香 港 社 會 「 潮 拜 」 訴 求 , 市 民 凡 有 不 滿 必 然 竭 力 表 達 意 願 。 加 上 黨 派 之 爭 興 盛 , 港 人 更 練 就 「 口 舌 神 功 」 , 連 特 首 都 是 「 口 下 敗 將 」 , 港 人 無 不 愛 「 訴 」 如 命 。 今 番 遇 上 「 斌 仔 」 個 案 , 港 人 罕 有 地 手 足 無 措 , 啞 口 無 言 。 全 身 癱 瘓 的 斌 仔 多 年 來 飽 受 「 不 能 站 立 行 走 , 自 由 呼 吸 」 以 及 「 被 長 期 照 料 下 產 生 的 自 卑 和 內 疚 感 」 的 煎 熬 , 以 致 近 年 不 得 不 向 「 安 樂 死 」 招 手 。 斌 仔 自 言 他 並 非 要 宣 傳 消 極 意 念 , 只 是 外 人 無 法 明 白 他 的 痛 苦 和 家 人 的 辛 酸 , 活 下 去 , 是 將 痛 苦 硬 性 地 延 續 下 去 。 港 人 聞 之 , 暗 暗 垂 淚 , 他 們 已 經 被 斌 仔 的 苦 況 感 動 了 , 然 而 , 他 們 又 不 敢 公 開 支 持 斌 仔 的 想 法 , 因 為 一 直 在 「 香 港 精 神 不 死 」 口 號 下 成 長 的 香 港 人 , 不 會 支 持 死 刑 , 更 不 會 支 持 「 安 樂 死 刑 」 。 道 德 , 令 港 人 手 足 無 措 。 失 去 了 死 的 自 由 生 命 可 貴 , 那 尊 嚴 呢 ? 斌 仔 只 是 一 個 普 通 人 , 他 無 法 承 受 這 種 沒 有 個 人 私 隱 、 活 ![]() 斌 仔 說 他 連 死 的 自 由 也 失 去 了 , 這 句 話 有 點 天 真 , 或 者 只 是 一 句 氣 話 , 一 個 人 可 以 完 全 把 握 的 自 由 , 就 是 死 的 自 由 。 斌 仔 究 竟 還 可 以 支 撐 多 久 呢 ? 其 實 他 的 人 生 結 局 已 經 可 以 預 見 , 然 而 , 那 將 是 一 個 可 悲 的 畫 面 。 斌 仔 會 否 成 為 香 港 史 上 的 「 安 樂 死 烈 士 」 呢 ? 敢 言 如 我 , 也 只 是 用 了 「 疑 問 句 式 」 , 用 句 號 的 決 定 , 實 在 過 於 沉 重 。 葉 盛 生 [ 本帖最後由 酒井明 於 2007-8-7 00:57 編輯 ] | |
Sam Sullivan Sullivan is also known for his advocacy on behalf of the physically disabled. Sullivan became quadriplegic after he broke his neck in a skiing accident at the age of 19. After a struggle with depression, he successfully completed a Bachelor of Business Administration degree at Simon Fraser University. Sullivan later founded six non-profit organizations dedicated to improving the quality of life for disabled people in North America. Though he is considered quadriplegic, Sullivan has retained the use of his hands and can thus write, use the telephone, and drive. In 2005, Sullivan was invested as a member of the Order of Canada by Governor General Adrienne Clarkson. Sullivan has also received the Terry Fox Award for national excellence and the Peter F. Drucker Award for Innovation. ————— Michelangelo Antonioni In 1985, Antonioni suffered a stroke, which left him partly paralyzed and unable to speak. However, he continued to make films, including Beyond the Clouds (1995), for which Wim Wenders filmed some scenes. As Wenders has explained, Antonioni rejected almost all the material filmed by Wenders during the editing, except for a few short interludes. They shared the FIPRESCI Prize at the Venice Film Festival with Cyclo. In 1996, he was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Academy Award. It was presented to him by Jack Nicholson. Months later, the statuette was stolen by burglars and had to be replaced. Previously, he had been nominated for Academy Awards for Best Director and Best Screenplay for Blowup. —————— Jesse Billauer Billauer suffered an accident at the age of 17 on March 25, 1996, hitting his head on a shallow sandbar after being knocked off his surfboard by a wave. The force broke his neck, severing his spinal cord at the C6 level and instantly rendered him a quadriplegic. Billauer eventually enrolled at San Diego State University, with an emphasis in communications. He graduated in 2002. He is also a motivational speaker, and is involved with a non profit foundation, "Life Rolls On." [1] Through this foundation, Jesse is taking a leading role in awareness and activism for spinal cord injury research, picking up where Christopher Reeve left off. In 2004 he won the 10News (San Diego) Leadership Award for his commitment to Life Rolls On Foundation. In 2005 Jesse became the first quadriplegic surfer to surf the dangerous waves of Cloudbreak in Fiji. The inaugural "Jesse's Story on Tour" speaking tour began in April 2006. This Tour has traversed the country and Jesse has delivered his message of Overcoming Adversity to over 40,000 people. In December 2006 Jesse broke his femur while surfing large waves on the North Shore of Oahu (Hawaii). This injury led to the development of improved equipment for disabled surfers. Jesse is recovered and back in the water surfing again. [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-8-7 09:55 編輯 ] | |
他要想一個問題... 這將不再是他自己的去留問題... | |
的確, 好睇個人... 雖然可能國外的配套整施和香港未必可相提並論... 但我想求生的態度是取決於個人的意志及想法多於一切 [ 本帖最後由 Paul 於 2007-8-7 12:34 編輯 ] | |
1. Humanism supports democracy and human rights. Humanism aims at the fullest possible development of every human being. It holds that democracy and human development are matters of right. The principles of democracy and human rights can be applied to many human relationships and are not restricted to methods of government. 4. Humanism insists that personal liberty must be combined with social responsibility. Humanism ventures to build a world on the idea of the free person responsible to society, and recognises our dependence on and responsibility for the natural world. Humanism is undogmatic, imposing no creed upon its adherents. It is thus committed to education free from indoctrination. 7.Humanism is a lifestance aiming at the maximum possible fulfilment through the cultivation of ethical and creative living. and offers an ethical and rational means of addressing the challenges of our times. Humanism can be a way of life for everyone everywhere. —————— 尊嚴嗎? ![]() ![]() ![]() 如果想話頂唔順,講就得,大家明白既。至於係唔係頂唔順就要死,係幾複雜的問題。 [ 本帖最後由 dye 於 2007-8-7 13:05 編輯 ] | |
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