acccc2 接下那位基督徒會淡淡的壹笑,回答那位店主說:"上帝自有安排,他在萬事都有時,神如何指引我(工作、傳福音),我便如何行(去做該做的)"。 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… "慘無人心"在理性看是。我的認識不是這洋。 我用壹個真實我親身經曆的事也講給妳聽。maypoi 十多年前,我自認爲關系非常不錯的壹家人,他本人在家排行老五(最小),他和我哥的關系更好,他們家兄弟子妹五人,當時我接受到福音才壹個多月,我因生存問題我要離開那裏,離開的前壹天,我在路上遇到那好友,便和他講起我如何得救(因我當時很慘,沒有活下去的勇氣)之事,讓他信主。話音剛落,那朋友(小五)便講,福音早在他大嫂生病時就有人傳福音,當時他大嫂信主,不多日他大嫂病逝了,他們家都不信了,無論說啥他們全家都不信,我算了壹下多少人,不多他父母、三個哥(嫂)、壹個姐(夫)還有他們的孩子再加他壹家是多少人?可以算出人數但也算不出人數。guoligen 通過這件事我開始思考三個問題: 1)是他大嫂當時的信心不夠嗎? 2)是上帝沒有能力? 3)是我們不知的那位正在忙碌的福音傳道人出了問題嗎?maycc123 這三個問題我沒有答案,那人大嫂(三十幾歲)也不是信上帝才會病逝。換個角度,如果她能多活壹段日子,她的家人再近壹步認識上帝會怎洋?留著思考。是不是上帝讓我學的工課我不知道(當然我會告訴我家人和孩子,我有什麽不幸叫他們不可放棄信靠上帝),明天有何事,是我們不能知道的,只有上帝知道。我確信神有指意給他的子民!ccmayy | |
什麼都是上帝安排? 下次被上帝安排被慕獅、神負、羞女雞姦強姦時 要不要哈路里亞,阿門一下?? 古哥新聞 上帝安排 慕獅神負羞女的禽獸行五千萬條報導 ... t+abuse&spell=1 今天的,一個德國牧師承認強姦三小孩280 次 German priest admits to 280 instances of child sex abuse Hand holding cross on chain Germany has been rocked by several clerical abuse scandals Germany's Catholic Church has been hit by another case of clerical sexual abuse, with a priest admitting to abusing three boys between the ages of 9 and 15 some 280 times since 2004. A Catholic priest admitted to a German court on Thursday that he sexually abused three boys over several years, amounting to a total of 280 cases. The priest, identified as 46-year-old Andreas L. from the city of Salzgitter in Lower Saxony, confessed to charges of sexually abusing the boys, who ranged from nine to 15 years old. The abuse began in 2004, he said. Instances of abuse occurred at a parsonage, on ski vacations, at the parents' home, on a trip to Disneyland in Paris and at a church shortly before Mass. The priest told the regional court in Braunschweig that while working as a chaplain in the same city in 2004, he began a close relationship with a widowed woman. When he was moved to Salzgitter, the woman's nine-year-old son often spent weekends with the man, who would take him on short trips away. The abuse occurred on several occasions, often three times per weekend. The suspect said it was not his intention to get close to the boy sexually, and that it never occurred to him that he was harming them. Pope's torso and hand with ring onPope Benedict XVI expressed 'deep regret' at a meeting with sex abuse victims in Germany"I did not have the impression that he didn't want it," he said. When the mother began to suspect her son's interactions with the priest were inappropriately close, she approached the diocese of Hildesheim, the priest's employer, which forbid further contact with the boy. Victims two and three The two other boys named as victims by the priest were brothers, and the abuse began under similar circumstances. When contact with them was also forbidden, the priest approached his first victim, then 17, who in turn told his mother about the abuse. The mother then went to the authorities, and the suspect was arrested last summer. The court set the maximum sentence for the priest at six and a half years. A long series of sexual abuse scandals involving Catholic priests in Germany is believed to have contributed to Germans leaving the Church in record numbers. Some 180,000 Germans renounced their Catholicism in 2010, up 40 percent from the previous year. Pope Benedict XVI met with victims of clerical sexual abuse during a visit to his native Germany in September, expressing his deep regret. The German Catholic Church faces some 600 claims for compensation because of abuse, and Berlin has set up a fund of 100 million euros ($128 million) to pay for the victims' therapy. |