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eili 2008/7/8 23:06

[ 本帖最後由 eili 於 2008-12-24 12:54 編輯 ]
Jennifer 2008/7/9 01:00
let's get to the bottomline...how much does this "Sahaja Yoga" gonna cost me
if I wanna get resurrected & feel the Last Judgement on my fingertips?

Are u going to sell books, videos & introduce your "Yoga Master" to us in your next
HTBROKE1 2008/7/9 01:13
prussianz 2008/7/9 03:33
原帖由 eili 於 2008-7-8 23:06 發表
Get your Resurrection, and perform The Last Judgment, and eventually fix your seat in The Kingdom of God.

我知道有“闲聊”这个版面,因为我会发表一些( ...

sorry , 'r u Christian ?? 'r u preching CHristiannity ??

cheers ThANK ye

prussianz 2008/7/9 03:35
原帖由 eili 於 2008-7-8 23:06 發表
Get your Resurrection, and perform The Last Judgment, and eventually fix your seat in The Kingdom of God.

我知道有“闲聊”这个版面,因为我会发表一些( ...

any way , welcome , welcome aboard

hi !!!! hi good morning

prussianz 2008/7/9 03:38
原帖由 eili 於 2008-7-8 23:06 發表
Get your Resurrection, and perform The Last Judgment, and eventually fix your seat in The Kingdom of God.

我知道有“闲聊”这个版面,因为我会发表一些( ...

sorry , too many text in 1 pop ,

i'dlike2suggest u to post it in severral posts , a little bit by a little bit ,

prussianz 2008/7/9 03:39
原帖由 eili 於 2008-7-8 23:06 發表
Get your Resurrection, and perform The Last Judgment, and eventually fix your seat in The Kingdom of God.

我知道有“闲聊”这个版面,因为我会发表一些( ...

by the way , sorry can not type it out in Chinese , sorry ThANK ye

eili 2008/7/9 03:59
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-7-9 03:38 發表

sorry , too many text in 1 pop ,

i'dlike2suggest u to post it in severral posts , a little bit by a little bit ,

No, it is better to put in one post, because this whole post is a complete concept.

The main purpose of Bible is just to tell people about "Resurrection" and "Last Judgment". That's all.

Other things in Bible can be ignored, we don't have time to read so much information. Other reason is, frankly speaking, the Bible has been  surviving for over 2000+ years, but so many people have been writting their own paragraph into the Bible, why should we blindly believe  in every words published in the Bible?

Who has authorized those guys to write? Who has authorized those guys to explain what has been written? Are the explanations useful?

Not worth the time spending to read the whole Bible and argue with each other. Just pick the useful section and make good explanations to the public will do the job of Jesus Christ.


[ 本帖最後由 eili 於 2008-7-9 04:22 編輯 ]
eili 2008/7/9 04:17
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-7-9 03:33 發表

sorry , 'r u Christian ?? 'r u preching CHristiannity ??

cheers ThANK ye

No, I am preaching Sahaja Yoga. In Sahaja Yoga we have the correct interpretation of some vital aspect in Bible. Just some, not all, because only a small portion in the Bible is useful to modern people.

I am an honest guy and I will spend the less amount of time to spread some useful messages to allow people to re-gain confidence in God/Divine.

But yes, even though I am not a priest, but I will direct you to some other religion, namely, Sahaja Yoga, if you would like to join.


[ 本帖最後由 eili 於 2008-7-9 04:21 編輯 ]
匿名 2008/7/9 08:54
又一New age movement的推行者~
HTBROKE1 2008/7/9 11:55
原帖由 Guest from 203.198.33.x 於 2008-7-9 08:54 發表
又一New age movement的推行者~

eili 2008/7/11 04:04
原帖由 Guest from 203.198.33.x 於 2008-7-9 08:54 發表
又一New age movement的推行者~

其实霎哈嘉瑜伽 (Sahaja Yoga) 是要用最简单、最快速的方式让“聖灵的火焰“从头顶升起,跟着就能通过每天静坐来培养手指头上的感觉能力,来感觉自己或他人的身体、头脑有些什么毛病,而且对修身养性、戒烟戒酒戒色大有帮助,因为是個人变得不执着,将一切交给神来帮忙。我们可以重新认识到人体不过是上天行事的工具,所以能静观一切,而且我们的注意力变得很有力量。


[ 本帖最後由 eili 於 2008-7-11 04:29 編輯 ]
prussianz 2008/7/11 05:27
原帖由 eili 於 2008-7-11 04:04 發表

其实霎哈嘉瑜伽 (Sahaja Yoga) 是要用最简单、最快速的方式让“聖灵的火焰“从头顶升起,跟着就能通过每天静坐来培养手指头上的感觉能力,来感觉自己或他人的身体、头脑有些什么毛病,而且对修身养性、戒烟戒酒戒色大有 ...

sorry , there'r so many an ,,,,,Only-God"""" ,

your God = 基教God ??


but ,
n'o matter whatsoever ,
i welcome ye
me welcome thee

eili 2008/7/11 05:46
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-7-11 05:27 發表

sorry , there'r so many an ,,,,,Only-God"""" ,

your God = 基教God ??


but ,
n'o matter whatsoever ,
i welcome ye
me welcome thee

不过现在那个聖灵下凡,就是Jesus的母亲,现在称为Shri Mataji,她来教我们 Sahaja Yoga.
As simple as that.

现在Jesus的母亲来,把这个事情(Last Judgment)做完。

That's all.


[ 本帖最後由 eili 於 2008-7-11 05:57 編輯 ]
prussianz 2008/7/11 06:38
原帖由 eili 於 2008-7-11 05:46 發表

不过现在那个聖灵下凡,就是Jesus的母亲,现在称为Shri Mataji,她来教我们 Sahaja Yoga.
As simple as that.

两千多年前Jesus来,作一些事情来为这个时候(Resurre ...

不过现在那个聖灵下凡,就是Jesus的母亲,现在称为Shri Mataji,她来教我们 Sahaja Yoga.

'r u like Manichaeism明教 , to blend the differrent religions into 1 ??

cheers ThANK ye

匿名 2008/7/11 07:21
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-7-9 03:38 發表

sorry , too many text in 1 pop ,

i'dlike2suggest u to post it in severral posts , a little bit by a little bit ,

glad that you mention about this.
if you've been in other forums, most of the time double posting is strictly prohibited.
posts scattering all over the place is not only disturbing, but also confusing and unnecessary.
for the sake for your readers and others in xca, will you please be aware of that.
please try to organize your thoughts and reply in one single post, instead of flooding every topic you response to.
eili 2008/7/12 13:57
原帖由 prussianz 於 2008-7-11 06:38 發表

'r u like Manichaeism明教 , to blend the differrent religions into 1 ??

cheers ThANK ye

What is Manichaeism明教 ?

Anyway, the reason that we can "blend in all kind of concepts", is because all the "Gods" are all related, they came to become human at different time , so that they can do the most appropriate things for the people born at that time....
prussianz 2008/7/12 15:51
原帖由 eili 於 2008-7-12 13:57 發表

What is Manichaeism明教 ?

Anyway, the reason that we can "blend in all kind of concepts", is because all the "Gods" are all related, they came to become human at different time , so that they can  ...

sorry , u dont know 明教 ??

any way
eili 2008/7/12 17:13
don't know what is 明教. what good things have they done?
prussianz 2008/7/12 19:05
原帖由 eili 於 2008-7-12 17:12 發表
don't know what is 明教. what good things have they done?

have u seen any 倚天屠龍記 ??

[ 本帖最後由 prussianz 於 2008-7-12 19:07 編輯 ]
河馬先生 2008/7/12 19:35
先得到重生(Resurrection),然后再进行最后审判(Last Judgment)Get your Resurrection, and perform The Last Judgment, andeventually fix your seat in The Kingdom of God.


我也想打繁体字,可是要花一些时间用Linux+scim+chewing装好,下次再搞。如果Google Pinyin 有出 Linux 版就好了。




神爱世人,可是要怎样接近神?我最近才发现了我学到的方法是最正确的。因为我马上就得到重生(Resurrection),然后我马上进行最后审判(Last Judgment)


家里的信仰是烧香、拜佛、拜观音,然后有空的时候念一念心经、大悲咒。2005年在香港认识了霎哈嘉瑜伽Sahaja Yoga / Sahaj Yoga),就是那个整天叫人家静坐、用印度瑜伽的方法对着一张相片静坐、不要想东西(跟有目的的冥想完全不一样,是完全没有目的的静坐),要天人合一,



Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. 霎哈嘉瑜伽是最后的审判。

- 天父、聖子、聖灵之间的关系
The ......

[ 本帖最後由 河馬先生 於 2008-7-12 19:37 編輯 ]
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