________________________________________ Prayer of Manasseh O Lord, Almighty God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and of their righteous seed; who hast made heaven and earth, with all the ornament thereof; who hast bound the sea by the word of thy commandment; who hast shut up the deep, and sealed it by thy terrible and glorious name; whom all men fear, and tremble before thy power; for the majesty of thy glory cannot be borne, and thine angry threatening toward sinners is importable: but thy merciful promise is unmeasurable and unsearchable; for thou art the most high Lord, of great compassion, longsuffering, very merciful, and repentest of the evils of men. Thou, O Lord, according to thy great goodness hast promised repentance and forgiveness to them that have sinned against thee: and of thine infinite mercies hast appointed repentance unto sinners, that they may be saved. Thou therefore, O Lord, that art the God of the just, hast not appointed repentance to the just, as to Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, which have not sinned against thee; but thou hast appointed repentance unto me that am a sinner: for I have sinned above the number of the sands of the sea. My transgressions, O Lord, are multiplied: my transgressions are multiplied, and I am not worthy to behold and see the height of heaven for the multitude of mine iniquities. I am bowed down with many iron bands, that I cannot life up mine head, neither have any release: for I have provoked thy wrath, and done evil before thee: I did not thy will, neither kept I thy commandments: I have set up abominations, and have multiplied offences. Now therefore I bow the knee of mine heart, beseeching thee of grace. I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and I acknowledge mine iniquities: wherefore, I humbly beseech thee, forgive me, O Lord, forgive me, and destroy me not with mine iniquites. Be not angry with me for ever, by reserving evil for me; neither condemn me to the lower parts of the earth. For thou art the God, even the God of them that repent; and in me thou wilt shew all thy goodness: for thou wilt save me, that am unworthy, according to thy great mercy. Therefore I will praise thee for ever all the days of my life: for all the powers of the heavens do praise thee, and thine is the glory for ever and ever. Amen. ________________________________________ http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kjv/browse.html | |
01全能之主啊﹗ 我們父親的上帝〔天主〕﹐ 亞伯拉罕〔阿巴郎〕的上帝〔天主〕﹐ 以撒〔依撒格〕的上帝〔天主〕﹐ 雅各〔雅各伯〕的上帝〔天主〕﹐ 列祖後嗣的上帝〔天主〕﹒ 02你創造了宇宙﹐及其光輝的一切﹒ 03大海服從你的命令﹐從不溢出域外﹒ 你那奇異的力量﹐ 你那榮耀的威名﹐鎮住了海底探淵﹐使其各守本位﹒ 04你一顯示力量﹐萬物盡皆發抖﹒ 05 你那燦爛的光輝﹐蓋世融融﹐ 你那無比的憤怒﹐罪犯難熬﹒ 06然而你許下的憐憫﹐益發偉大﹐超過我們的理解力﹐高深莫測﹒ 07你乃至高之主﹐你寬容忽耐﹐顯示憐憫與同情﹒當我們因罪 受刑時﹐你減輕對我們的懲罰﹐使其易於忍受﹒ 啊﹗主啊﹗在你大慈大悲中﹐你向那些悔罪者﹐許下寬恕與救助﹒ 08你這位主啊﹗乃是義人的上帝〔天主〕﹒ 對於亞伯拉罕﹒以撒和雅各來說﹐懺悔是多餘的﹐因為他們沒有 得罪你﹒可是對於像我這樣的罪犯﹐你才使得﹐懺悔成為可行﹒ 09我犯的罪孽呀﹗超過海邊的沙粒﹒ 主啊﹗它們如此之多呀﹒它們如此之多﹒憶往昔﹐ 我荒謬絕倫﹒ 我不配仰望蒼天﹒ 10自身的罪孽呀﹗將我壓垮﹔其沉重的鐵鏈呀﹗令我低首躬身﹒ 我曾使你發怒﹐因此我找不到救助﹒ 我曾到能處豎偶像﹐我曾做事令你恨﹒ 11可是現在呀﹗在深深的謙恭中﹐我鞠躬禱告﹐祈求你的憐憫﹒ 12主啊﹗我犯過罪呀﹗我犯過罪﹔我懺悔往昔的惡行﹒ 13主啊﹗我求求你﹐我誠心誠意地禱告﹒ 饒了我吧﹐ 饒了我吧﹒ 切莫因我之罪滅我之身﹐ 切莫恨我無休止﹐ 切莫儲存對我的懲罰﹒ 請不要判我歸陰﹐啊﹗主啊﹗你赦免悔罪的人﹒ 14求你將寬恕憐憫﹐賜給我吧﹐救救我吧﹐儘管我愧對於此﹒ 15此生此世啊﹗ 我要永遠讚美你﹒ 全體天軍唱讚歌﹐齊聲讚美你﹐ 你的榮耀啊﹗萬古長存﹒ 阿門﹒ http://www.1lord.net/ap03.html |