
一下就回了我这么多。。 受宠若惊啊 关于你问我的问题,说我有什么朋友有这么的问题。。。 其实我发现。。。真的好多基督徒啊。。。在内地 刚刚发现。。。原来我阿姨也是信基督的。。。 但是不是全信好像,这个是我前端时间发现的。。。 我紧张啊那时候。。。(因为我从我妹妹的电脑里看见了很多赞主的歌。。还有她床边发现了圣经。。) 后来我问我妹妹的,她说她不信这个,只是无聊了看看,她告诉我她妈妈也就是我阿姨信的。。。。啊。。。完全震惊啊,不管做了什么事,只要信死后就能进天堂。。。我说的就是我阿姨。哎。。。 我妹妹跟我说她是不信这个的,没这么空虚,我只能大概说了点什么,又不能逼的太紧,就不多说了,但是看她的本子上面写的赞美主的话和KEEP FAITH。。。我只能当做她是在练字而已。。 还有我最近做一个小孩子的家教,因为以前有点认识的么。他们家是信基督的,这个是没办法的,他们是福建沿海的人,有历史因素,父母和上代上上代都是信这个的,所以他也信,我最近在教他的时候一直有意无意的灌输无神论。。。 他说他考试考的好,是神在保佑他。我问他几句话以后,他才改了点口。。。说一部分自己努力一部分是神给的。。。。哎,这样的小孩不知道以后怎么办啊,学校的以后的哲学课和唯物主义观念他不知道能不能接受啊 | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 20:26 發表 >>>>>>>>> 我最近在教他的时候一直有意无意的灌输无神论。。。 first first class classic classiccal ThANKs , | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 20:26 發表 >>>>>>>>> 是福建沿海的人,有历史因素,父母和上代上上代都是信这个的, what ?? 福建沿海的人 , not all upholding the strong belief in 天后 e.t.c. ?? | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 20:26 發表 >>>>>>>>> 我最近在教他的时候一直有意无意的灌输无神论。。。 more-over , , cheers ThANKye | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 20:26 發表 >>>>>>>>> 我紧张啊那时候 我更是10 分紧张啊 >>>>>>>>> 完全震惊啊 i 2 = me 2 = me too = i too ---------------------------------------------------------------- the degree in which the Christiannity 's been penetrating into the common people of our mother-land China , is just too much out of my any expectation + imagination ---------------------------------------------------------------- i'd like to suggest thee : :::::::::: --------- refer them to here 離教者之家 exChristian.hk , --------- a easy starting point for them , would b : ::::: My Dear Sir 旁觀者 works , http://www.google.com.hk/search?complete=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=com.google%3Azh-CN%3Aofficial&as_q=%E6%97%81%E8%A7%80%E8%80%85&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&num=100&lr=&as_filetype=&ft=i&as_sitesearch=exchristian.hk&as_qdr=all&as_rights=&as_occt=any&cr=&as_nlo=&as_nhi=&safe=off - My Dear Sir 旁觀者 's a/////////A specialist in specifying what kind of drastic dramas////dramaes the Christiannity has done up on our motherland the China [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-3-24 02:30 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 20:26 發表 i do dare to conclude very clearly that : ::::: allmost all the govermental official 'r all neglecting or ignoring or conniving the Christiannity , --------- i do dare to guarantee very clearly that : ::::: the Christiannity 's been sufferring a steady decline in their own homeland , i.e. the western worlds , there4 , they'r concentrating all their fires to focus on east asia , especially expecially our motherland the China | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 20:26 發表 by 'the way , in which city art thou living ?? cheers ThANKye | |
原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-3-23 20:26 發表 >>>> 最近国内的事情么 >>>> 大家都应该听说了吧 >>>> 如果有问题的话也可以问下我啊,我知道的话会给大家答案的 doest thou have any acquaintance with any Muslim or 维族人 e.t.c. ???? this time , why 藏人 so much ......... ?????????????????? aftrall , they all do all believe in buddhism !! cheers ThANKye | |
聽你一說,我再比較一下兩岸三地的Yahoo知識關於宗教問答情況: 台灣:http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/di ... 22&r=1189554897 大陸:http://ks.cn.yahoo.com/dir/97316747_ask.html 香港:http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/dir/?link=list&sid=102204488 還有大陸百度:http://zhidao.baidu.com/browse/208?lm=9 反而基督教在台灣並沒有出現氾濫的情況,可能與那裡保留了中國傳統的多神多元有關?而大陸人的問答,的確出現令人憂慮的情況。 | |
可以归结为以下几个原因 1.众所周知,解放后的毛主席的破除旧思想的运动,和那70年代的大运动,将中国传统的神明和传统思想打压了一大半,就像这里所说的,文化出现了断层 2改革开放,让大陆的百姓一下子接触到了不一样的外面世界,崇洋的心理和文化的断层已经新新事物的新鲜感让基督教容易接受。 从有一种很有趣的思维可以看出:佛教的许多东西是迷信,而基督的东西都是宗教信仰。。。在中国政府的宣传里面迷信是要破除的,宗教信仰是要尊重的 3个人的心理恐惧和精神空虚,让很多人盲信了基督,这个原因我在这里以前的帖子也说过。因信称义,死后进天堂,坏事做太多。都是信基督的好理由 4中国人口众多,是个不争的事实,人多,导致的问题就是社会竞争压力大,生存困难,精神压力大,在大陆这里,你想要过好日子,真的是压力很大的,就拿我们毕业找工作说,快毕业了还有5~6个学生没有找到工作,这样的情况下,基督教成了很好的逃避场所,一个小的团体,没有竞争没有勾心斗角,而且在上帝眼里,每个基督徒都是独一无二的个体,受荣耀的。人脆弱的心理,想要受到重视的思想,苟活的目标,在基督教里都被他们找到了。 5基督教的强大宣传攻势和教义的排他性侵略性和教义的洗脑,让人们跳不出去,怎么说这个原因呢,就是基督教的教义已经和中国的传统思想有些相容了。(在基督徒的心中)他们用中国的传统文化来解释圣经和神的话。 就拿我女友来说吧,中国传统文化中是很注重什么女孩子的第一次的,这个基督的反对婚前性行为的教义是相同的。当然2者出于什么目的才有这样说法的我在这里就不深究了。我女友就将2种说法融合了 还有她说她要对父母好,“树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不在”说这是圣经中上帝训诫的重要一条 我怎么也没找到这条话啊。。。难道是我还没看到? 怎么说我(分手的)女友呢,她真的是个好姑娘,看圣经只看好的一面,真正做到了盲信。其实对她也有好处吧,她脑子其实不是很会对付外面的人际关系,真正走到外面的世界对她来说太危险了。她自己也知道应该,而且她也不会弄,所以躲在上帝的这个小圈子里对她自己来说,是个最好的选择吧 | |
西藏是吧 知道有句话怎么说么?秋后算账 知道现在胡主席以前是做什么的么? 知道果1989年的时候西藏也爆发过达赖组织暴动么? 胡景涛,时任西藏自治区区长, 在1989西藏暴动的时候,亲自到第一线,先斩后奏的戒严 正是因为这个,他才是现在的主席。 关于现在这个主席,光看面相,给我的感觉就是一个有能甩的出手的人,果断,敢上 为什么暴动,原因应该很简单 中国现在实行的是人民民主专制的,达赖想要做的就是将西藏变回到农奴制,藏传佛教的教义我还不是很清楚,但是关于活佛转世和藏人的一些以前的制度还是知道点的。 中国政府不允许他们改变制度,于是就开始闹了。其实从1958西藏解放到现在,都没停过。 你闹就闹,你别杀人啊,奥运会是个让事情闹大的好机会,但是你杀人了,就是你不对了,有什么问题大家做下来谈。你杀人了,你就倒霉了。 | |
也就是这套办法,让别人说中国人不民主 但是这些说的人 拜托先照下自己的镜子,有没有资格说别人 关于这个问题 我想知道下境外是怎么评论的啊 谢谢各位给我点资讯 | |
中国政府已经开始重视了 今年开始,我国的国定假日改掉了 包括了,清明节,端午节,中秋节 而且春节的放假,从原来的大年初一开始放变成了除夕就开始放假了 前段时间不是开2会么? 有个提案 说是在小学教育中增加繁体字的教学 在大学文科的学习中增加繁体字的科目和学分,要求可以用繁体字和简体字一样的熟练程度 有一种说话,文字的简体化,和中国传统文化的丢失有着莫大的关系 现在国内的相关学者就有2种观点,支持重新用繁的和支持一直用简的 | |
喝水去了。。。 | |
================ It is a women who is going to have a baby. Giving birth is decision 1) Raising the kids is decision number 2) The common misconception is thinking that 1) will leads to 2) When it is a always possible decision combination to give birth and abandon it. For Tibet, the invasion is decision 1), the occupation is decision 2). Historically speaking, unless you read only the Mainland history book, you will see clearly that Tibet is as much of part of China as Korea is. They are both only a sidekick of the once formidable Chinese Empire. The closest relation we get with them is on Yang dynasty and Ch'ing's dynasty. But at neither time did we really have total control over them. The view that Tibetian as part of Chinese is a new concept that only arise after Ch'ing's fall (and Sun campaign). It should be clear that the initial taking of Tibet into China should be view as as invasion. We deserve the name invader as much as liberator (actually, we are both) HOWEVER, it does not follow that Tibet should seperate from China now (or China should end the occupation). The reason is that priority should be given to the welfare of the people on the land. Tibetian fare much better under Communist China than a Depotist Dela Lama. Not only is the economic condition better, people are also more "equal" under Communist rule than the Feudal government! If China quit the occupation, where will the Hans that is currently living on the land goes? How much of a chaos it will cause with new currency, new diplomatic relationship, and a ultra-sour feeling between the two neighbours. (Chinese is very unlikely to be tolerant about the seperation,) Whatever the gain they believe people can get, this price tag is expensive. Now suppose Chinese is truely trying to eliminate the culture of the Tibetian (which have been tried, I am not up todate with the current situation.) 1) What is wrong with a cultural change? The current Tibet's Budhism is an imported culture too! If part of the culture is rottening, it should be advantagous to discard the part. If the part of culture is so great, someone will see it, keep it, and even spread it. Did not Budhism teaches that life is a flux? 2) Does it follow that people should use violence to solve the issue? Have they tried all the peaceful venue? (For example, get a PR campaign to tell everyone what is good about their culture?) What have the saleswomen did to deserve death? What will killing a couple of innocent civilians achieve? --------------- For democracy, I do not believe 2 wrongs makes a right. I believe people can and should look after each other's back. Hence, I believe a person DO NOT need to be "totally" democratic to critize another to be undemocratic. I know I am at odds with the modern Chinese/American culture here. Ouside: - Canada have freedom of press (try visit wiki in China). There is a communist party in Canada and no one is going to prosecute them. - Canada have freedom of speech (There are not many sacred cow in Canada. watch TVB in Mainland should prove the point.) - For Canada, the point of view is comparatively neutral (because it is an immigration country just like US. Its national principle is multiculralism instead of assimiliation (US and China). The latest soap I watch in China about sensely murdering Japanese will land a person in jail for promoting racism. Typically you will be a Canadian if you live in Canada long enough but a blonde will be viewed as a Chinese no matter how long he lives in China.) - Canada have a balance of power. A horrible prime minister is not going to get very far. - We have a reasonable potiential to participate in the government for everyone. Nearly no one is left out. (I never see my workers in China get a chance to participate in the government. The babies born outside of the one child policy are like second class citizen. BUT, it is slowly changing for the better these days.) --------------- For filial piety in Bible, it is part of the Ten Commandment. 5) "Honor your Father and Mother" Deuteronomy 5:16 16 Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, so that your days may be long and that it may go well with you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. ------------------ Last time after you told me about the prohibition of preaching in mainland, the next day I switch on the TV.. they are having a "witness" show on how real the Noah's Ark myth is. (IE preaching on TV in Guangzhou) You don't need to believe me, but the law in China is great. But not many respect it. |
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