(下文轉載自石華甯先生) 石華寧:“耶穌一個能言善辯的大騙子,騙了整個世界,騙了二千多年。人類歷史上最大的騙局。不知多少人,因為他的言論,天天怕神怕鬼,心靈受到傷害。不知多少人,死在了宗教戰爭中,死在了騙局中。人類還將為它而發生戰爭。揭露基督教,就是拯救人類,就是在消滅戰爭,就是解放被神權摧殘了的靈魂。”
這個翻譯,讓中國人尊耶穌基督為聖人,是對中國人的不尊重,更是對中國聖人的不尊重。在美國和加拿大,為了尊重不同的信仰和文化,國家領導人在祝賀耶誕節時,只說節日快樂,不說聖誕快樂。不能暗示其他宗教的人,也將耶穌尊為聖人。 同樣的是平安夜這個詞,英文是Christmas Eve 。字面上的意思的耶誕夜,宗教意思是耶穌誕生前夜。但卻給起了一個非常中國化的名字,平安夜,讓很多不懂事的年輕人,為著別人的聖人而狂歡。唯獨記不住中國的聖人。 其實這裏面大有學問,也有大騙局。當年外國傳教士到中國傳教,將上帝翻譯為天帝,乾隆皇帝不許可。你們的神是天上的皇帝,中國人的神不都成了你們的臣民了嗎。羅馬教皇則堅持認為,基督教的上帝既有神性,又有人性,按照中國文化的概念,應當翻譯成天帝。乾隆一怒之下,將傳教士趕出了中國。可見乾隆已認識到,名詞的翻譯帶有政治色彩。 宗教本身是精神鴉片,如何翻譯名詞,也就體現了怎樣才能更容易騙人。以後,基督教只能給他們的神封號為主,或上帝,神。這樣就不會與中國的宗教信仰衝突了。 在當代,基督教最具欺騙性的一個名詞是“天賦人權”。這個概念是英國基督教新教的教義。在基督教的信仰中,有上帝的概念,沒有上天的概念,對於基督教來說,對天賦人權的理解實際上是“神賦人權”,就如“君權神授”一樣。 在中國文化中,有天的概念,這個天可以理解為上天,既有天地萬物的意思,也有天地有靈的意思,總之並不是上帝。當翻譯成“天賦人權”之後,中國人自然的理解成上天賦予的權利。這樣的理解也沒有錯,但它掩蓋了基督教教義這一本質。如果翻譯成“神賦人權”,雖然準確了,但卻不容易讓非基督徒接受。“天賦人權”偷換了神與天的概念,讓中國人按照自己的文化,接受這種基督教新教的教義。 然而,這樣理解也不是什麼壞事。一切先進的東西,民主的東西,都值得學習和借鑒,無論它是什麼宗教的、理論的、主義的。但不必改頭換面,做這種偷偷摸摸的事情,以偷換概念的方式來傳教。 基督教世界緊接著又說,天賦人權是普世價值,將基督教的教義說成是普世價值。這又是一種霸道的說法,伊斯蘭教,佛教,中國的儒家學說,就沒有認可這是普世價值。說這是普世價值,是基督教世界一廂情願的說法。 其實,中國文化中的民主概念要比基督教早一千七百多年。早在孔孟時代之前,中國人就有君為輕,民為重,生而平等的理想。就有王候將相寧有種乎的說法。在西方的人權觀念產生前,歐洲人完全是沒有人權觀念的,宗教改革後,才有了人權和平等的意識。 自由、民主、人權,這三個名詞,實際上都是基督教新教的基本教義。但在剝下了宗教的外衣後,偷偷的成為很多無神論者的信仰。正因為這是基督教的概念,是歐洲文化的產物,因此很多中國人難以理解其中的真正含義。 民主和人權還好理解一些,自由就很難理解。因為中國文化中本來就沒有這個詞,是後人根據基督教教義新造的詞。很早前,中國的工農大眾能理解阿彌佗佛,就是理解不了自由是個什麼意思。經過了近百年的宣傳,一般大眾將他理解成不受約束,自由妄為,排斥這個詞。起碼多數人,不會將它做為理想。但少數知識份子,將它看成是一種理想,看成要求言論自由的武器。由於多數人對此並無理解,並無追求,因而不可能成為群眾思潮。 為了傳教,近四百年來,歐洲傳教士對中國煞費苦心,但都沒有打開中國的大門。清朝末年,激起了義和團運動,解放之後,受到無神論的排斥。由於中國人現在沒有了防範意識,基督教的教義,便以這些美妙的翻譯名詞,迅速的潛入到中國人的意識中。不戰而勝。 世界上有很多美好的名詞,背後都有特別的意思。比如說,美國人稱中國在非洲搞“新殖民主義”,把新疆的恐怖分子稱為“民族主義者”,把達賴喇嘛稱為“西藏精神領袖”,把六四稱為“民運”,把反政府人士稱為“自由主義者”。 人要活得明白,書要讀得明白。要明明白白的理解,一些名辭彙背後的政治含義,不要稀裏糊塗的接受說教。要警惕,從敵人嘴裏冒出來的那些甜言蜜語,總會有些毒素。就耶誕節這個名詞,還是以叫耶誕節為好。 | |
原帖由 逆源 於 2008-4-30 20:40 發表 耶穌一個能言善辯的大騙子,騙了整個世界,騙了二千多年。 人類歷史上最大的騙局。不知多少人, 10000 王 g 王 = 1000 王 g 王 ,;--^) | |
原帖由 逆源 於 2008-4-30 20:40 發表 蔣介石本來是個基督教徒,信仰基督教 孫中山 也是 基徒, | |
原帖由 逆源 於 2008-4-30 20:40 發表 蔣介石本來是個基督教徒,信仰基督教。 孫中山 也是 基徒, 看來 基徒 1早 明白 戰國策 : :::::::::: : : 射人 先 射馬, [手禽] 贼 先 [手禽] 王 [ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-5-1 09:05 編輯 ] | |
原帖由 逆源 於 2008-4-30 20:40 發表 最怕 : :::::::::: 當今 中國 最高管理層次,可能 已被 基教偷襲 , 混了 幾個 無形的基徒 或者 對 基教 同情 的 人 入去那裡, 國內朋友兮,莫答這問題, 感謝 感+謝 :跪拜: | |
音乐的起源? 医院的建立? 男女不平等的废除:女子学校建立 孤儿院的建立? 这一切都是受到基督教的文化影响 这是无可否认的事实. 基督徒都是爱国的,每天为国家祷告为你们这些抵挡的人祷告. 支持奥运为奥运祷告 | |
World: Americas Church defiant over Quebec orphans The Roman Catholic Church in theCanadian province of Quebec has ruled out any apology or compensationfor hundreds of orphans who say they were abused while in church careseveral decades ago.Around 3,000 children were brought up by the church from the 1930s to the 1950s, many of them born to unmarried parents. In order to qualify for moregovernment aid, the church declared the orphans to be mentally ill, andkept them in psychiatric institutions, where they say physical andsexual abuse wasroutine. The government has offered around $2m in compensation to the orphans, but they are demanding around $70m and a public inquiry. 'Difficult situations' Pierre Morissette, president ofthe Quebec Assembly of Archbishops, said on Wednesday the matter wasdelicate because of legal considerations. But he acknowledged the church recognised some orphans went through "difficult situations." But he said a full apology would not be forthcoming. "Such excuses would betray theworks of those who dedicated all their lives to the service of the mostdestitute," he told a news conference at Cap de la Madeleine, west ofQuebec City. A spokesman for the orphans said: "This is total hypocrisy. This is a campaign of disinformation. It is horrible and contemptuous." Last year, Canada's largest protestant church apologised to the country's nativepeople for physical, sexual and mental abuse of native children in church-run schools. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/448693.stm Child Abuse and the Church Do the recent disclosures of child abuse within theCatholic church have anything to do with us as Seventh-day Adventists?If you say no, think again! In recent newspapers you are boundto find stories about the Roman Catholic Church. It likely will nameyet another priest who has either been accused, arrested, or hasadmitted to sexual abuse of children—young people whose parentsrespected their church and its pastors, but whose lives were devastatedby their experiences. Or it will focus on churchadministrators—bishops, cardinals, monsignors alike—who have failed bycovering up or looking the other way when they should have acted. Itis easy to feel a little smug over all the media frenzy. You may think,“That wouldn’t happen in our church.” Unfortunately, you would bewrong. While there are some challenges that are unique to the RomanCatholic Church, we’d better remember the old adage, “There but for thegrace of God go I.” Sexual abuse in the church does happen! Thetruth is that sexual abuse in churches, including Seventh-day Adventistchurches, does happen. Sexual abuse is not just a Catholic problem. Nordid the media or the courts create the problem. Rather, they haveresponded because the church did not do its job of protecting people,particularly children. There is at least one study that clearlyindicates there are many adult survivors in the Seventh-day Adventistchurch who can attest to this (Family Crisis, SECC Family Ministries Study, 1993). Childrenin church settings may be exposed to sexual abuse because the church byits nature is a welcoming organization. We Christians talk much aboutlove and forgiveness and grace, as well we should! At one time we sang,“Whosoever will may come.” All true. But what that tells a sexualpredator is that the church is an easy place to find victims. Furthermore,most churches are more concerned about protecting their image, eitherin the community or in the media, than in protecting their children.What is happening in the Catholic Church is a glaring example. Mostchurches, including our own, have been guilty of moving an abusivepastor to another church or conference rather than addressing theissue. The responsibility of conferences in these cases is clear. Ourthird failure happens when we have failed to take seriously the voicesof children in this matter. The common remark among adults is, “Well,you know, children can lie.” But empirical evidence is clear that the“lie rate” of children on this issue is slim to none. So what must we do? How can we protect the children of our church from sexual abusers in the church? Here are some guidelines: a) Keep your eyes open. Predators do not come with horns and a tail. They may be very charming, friendly people b) Believe the children. If they tell you about something that has happened inappropriately, take it very seriously. c) Pick and choose carefully.Do not allow anyone to work with children and youth unless they havebeen members for at least six months to a year, no matter how willingthey are or how well they play a guitar. d) Screen everyone who works with children and youth.Forms are available that ask for references. The references should becontacted. The church leadership should interview all candidatesworking with children. Materials are available to do this process witha minimum of effort. e) Be proactive. Train volunteersworking with children and youth about proper boundaries and behaviorthat will not only protect children but also the reputation of thevolunteer. f) Set up a protocol for each congregation that includes all of the above. You must take seriously the protection of the children It is your most sacred trust. g) Follow the protocol! h) Educate the congregation about these issues. What if the unthinkable happens? What if a child is molested by someone in your church? What should be done? 1. Report the incident to a child protective agency immediately, followed by a written report within 36 hours. Pastors, teachers and many other professionals must do this by law! If the child is in imminent danger, call the police. 2. Remember that this sort of abusive behavior does not change without intervention. 3.If the perpetrator happens to be the pastor, also call the localconference administration and/or human resources department as soon aspossible. 4. If there is a person in the congregationwho has molested children, do not place them in a leadership position,or church office. This provides credibility that will make iteasier to victimize children. In fact, someone in a congregation shouldbe assigned to observe any accused predator at all times and all churchfunctions. You should tell that person that it is for the protection ofchildren and for the protection of the perpetrator against furtheraccusations. While behavior cannot be controlled outside the church andits functions, it will serve to protect the church, its members and itschildren. Finally, remember well the words of Jesus. “If anyof you puts a stumbling block before one of these little ones whobelieve in me, it would be better for you if a great millstone werehung around your neck and you were thrown into the sea.” Put the safetyof children first, for "of such is the kingdom of heaven" (Mark 9:42). http://www.plusline.org/article.php?id=371 | |
原帖由 Guest from 61.240.15.x 於 2008-5-2 10:32 發表 都说基督教喜欢攀龙附凤,不要脸至极。今日又见识到了。 | |
哪天我们就要被屠杀尽了。。。 只是因为我们不信基督。。。 一如当年的行为又要发生了。。。 哎。。又一个原教旨出现了。。。 还有沙文兄。。别用英文资料 他们这方面不是很懂的 | |
牧師神父獻身教育,他們為了使孤兒比同齡的學童更早地明暸性教育,不辭勞苦地身體力行以實踐方式去親自教導他們,為国家培養不少楝樑。 明白了嗎? | |
一個國家的繁華又與你們祈禱有什麼關係? 基狗將乞討讀作祈禱,你讀錯字啦,基狗!!! | |
中國字當然不會用拼音字母 因為中文根本就不是標音語言! (實際上,漢字的羅馬語化本來就是有些災難性的後果) 難道信基督教,真可以信到連自己的文字都忘了(汗) 你認為古箏二胡全是基督徒發明的?(大苦笑) .......我總覺得二百年前中國的醫生是不該醫這傢伙的祖先... 原帖由 Guest from 61.240.15.x 於 2008-5-2 10:32 發表 救命。 中國的教育從來是有錢就請私人教師的 (不然唐代的女詩人哪裡跳出來?) 倒是一群想搞中國女人的傳教士搞出了純女校這種新鮮的概念來(苦笑) 還有,男女平等是基督教思想的一部分?拜託,回去再讀耶經一次。 原帖由 Guest from 61.240.15.x 於 2008-5-2 10:32 發表 如果自殖民時代開始出賣自己國家的軍事情報,法制,民生都可以是愛國的話 基督教,真的是愛國宗教。 | |
不知道游客兄知道 象形文字 (请问中国的拼音字母哪里来) 不知道游客兄知道 宫商角至余(古代5音,相当于现代音的do re 34音的半音 so si) (音乐的起源) 不知道游客兄知道 武则天。。。 (男女不平等的废除:女子学校建立) 不知道游客兄知道 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼 (孤儿院的建立) 不知道游客兄知道 神农尝百草 (医院的建立) 不知道游客兄知道 你现在脑中根植的那些仅存的善恶观念,是我们老祖宗那5000年都丢不掉的东西 (这一切都是受到基督教的文化影响,这是无可否认的事实) 不知道游客兄知道 美国在背后做了点什么事,关于阴谋论的说法,最近1个半月的股市过山车,就是某些集团背后的操作,让中国普通百姓来为他们的经济衰退来埋单。中国百姓,平白消失了自己辛苦积存的几百亿RMB (基督徒都是爱国的,每天为国家祷告为你们这些抵挡的人祷告.支持奥运为奥运祷告) 如果你能把这些都告诉我,那我信基督也无所谓了 | |
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原帖由 onlyaaaa 於 2008-5-2 11:51 發表 沙大侠 的 意思 : :::::::::: 牧師神父 非礼强奸 孤儿小童,甚至同性恋 http://m.exchristian.hk/forum/index.php?action=thread&tid=40&extra=page%3D1&page=1 Danke 原帖由 沙文 於 2008-5-2 12:20 發表 | |
乾隆世世代代信薩滿教,不見得和中國文化的天帝有甚麼關係 |