而太陽是以每秒220km的速度朝向"天鵝座方向" 運動 那是說假如一架太空船能夠站在太空裡不動, 不受引力移動. 那麼這架太空船便是以高速每小時108,000公里離開地球. 計算埋太陽的公轉, 或許能計算出有一個適合的時間, 太空船一直站著原地不動, 最終可能會很快地接近公轉中的冥王星. 銀河系一直也在轉動著, 或許太空船能夠站著不動, 便是最快速度到達另一個太陽系的方法. 大家明白我的意思嗎? | |
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只是幻想吧了, 科學家應該不會當真吧. | |
假如沒有了幻想,我估計沒有今天的科學成就吧。 | |
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What about moment of inertia? By the way, all velocity is relative. | |
定不如咁. 最快速度到達另一個太陽系的方法.. 不如改名. 一改名就可以. 呢個會更快一點. 叫什麼也可以. | |
The poster is into pseudo-science. Don't get all serious about it. How do you get away from gravitational force? Simple, get a greater force in the opposite direction. P.S. Even light (non-matter) bends under gravitational force of black holes. -------------- The typical science fiction answer is trying to travel in fifth-dimension, i.e. wormhole, theroactically. As gravitational force is creating a curvature in space, it may be possible for two different space-time to touch on itself (like folding paper to a point when two different point on paer touch). There, we can space jump, in theory. |