今次再給大家分享 50 個你要信主的理由,希望大家喜歡。 01. God is obvious 02. Almost everybody on Earth is religious 03. Faith is a good thing 04. Archaeological discoveries prove that God exists 05. Only God can make me feel significant 06. Atheism is just another religion 07. Evolution is bad 08. Our world is too beautiful to be an accident 09. God created the universe 10. Believing in God makes me happy 11. Better safe than sorry 12. The Holy Bible proves God is real 13. Divine justice proves God is real 14. God answers prayers 15. I would rather worship God than the devil 16. God heals sick people 17. Anything is better than being an atheist 18. God made the human body 19. God sacrificed his only son for me 20. Atheists are jerks who think they know everything 21. I don't lose anything by believing in God 22. I didn't come from a monkey 23. I don't want to go to hell 24. I feel God when I pray 25. I need God to protect me 26. I want eternal life 27. Without God we would have no sense of right and wrong 28. God makes me feel like I am part of something bigger than myself 29. My religion makes more sense than all the others 30. God changes lives 31. Intelligent design proves God is real 32. Millions of people can't be wrong about my religion 33. Miracles prove God is real 34. Religion is beautiful 35. Some very smart people believe in God 36. Ancient prophecies prove God exists 37. No one has ever disproved the existence of God 38. People have gone to heaven and returned 39. Religion brings people together 40. God inspires people 41. Science can't explain everything 42. Society would fall apart without religion 43. My religion is so old, it must be true 44. Someone I trust told me that God is real 45. Atheism is a negative and empty philosophy 46. Believing in a God doesn't hurt anyone 47. The earth is perfectly tuned to support life 48. Believing is natural so God must be real 49. The end is near 50. It must be true and it is true | |
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I like these 50 great reasons. What a wonderful world if these reasons are true. | |
中文呀中文!! | |
按「翻譯」吧。 ![]() | |
50. It must be true and it is true 不如你講下你有無信? 同埋你既理由係咩.. 我好想信架.. 我送多個理由俾你: It must not be false and it is not false. you like it? | |
These 50 reasons are beautiful, they are so touching deep down to my heart. I am glad that you all like them. 50. It must be true and it is true Yeah! I buy this one without reservation. This is what we called "Faith". | |
真的假不了,假的真不了? | |
最強烈既信. 應該係無 reason 的. 正如你愛既女人(i guess u are male), 愛就係愛,無理由的. 係唔係? | |
Hi, 大家好,又係我 android 呀。 今次再給大家分享 50 個你要娶老婆的理由,希望大家喜歡。 1,娶個老婆好暖被窩。 2,娶老婆為了洗衣做飯。 3,娶老婆是為了傳宗接代。 4,娶老婆是為了證明自己是個男人。 5,娶老婆是為了孝敬父母。 6,娶老婆是為了性需要。 7,娶老婆是為了履行做男人的義務。 8,娶老婆是為了履行社會責任。 9,娶老婆是為了報恩。 10、娶老婆是不想再聽周圍人的嘮叨了。 11、娶老婆是找一個吵架的對手,有時還可當出氣筒,還有人包辦家務! 12、娶老婆是為了賭氣。 13、娶老婆是為了找個能管自己的人。 14、娶老婆是為了沖喜。 15、娶老婆是為了有個人疼愛。 16、娶老婆是為了可憐她。 17、娶老婆是為了升官發財。 18、娶老婆是被逼的。 19、娶老婆是為了消災。 20、娶老婆是為了旺夫。 21、算命先生算的。 21、肚子搞大了,不娶她不行。 22、娶老婆是因為喜歡小孩。 23、她是最好的選擇,她是我能遇到的最愛我的人! 24、因為她太漂亮了。 25、禁不住誘惑,一失足成千古恨。 26、她很善良、溫柔。 27、談朋友談了好多年,不娶她心裏過意不去。 28、為了多分房屋。 29、結婚是為了完成任務。 30、結婚是履行手續而已。 31、結婚是表明自己想當家長,做爸爸。 32、娶老婆是表明自己改邪歸正。 33、結婚是因為沒有玩伴了。 34、結婚是證明自己有了事業。 35、娶她就是為了報復她。 36、結婚是為了有個名分,光明正大地同居。 37、結婚可以從父母身上撈錢化。 38、結婚是為了父母的財產。 39、因為媒婆太熱心,為了不讓她失望才打算結婚的人。 40、結婚是因為吃醋吃的。 41、領導介紹的物件,不結婚說不過去。 42、為了好做生意,攀個親戚才結婚的。 43、結婚是被緋聞鬧的。 44、結婚是被她設計陷害的。 45、因為追求她的男人多,我娶她證明我有魅力。 46、組織安排的,沒辦法才結婚的。 47、孩子都要生了,只好結婚。 48、一輩子沒簽過合同,所以要找個女人簽個雇傭合同。 49、家裏親戚太少了,找個老婆多一幫人。 50、以上理由必定是真的,而且它是真的。 | |
與愛無關係,好! ![]() | |
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點解愛一個人唔需要理由, 就等於信主唔需要理由? 愛人同信主有咩關係?? 主是什麼? 又唔係人, 何來信? 連存唔存在都証實唔到. 你會唔會信一棵樹? 你信唔信空氣? | |
有o的咁先進的技術 ? 厲害! |