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【本報綜合外電報導】天主教教宗本篤十六世十日重申,梵諦岡羅馬天主教會在基督教世界中的至尊地位,其他基督教會都不是完美的教會,甚至不是真正的教會。這是教宗本篤十六世在一周內第二度修正梵諦岡第二次會議的「錯誤詮釋」。 本篤十六世十日在他以前所主持的信仰教義部辦公室批准發布一項文件,重申羅馬天主教與其他基督教會之間正確關係的教示。儘管文件中並未增加新教條,仍引發新教、路德宗和其他基督教派批評。 世界改革教會聯盟發表聲明「我們要質問羅馬天主教會、改革教會大家庭及其他教會大家庭對話的嚴肅性。」該聯盟團結全球一百零七國、兩百一十四個教會組織,共約七千五百萬教友。 一九六二年至一九六五年的梵諦岡第二次會議,促使教會革新與現代化,其最主要成果是普世教會的拓展。 本篤十六世上周六提倡拉丁文彌撒,他說,拉丁文彌撒並未廢除,主教們誤解了梵諦岡第二次會議決議,拒絕拉丁文彌撒。傳統的天主教社區對教宗的說法表示讚賞,而自由主義的天主教徒認為,這是開時代的倒車。 http://www.merit-times.com.tw/list.asp?unid=54321 Pope insists other churches not true Wed, July 11, 2007 By JOE MATYAS, SUN MEDIA AND NEWS SERVICES The Pope is on vacation today, which may be a relief to some after a provocative declaration about the primacy of the Roman Catholic Church. Benedict stirred the Christian world yesterday, approving a document that says other Christian denominations are defective or not true churches and Catholicism provides the only true path to salvation. It was the second time in a week he's corrected what he says are erroneous interpretations of the Second Vatican Council, the 1960s meetings that modernized the church. On Saturday, Benedict revived the old Latin Mass -- a move cheered by Catholic traditionalists, but criticized by liberals as a step backward. Yesterday's document brought swift criticism from some Protestant leaders. "It makes us question whether we are . . . praying together for Christian unity," said the World Alliance of Reformed Churches, a fellowship of 75 million Protestants. Some Protestants at the extreme evangelical end of the Anglican spectrum accused Rome of a "lust for power." The document was released by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. "Christ established here on Earth only one church," the document said, adding others "cannot be called churches in the proper sense" because they lack apostolic succession -- the ability to trace their roots to Christ's original apostles. While some Protestants criticized the document, others lauded its honesty while expressing disappointment. "It's definitely going to bring a chill down on the ecumenical movement on the official level," said Rev. William Cliff of Huron University College in London. "But I don't think it's going to hurt it on the ground. We no longer live in a world where Catholic kids don't talk to Protestant kids." Cliff said the Latin mass and Congregation of Faith statements were examples of the Pope saying the reforms of the Second Vatican Council have been interpreted too liberally. " I don't think he was comfortable with how far the reforms went," said Cliff. By loosening the rules for the traditional Latin mass and reasserting the primacy of the church, the Pope has moved to bring Catholics who balked at reforms "back home," he said. About 600,000 followers of French Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre have been at odds with Rome since the new liturgy was introduced in 1970. Shawn Tribe of London, whose New Liturgical Movement website has had 1.5 million hits in two years, said he believes the Pope is trying to achieve unity between traditional and contemporary Catholics by allowing the classical Latin mass more latitude. http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/News ... 11/4330125-sun.html | |
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原帖由 沙文 於 2007-7-13 09:26 發表 真係豈有此理, 山舨充炮艇... 我地一於以老大為首 拉馬去溝哂路德會d基女 等佢以後搵唔到男教徒入教! 幫本篤爺一把, 話唔定可以升官發財! | |
不如換個表達方式, "我都好有興趣想知道教宗大爺用甚麼思路去這樣推斷" | |
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老大就講得冇錯啦 老大你立即點兵啦 一於組隊去搵基女吟詩 | |
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當然,最值得留意的,是發表這個信息的<太陽報>;這份英文報章一向以言論出位見稱,不是一份主流報紙。 | |
原帖由 酒井明 於 2007-7-13 23:28 發表 咁米即係同摩門教一樣? | |
華盛頓時報得啦卦? http://washingtontimes.com/apps/ ... EIGN/107100077/1001 CBC得啦卦? http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2007/07/10/vatican-church.html 波士頓郵報得啦卦? http://www.boston.com/news/world ... hes/?p1=MEWell_Pos5 | |
http://www.vatican.va/roman_curi ... to-responsa_en.html | |
達賴喇嘛比教宗更受德國人歡迎 【2007/07/14 19:18 報導 】 德國一項民調顯示,達賴喇嘛比教宗〔本篤十六世〕更受德國人歡迎。 德國〔明鏡周刊〕調查顯示,44受訪者認為達賴喇嘛是他們的榜樣,但只有4成2受訪者認為教宗是他們的榜樣。 報導說,尤其是年輕、教育程度比較高的德國人更喜歡達賴喇嘛。他們認為達賴喇嘛教導人們如何生活。 被問到〔哪個種宗教是最和平的宗教〕時,4成3選擇佛教,4成1選擇基督教,只有百分之1選擇回教。 達賴喇嘛7月19號抵達到德國訪問十天。他將在〔漢堡網球場〕發表演講,還將參加一場佛教國際會議。 http://www.bcc.com.tw/news/newsview.asp?cde=499087 | |
不過呢,真係要提一提大家:佢地其實係唔鐘意我地叫佢做摩門教架!佢地好討厭摩門教呢個名,因為呢個名係黎自自稱正統o既耶教教會用黎歧視佢地o既稱呼(真架!)。而且,[摩門教]只係強調緊響四世紀時一個先知o既名字Mormon,亦都唔符合佢地o既宗教理念。 佢地叫自己做[後期聖徒],教會就叫做[耶穌基督後期聖徒教會],簡單D用英文,就叫做LDS Church。 | |
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原帖由 沙文 於 2007-7-15 13:56 發表 係咪同拉青格嘅國家社會主義背景有關?? | |
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信徒是基督徒,「耶穌基督後期聖徒」只是派別,就好個「浸會」一樣 | |
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改過只因你視自己的譯本為對。 見他們的聖經 http://scriptures.lds.org/ 也有答你問題的 http://www.jefflindsay.com/LDSFAQ/FQ_Bible.shtml [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-7-19 14:04 編輯 ] |
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